• expired

[PC] Steam - Humble Choice January 2020 - $19.99/$29.99 AUD - Humble Bundle


The first Humble Choice of 2020 is here.

Depending on your plan you can choose a number of games from the following:

  • Middle Earth: Shadow of War
  • Graveyard Keeper
  • Dirt Rallye 2.0
  • Two Point Hospital
  • Street Fighter V
  • Unrailed
  • Bad North Jotunn Edition
  • Grip: Combat Racing
  • Mages of Mystralia
  • Trailmakers
  • Whispers of Machine
  • Fighting Herds

Classic plan (not available anymore) lets you pick 10 games.
Basic plan ($19.99) lets you pick 3 games
Premium ($29.99) lets you pick 9 games.


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closed Comments

  • +3

    12 games there whereas classic still only lets you claim 10, not all. Something to be aware of.
    Already reading on reddit about some folk who (for whatever reason) started claiming from the bottom up, and then missed out on Graveyard Keeper/Middle Earth once they hit 10.. =(

    • +21

      not being to able to count must be weird.

      • They probably assumed that the classic plan received all games.

        I thought that until I saw 12 games and only 10 available to me

    • +5

      Why would leave the best ones last to claim?

      • +2

        Vanessa Williams wondered the same thing

  • have prices gone up since I have last been on HumbleBundle? I remember it used to be $12USD, must of been side track with all the freebie EpicGames and catching up on what's in my library to have not heard the update.

    • They've turned it into a subscription service, you pay the price and get to add x number of games to the subscription.

      I had classic plan but I just cancelled. Despite how good it sounds, I'm not sure I'm actually gonna play these games, not with Game Pass and PS Plus.

      • +5

        i think it was worth it just to get grandfathered in at the old price.

        • +5

          I know but if I never play it, no price is good. I'm actually playing Forza Horizon 4 heaps which is part of Game Pass.

        • +1

          It is, but you can only pause-a-month I believe? So you've got to remember to pause it every month.. which I don't do :(

          • +4

            @aragornelessar: Yep you can just continue to pause months until they have something you want. That's all I'm doing now :)

            • +1

              @K1LL3R12: I've intended to pause for every month over the last 12 months as there's been nothing I wanted for yonks. I forget though and end up paying…

              But I wouldn't be an Ozbargainer if I didn't keep trying to pause to grab a bargain (eventually)

  • well I already had 1 game, and "Trailmakers" used to have some nasty hidden DRM in it. made my choice of 10 easy.

  • +1

    Thanks for the effort, Lysander.

    The new model is going to save me money. Before I had a rolling subscription and I was happy to take a gamble on what would come at the reveal. Now I just look at it and hit 'pause'. I preferred the old model, but my wallet prefers this one.

  • I had been thinking about signing up. Note at this price! Laughable!

    The quality of games needs to go up for $30/mo because there's usually going to be something more worth playing off gog/steam/etc at the same price point

  • +3

    so sick of this subscription shit. i wont buy it anymore.

  • -3

    It will be so much cheaper if you just buy them individually on G2A (I'm not associated with G2A)

    • +1

      Except G2A’s keys are sometimes illegally obtained. May as well just pirate the games (cheaper too)

    • +2

      Would never recommend G2A. Filled with scammers and people using stolen CC's, sellers selling illegal and stolen keys. Many have gotten games and credit removed from their account months after the purchase, and G2A won't help them. I have firsthand experience and there are plenty others who've shared their experiences over the years.

  • I think I’ll pause this month

  • +2

    I usually keep it paused but I want to try Graveyard Keeper and Two Point Hospital so I paid this month.

    Also a note for people who get Two Point Hospital: You can claim two free Two Point Hospital DLCs when you register on their website https://www.twopointhospital.com/

  • Anyone want to trade whispers of machine for mages of mystralia.

    I forgot I bought mages during the steam sale and if I refund now I might lose some steam event tokens and thus some steam event specific marketplace items.

    To be clear I accidentally claimed mages of mystralia after I realised I had bought it less than two weeks ago so was not able to get whisper of machine out of the others I had wanted.

    • If you had just done a quick search you would have found out that the HB Monthly games and the PS4 Gold/Xbox live games are regularly posted as deals.
      With your negative vote you are just showing you have not put in the smallest bit of effort to get info before negging a deal.

