This was posted 5 years 2 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[XB1, XB360] Xbox Games with Gold January 2020 - Batman: The Telltale Series, Tekken 6, Lego Star Wars II & Styx: Shards of Dark


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  • +5

    For once, I have 3 of these already, but on different platforms.
    Batman and Tekken 6 on the 360 and LEGO Star Wars on the PC. And in true OzBargain fashion, I’ve played none of these yet.

    It’s still a great lineup nonetheless.

    • -3

      I think I have the complete LEGO Star Wars collection on all platforms now too, for free. I wish MS would give us better games. Or some good kids games.

      • That isn't out yet

  • -1

    No interest in Styx
    Got Batman on just about everything, but was looking to replay sometime, may as well snag another 1000GS
    Tekken is cool as always, and I don't think I have 6
    Lego 2 I have on just about everything as well, including 360, and I already 1000GS'd it, but I mean now I can throw the disc at EB or something.

    Good month really, shame I already have half of it, but good month. Lego Star Wars 2 is the bomb, even though The Complete Saga was on Gold ages ago anyways.

  • Is there anything in LEGO Star Wars II that isn’t in LEGO Star Wars the complete saga?
    I enjoyed the Telltale Batman games. They’re a refreshing take on a Batman video game.

  • +2

    That's a phenomenal line up to start of the year!

  • I always find the games with gold things I literally just click 'buy' and then don't even have to install it but I can keep it as long as I have gold? If I don't click buy during the time frame it's gone and opportunity lost?

    • +1

      Correct. It's gone if you don't claim it.

      • If I have Xbox game pass ultimate which i believe comes with Live Gold, am i still meant to do this buying option to keep the games?

        • Game pass ultimate includes Live Gold. You can keep the Games with Gold but still have to buy any Game Pass games (usually at a discount) to keep after they are removed from the service.

          • @locknuts: Sorry i probably didnt word it right, So in Xbox Live Gold, every month the games change and if you want to keep the game as long as you are subscribed to gold, you need to claim within the time frame those games are available, do i still have to do this process if i have xbox games pass ultime which also has xbox live gold, for the Xbox live gold (monthly games?)

            • @lonewolf: No. You can download and use gamepass games only while they are still on gamepass.

              • @locknuts: Sorry, I meant the Xbox Live Gold games? As in dont i get access to them also if i have xbox game pass ultimate? So do i need to claim the xbox live gold games every month to keep them even when i am on xbox game pass ultimate? I understand the games from Xbox Game pass only stay while they are on gamepass.

                • @lonewolf: Yes you have to claim them every month. But you get to keep them.

  • Why is Xbox Games with Gold always so lame. PS4 gets titles like CoD: MW Remastered, MLB the Show and Xbox gets Plants vs. Zombies 2 or Styx which are alright games, but the quality of free games is lacking on Xbox. It's just so depressing.

    • -6

      You know what I don't get? Why do peeps buy xbox?? Having PS4, PC and Switch combo is all you need and never miss out on exclusives. m$ have no business in the console industry!!

  • +1

    I wish they just automatically added to your library. Hate having to have to ‘buy’ it because sometimes I forget. I guess that’s the point tho, they probably compensate the developer based on the purchases

    • +1

      That, and it keeps the console hooked up all the time, increasing the likelihood of playing and buying more games.

    • -1

      Lol, 1st world problems

      • Yup. If you can’t be mindful enough to remember to “buy” the games on offer during the month then bad luck. Set a reminder in your calendar, login at work and do it there or just do it every time this post comes up. You gotta take some responsibility somewhere down the line.

        • They do not make it easy. Even Sony has surpassed them here. Trying to buy Tekken 6, cannot do it in the app. Go to the browser and the green circle forever loads. UX is completely balls!

          • @RocketSwitch: I agree the app is useless but there’s a difference between what you’re doing going out to try and download the games within the time frame and expecting the games to added automatically. Sure they could make it easier but I’ve had no problem downloading them each time on my console.

  • Tekken 6 was free few years ago…

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