First submission, please go easy on me.
This pretty good deal caught my eye the other day, thought I'd share..
Promotion will end midnight tomorrow. P&P costs seem to be location dependent.
First submission, please go easy on me.
This pretty good deal caught my eye the other day, thought I'd share..
Promotion will end midnight tomorrow. P&P costs seem to be location dependent.
What is a "ventus"??????
Didn't you know? It's closely related to a Strix and AORUS…. Didn't you learn anything at school?
Dude did you not go to school
I guess the new GPU are inbound soon.
And 50% faster at the same TDP. Expected 2020 H2.
What's tdp
Thermal design power, how much heat is generated under load. 50% performance increase at the same TDP is huge, it means less heat is generated (to get rid of via cooling) and usually means it requires less power under load.
@FamousSAS: Yeah it won't be more than 20% as usual. It will maybe be 50% increase in Ray tracing power, but other than that I imagine it's nothing but speculation hype.
@[Deactivated]: Yeah you're right, I was just using the 50% value reactor-au gave above. The hope will be the 30xx series will be cheaper than the 20xx series, so cheaper + 20% performance increase + lower TDP will be awesome.
TDP = Thermal Power Design = maximum power usage/requirement
@Phreebee: I see. Looks like we can expect quite a few interesting OC variants of new ones then… Hopefully it trickles down to mid range offering as well
Wow! Link?
Does anyone else feel we hype up the new series every year, and then every year its the same thing: Like 20% increase and the usual dilemma of is it enough of a bump to justify the expensive outlay of an upgrade.
You can blame clickbait websites like wccftech and its ilk that fabricate rumours into ‘news’ to feed an ever-hungry user base. People end up having unrealistic expectations as a result.
You’re really better off not upgrading every generation.
My prediction is we aren't getting close to 50% faster at the same TDP.
This is a great deal. Anyone want to buy me one?
Sure just send me the money and I'll grab u one.
Not bad but 3080ti is coming.
Even if someone was desperate to buy now, you'd probably be better off buying a 20602070 Super now and then upgrading later.
Agreed. My 4770K is starting to show a little age, It wont be a cheap year.
One of the big YouTube tech channels had a great video on the merits of older Intels in 2019/20 in the last week or so. Definitely showed the 4*** series justifying an upgrade. Sorry can't recall the channel though, I watch alot.
@anhquansei: I have a very similar CPU and am considering a similar upgrade. What GPU do you have and have you noticed significant improvements in gaming performance?
@ChillBro: I’ve gone from an i5-4460/Gtx970 to a 3700x/2080Super. On my X34P, my FPS has gone up by close to 3 times. It has been well worth the upgrade.
@ONEMariachi: Fair enough but that's mainly from getting a much better graphics card.
I was more curious as to whether there were any improvements from just upgrading the CPU but keeping the same GPU. I.e. if the 4770k was causing any bottlenecking.
@ChillBro: I did. I only upgraded the cpu. Well because my 4770k already running at 4.5GHz so I did not notice any improvement in gaming but holy molly in video editting task it was day and night. Like 4x faster. Playing call of duty my 3900x only stays at 10% anyway.
@ChillBro: That sorta depends on your GPU, resolution, game you're playing and fps you are targeting.
Hard to give an outright answer, but I recently upgraded cpu only from 3570k (OC'd to 4.5ghz) to 3800x but kept my 1070. For cpu intensive games like monster hunter world, I noticed that the frame rates were a lot smoother. No random stutters at all with the 3800x compared to my 3570k. I don't know about the average fps in other games, but that's something that you could probably look up benchmarks for. But I didn't notice any differences in other games that were substantial enough for me to notice
I'm running ultra wide at 1440p (60fps monitor), so I'm generally much more gpu bound on my 1070