      • -5

        You didn't see the GTA 5 "deal" post yesterday for Xbox Game Pass? A lot of people don't want these "deals" on the main page. They are just an announcement. Should be in forums.

        • +1

          XBox Game Pass is different from the montly free games on the services I mentioned as those are only available for a month, just like these games in the post.
          Search for PSN Gold games and you will see the difference - even mentioned in the post you are so happy about.
          Here is one example: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/507036
          Notice the upvotes.

          • -5

            @Lysander: They're all subscriptions though! You aint getting "monthly FREE games"…you're paying for them. If you can find the subscription price discounted then that is a deal. This is not.

            • +2

              @peterross: I am sorry but these are considered deals by the great majority of people.
              You are not making yourself very popular with these extreme attitudes, especially being relatively new to the site and ignoring established practice.
              While I can see merit in Xbox game pass going to forum this is not the case for HB Monthly/Choice, XBox Live etc. as these games are only avsilable for free or discounted (the bundle price) for a month.
              Bu your logic Twitch deals, deals involving Ebay plus, Amazon Prime etc. must go to forums as they all require some kind of subscription or prior payment. Is that really what (a) you had in mind and (b) would that be any more useful than informing people of these deals?

              • -3

                @Lysander: HB seems to be very similar to all these "deals" that should be in the forums. As for popularity..i don't really care about that, this isn't a popularity contest. I'm just giving my honest opinion.

                I wouldn't say it is an extreme attitude either. The No vote for xbox games pass is kicking ass right now. Obviously people are sick of these deals but can't be bothered negging coz it means you have to physically type something and be ready for disagreements.

                • @peterross: As I said, if you read the comments on that vote you will find many people distinguish between Game Pass and HB Monthly, XBox live etc. unlike you who seems to think sll those deals are the same. Remember, Game Pass is a subscription and without it you cannot play the games. On HB you get to keep the games even after subscription ends - this is a fundamental and important difference.
                  Plus, remember that any change like that would affect many posts, including Ebay and Amazon etc. - and I doubt many people would be happy if they too disappeared into forums.
                  Also I would not say the no votes are kicking ass - in fact over the last 3 hours the gap decreased. Plus, even many of the no votes distinguish and disagree with you re HB etc. So, yes from that POV your approach is quite extreme.

                  • -4

                    @Lysander: Who cares. People have different opinions, get over it

            • +2

              @peterross: Lets just take the first three games on Steam. Go ahead and pick any other three if you're willing to listen.

              https://store.steampowered.com/app/356190/Middleearth_Shadow… - $54.95
              https://store.steampowered.com/app/599140/Graveyard_Keeper/ - $28.95
              https://store.steampowered.com/app/690790/DiRT_Rally_20/ - $84.95

              Total of $168.85.

              You can get those three for $19.99.

              There's the deal here. If you don't think that's a deal, just ignore it and move on with your life

    • +3

      There is a signifcant difference here compared to PS+/Game Pass.

      Even when you end your Humble Choice subscription, all the games you've claimed are yours to keep, meaning people just pay the fee for one month ($19.99) keep their games.

      Using just this month's games, it is really good value especially if you choose the $29.99 option and choose 9 games out of the 12 offered and cancelled.

      But hey, you see 'subscription' and your crusade must continue regardless of the facts, right?

    • +2

      You need to calm down now. I agree totally about the Game pass - it is essentially a Netflix or Spotify for games. You pay, you have access to a catalogue for that time and once you stop paying, your access elapses.

      Humble bundle is very different. You pay (a massively reduced price compared to the games individually), and you get effective ownership to those games for as long as the platform exists (electronic ownership is a whole different argument).

      Just, relax.

      • I agree. You don't need to maintain the subscription to keep the keys/licences. And can cancel anytime.

  • Given many of us are on classic subscription and can only pick 10 out of 12 games (and others have less choices for unlocks), is there a way we can incorporate some kind of metacritic score or recommendations from the list each month?

  • +2

    Thank you to all of you who have explained the difference between Game Pass and HB to @peterross.
    I tried but miserably failed. Fortunately you made the difference very clear.
    Have a great week everyone.

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