This was posted 5 years 1 month 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Switch] Yoshi's Crafted World Digital Key $1 USD @ Target US

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Not sure if price error or simply too much stock but Target US has this for $1USD. Change Switch Eshop region to USA to redeem. Code is emailed almost instantly.

Credit to /uVanderLegion Reddit

Stock appears to be coming and going.

For instructions on creating a USA eshop account:…

It appears they've cottoned on and people's orders are being cancelled.

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Target US
Target US

closed Comments

  • -4


    No stock

    Bam ordered 30

  • Not in stock, doesn't allow to add to cArt.

  • Already out of stock that I can see.

  • +5
  • +1

    At first it said no stock but I refreshed and was able to buy it. Have no idea how to change regions but will figure it out.

    • Created a new user and linked it to a new American Nintendo account. Now downloading Yoshi's Crafted World. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Thanks. Worked for me.
    Got the download code. Don’t know if it works yet

    • got it too, just kept refreshing and it worked

      • I did.
        I’ve tried entering the code however doesn’t seem to recognise…

        • +1

          is your eshop USA region?

          • @t0087669: Not sure. I’ve changed the region in settings, system then americas

        • Try making a new Switch account and add it to your switch? You can have multiple accounts on the one device. Would be nice to have everything on one account though, for sure.

          • @themadman: Ok thank you.
            Created a new account in USA.
            Linked it through a new user and now downloading!

  • +2

    I was refreshing waiting for stock to come back, and set my store to a random one. Looked back, and it was available to add to cart.

    • Which store?

      • Might have been Waco? Didn't pay too much attention.

  • +4

    Other digital titles for $1
    Melbits World -…

    Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Piranha Plant Fighters Pass -…

    • The DLC may require US version smash bro…

  • Bought and recieved codes for yoshi and edith finch after numerous refreshes. Not bad for $3.

    • Can you see if it will let you re order Yoshi happy to pay you $5 for the drama

    • Hi, do you happen to have spare code for edith finch? Happy to buy

  • anyone got an extra code i can buy for $2? instant paypal transfer ;)

    • +1

      100% return on investment ;)

  • What a find OP, thanks!

  • Can't add to cart, kept refreshing in the last 15 mins, no dice - is it gone?

    • Seams to be gone :(

  • Isn't there something about not being able to switch off au shop region if you have account credit?

  • Dammit missed out on yoshi island got the others though.

  • Received my codes instantly!

    Does anyone know if a Hulu gift card would work too?

    • My experience is that you cant buy gift cards. I've tried buying itunes cards from there when they do %15 + off and my orders always get rejected. Surprised people have even been able to buy digital games. Would assume they would reject non us payment on everything.

  • Was able to get "Add to cart" after switching a few stores

    • How long ago did was it when you did it?

      • Same time I posted that comment.

    • Which store did you go to ?

      • +1

        I don't think it has anything to do with any specific store. I couldn't get anything when I keep refreshing on the browser, so I tried randomly selecting stores and finally got the button to come up.

  • Managed to buy one after setting the store to Denton.

    • Just checked it, and didn't work for me. I assume the store has nothing to do with it…

  • Anyone know a store that works?

    Can't seem to find one.

  • +1

    I managed to order, but haven't received the code yet. They'll probably cancel the order, but here's hoping!

    Edit: Dang. I was hoping to be proven wrong.

  • +4

    The Piranha Plant DLC works!

    Sign up to a US account online, then make a new profile on the Switch itself and link the two together. Then, open the eShop with the new US account and redeem the code there. The DLC will work with non-US copies of the game, which was the case with my copy.


  • Cheers OP. Got two codes by changing to LA area code

    • What’s that game about?

      • Google it?

      • +1

        It's better going into it not knowing. Fun game though. I played through it twice

  • Damn missed it. According to reddit comments you can buy additional copies if you go to your receipt email and reorder.

    • I don’t see the option for reorder though. Do you know?

