This was posted 5 years 2 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Flying Power Energy Drink 250ml - $0.79 (Usually $0.99) @ ALDI

  • Available in Original or 99% Sugar Free
  • No preservatives
  • No artificial colours or flavours

Only my preference, but I prefer the taste of these over Red Bull.

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closed Comments

    • +10

      For the low, low price of 79 cents, you too can have kidney stones! Don't miss out, come in store today!

      • +2

        but fear, uncertainty, doubt spread through BS online is free
        no deal!

    • +3

      I don't drink energy drinks, coffee, tea or sugary drinks and got them.

      My friend is a heavy energy drink drinker and doesn't touch the Aldi ones says they don't have the same effect as Monster or Red Bull after trying for few weeks. I wouldn't know

      • +10…

        The ingredients of Flying Power and Red Bull are almost identical (including the same amount of caffeine, niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and taurine) so unlikely to be any 'stimulatory' difference between the two. Not sure about Monster though.

      • +6

        How much water are you drinking a day?

      • Just curious. Is passing kidney stones painfull?

        • My grandma had them. She had to undergo surgery.

        • +2

          Extremely painful.

        • +3

          When I had mine, it was like no one else in the world exists, just your pain lol.

      • Any reason? Genetics?

      • I don't mind them.
        Good taste for the coin.
        Can't really compare the effect.

    • +2

      lol have you been watching TT/ACA?

  • +1

    Do I get my money back if I still can't fly ? T&C please.

  • +4

    'Flying Power' energy drink is pretty decent. It's close enough for me to the taste of Red Bull, and at 79c it's a clear winner. Red Bull is usually sold for $2.50 a can and sometimes discounted as low as $1.50.

    The drink contains the maximum amount of caffeine permissible in Australia anyway. 80mg/250ml. No energy drink can contain more, regardless of what over hyped claims they make in their marketing.…

    "the maximum amount of caffeine they can contain is 320 mg per litre"

    • +2

      the maximum amount of caffeine they can contain is 320 mg per litre

      Funny how an iced coffee can easily get around this though.

      • +2

        Can you point us to the source of this information please? Interested to find out more.

        • +2

          I dont know why exactly it works that way but Ice Break Bold Espresso has 220mg per 500ml if you were looking for an example.

          • +1

            @Aildaris: I think the Norco Triple Shot has even more caffeine in it than that, although it's not as widely available so not sure exact details.

            Unsure how it escapes it, but it doesn't list the caffeine in the bottle, only the calcium and % caffeine.

    • +2

      coles summit is also another red bull 1:1, costs $1.30 though

    • Your sense of taste is better than mine, I can't tell the difference

  • +1

    good timing!
    NSW RFS is accepting energy drinks as donation

  • I can feel the heart palpitations coming on.

  • +1

    Is this the new every day price now? I should really buy a case when I get the chance (I love the tropical zero sugar flavour).

    • +1

      If you have soda stream. Big W has the xtreme syrup for about $6.

      • -1

        How much caffeine though?

        • +2

          80mg per serving. But would obviously vary based on how much syrup you use.

  • -1

    mmm nutritious

    • +14

      20% off is a good discount what are you on about?

    • +3

      Not happy with ~20% off..

    • -1

      Yet people are upvoting.

    • +2

      Buy 1000 units, you'll save $200.
      Will that make you happy?

  • +1

    I noticed these this morning. redesigned red and blue cans for 99c. Old stock for 79c
    My local also had Green & Yellow. Plus sugarfee versions of each.

    • What flavour is Green? I've never seen this…

      • +1

        says Guarana on the front. No actual flavour is given.

        I think it has hints of a sour apple taste, but my girlfriend thinks it tastes like bubblegum.

  • +6

    I never see these health concern comments on other energy drinks. Why do people only have a problem with Aldi fake redbull?

    • +1

      They are virtually identical, and if you like redbull these are a no brainer, as redbull are a rip-off.
      I try and avoid energy drinks generally, but much prefer 'V', wish they made a knock off of them.

    • +2

      There’s negativity on every food deal that’s junk food.

  • -6

    these are bad for your heart

    • +7

      so are pork rinds, homer.

      • Can probably argue pork rinds are good for you, keto or paleo or some crap like that.

    • +1

      But good for the brain

  • "I believe I can fly
    I believe I can touch the sky
    I think about it every night and day
    Spread my wings and fly away"

  • -1

    Budget price with budget taste. Red bull are still king of flavour in Australia imo.

    • +2

      Red Bull is my favourite, but in my opinion these are next best. I disagree about budget price budget taste. Not the same as Red Bull but pretty damn close. Some people might prefer these but yeah thats just opinion.

    • +1

      V Blue still decimates Red Bull anyday

      • +1

        V blue is way too sweet.

        • better value for money then :), add carbonated water
          but true somewhat, it is quite sweet but still drinkable.

          • @payton: More water means less caffeine which is the purpose of these things right?

            • @1st-Amendment: if you add the carbonated water yourself then you get the same amount of caffeine per can.
              Different story if the manufacturer is doing it. ie more water to fit the same amount of liquid in the can.

    • I personally find the flavoured varieties of all the other big energy drink makers (Rockstar, Mother, Monster) to be a lot tastier!

    • Nothing budget tasting about these.

      Red Bull > Flying Wings > Rockstar Original (black can) > Rockstar Watermelon (red can) > Monster Import (the resealable cans) > V Green > nothing else.

  • +1

    sugar free is better imo. they were out of stock of original or I would never have tried/thought so.

    • Agreed. Find the normal ones to be too sweet

  • +2

    Flying power hidden dragon

  • -1

    Energy drinks cause heart palpitations

  • If its 1:1 of Red Bull, fair chance it's possibly processed at same facility.

    For example, Aldi Merryfields Brown Sugar, Bundaberg Sugar and Coles Brown Sugar are all from the one machine, all are the same product, just different packaging.

  • Such a pity that Coles' version isn't sugar free. It's loaded with calories.
    I wish there was more companies doing v PURE.

  • bought a few from Aldi
    My God it has to be the most synthetic tasting energy drink ever.

    Its like an Aldi chemist in Deutschland somewhere was trying to synthesize a product without a basic sample to work with, something out of Krypton that they cannot get a hold of, so they had to insert a lot of substitutes.

  • I've never tasted an energy drink I didn't prefer to Red Bull. Disgusting taste. (edit: Actually I forgot. The coke energy drink. Urgh.)

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