  • +1

    Thanks OP, Yoshi worked for me earlier using the Augusta store for reference, got the other 2 also. Got all 3 codes via email instantly.

  • +3

    On a side note

    You get 300 coins for redeeming Yoshi, 100 coins for edith and 50 coins for melbits

    Meaning you make $2 on yoshi, edith is free and melbit is 50c ;-)

    • +1

      On another side note, if you don't have other plans, use that 150 coins to get Mutant Mudds Collection. It's a good game and is now on sale for only $1.49.

      • Slain: Back From Hell is also 2.99 down from 19.99 for the next 5 hrs

  • +1

    Missed it by 30 min! Just gonna have to keep trying I guess!

  • A reminder if you redeem Edith Finch, you'll also get 100 Gold Coins back (1 point = 1 cent).

    This means any game that's $1USD or less is free!

  • people are saying try changing store but sorry I can't see where you can do that?

    • In settings>system> region

      • There's no need to even change the console region.

        Instead - sign up to a US account online, then make a new profile on the Switch itself and link the two together. Then, open the eShop with the new US account and redeem the code there.

      • cheers woops I meant the Target store, but found it now - top left corner. None seem to be working for me for yoshi though

  • Got it using Factoria as the store. Thank you, OP!

    • Nooooo, that store is not working for me! (for Yoshi)

  • Worked perfectly for me. My store was Corpus Christi, TX.

    Use if you need more random ones.

    Created US Nintendo account, all worked and redeemed fine. Downloading now.

    Whole process was no more than 10 mins to start my download.

    Thanks OP!

    • +1

      Legend i managed to get 3 :) cheers chief!

  • Managed to still get one now, 90210 area code 'Woodlands Hills' Store.

    Good Luck.

    Quickly redeemed on my Yank account before any potential cancellation shennagains.
    Heh.. earned 300 gold points for redeeming. Net gain of 2USD

  • Worked for me, used Gardena location but it's probably just refreshing that does it

  • +1

    Just received an e-mail - they cancelled my order. Damn!

    • Same with myself. Managed to get Edith Finch and Smash Bros character though

      • Really? I just did it and received both games

        • Yeah. Did you use a VPN?

          • @JWHITE897130: Nope, paid with PayPal

    • Mine hasn't cancelled yet, but I haven't receieved any of the two games.

  • -6

    Thanks got 10.

    Edit: pls no cancel

    • aw man. pretty please can I've one? ;) I couldn't get Yoshi and now the seem to be onto it

  • anyone have a spare code

  • Nice find OP, missed it but great work!

  • I just reordered from the order summary page successfully for a couple of mates. Worked insantly.

    • +3

      Hey it's me ur friend

    • You wouldn't mind doing the same for could-be-mates, would you?

      • i can join in?? :D

      • You wouldn't steal a car would you? So why would you steal a movie? *dramatic music plays *

    • would also like to join in on this

    • If you can that'd be great cheers. If Edith finch runs out I can do the same for others

    • EDIT: Got one!

    • Reorder plus one here as well please

    • PM me mate

  • Please PM me if you have a spare Yoshi code!

    • And me!

  • Wasn't able to get Yoshi, but have the others in cart, will see how they go. Having doubts though considering some are saying they're getting cancellation emails.

  • I can reorder What Remains of Edith Finch if anyone needs it, just searching for a copy of Yoshi now!

    • Where do you see the reorder option?

      • Click VIEW ORDER DETAILS in the email and it will take you to the target website where you can click "reorder"

  • How you get 10 I’ve been getting 9 of everything :)

  • So, anyone's F5 key worn out like mine?

  • How are you lucky buggers getting to buy your codes!!?!?!?!!?

    Been trying for half an hour now, dozens of stores, using 3 different web broswers and nothing :(

    • same here, sigh looks like a hit or miss

  • Managed to snag What remains and a random game called Melbits World. Happy to reorder them both for a Yoshi code.

  • I can reorder Yoshi but orders are pending now.

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