• expired

[VIC] 50% off All Coffee Beans + Free Shipping - All Proceeds Going Towards Bushfire Relief - Inglewood Coffee Roasters


From their Instagram post:


In support of communities effected by bushfires across Australia, we are donating 100% of proceeds from online sales using the discount code 'FIRE RELIEF'. We will be donating directly to the Bushfire Disaster Appeal. Offer is for 24hrs so please head to our website and help us support bushfire effected communities.

I tried a few postcodes for shipping and it appears only Victoria has free shipping but you can always try your luck.

Good blends from this place and @ $10 for 250g and free shipping I think it is a good deal (not to mention the bushfire cause associated with the sale).


From their email after the sale:


Dear Valued Customer,

On behalf of the entire Inglewood family we'd like to thank you for your kind generosity and support of our Australian bushfire relief fundraiser.

One hundred percent of the proceeds (not just profit) raised from your purchases will be donated to COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE FOUNDATION

Our team has been feverishly packing your orders and all will be on their way to your homes, offices or sporting clubs this week.

We hope you love your coffee!

With gratitude,
The Inglewood Coffee Roasters family.

Referral Links

Referral: random (88)

Referees get $10 off 1st order of $60+. Referrers get 100 points.

Related Stores

Inglewood Coffee Roasters
Inglewood Coffee Roasters

closed Comments

  • +1

    Note: the code is ‘Fire Relief’ and has a space in between the words.

    • Yes I don't know how to add a space. I initially put it in the deal "as is" but it splits it into two codes. Anyone have any tips how to add spaces in the codes? I think a mod changed it to be all one code.

  • Dupe about code

  • Coupon does not work for me…

    • Add a space between the words

  • Great coffee, great deal

    Thanks op

  • +3

    How much is the profit if its 50%off?
    If not much then not that great for donations,
    if heaps then why would I ever buy the beans on full price knowing its 50+heaps% profit?

    • +1

      I'm not associated so I don't know the answer. But most small roasters sell their stuff online between $14-$20 a 250g bag.

    • I suspect whoever negged me doesn't know what "profit" means.

    • +6

      Here's an idea, make a donation and roast some coffee beans yourself.

    • +4

      Who cares, it’s a business. Not our business to dictate how much profit a company makes. People need to feed their families. Besides, this is for a great cause

      • +3

        But how good is it for the cause!?
        If there is no profit after - 50% then this is just marketing on the expense of the disaster!?

        • -6

          What are you smoking? Do you think they're going to work for the sake of working and not donate anything?

          Doesn't make any sense at all.

          • +1

            @TEER3X: I don't think they should work for nothing. Indeed I think them getting paid for their work and all the profits being donated would be a fair deal.

            Doesn't matter what I smoke, you don't seem to understand how business is done and the related terminology. It might be a good deal for some good beans but make no mistake - this is marketing. And if not much is actually donated then its pretty shitty move.

            But if its not profit but proceeds as serpserpserp is now saying then my worry is moot.

            • +1


              serpserpserp is now saying

              It was always in the description since first posted.

            • @ripprind: Even if it were profit as first posted, margins are huge.

        • +7

          I used profit in the title because I assumed they would be donating money after they cover their expenses, however the post from the company themselves (which is in the description) does say:

          we are donating 100% of proceeds from online sales using the discount code

          So that could mean all money received is donated. I can change the title in need.

          • +1

            @serpserpserp: Then do that, as it more accurately reflects what they are really saying. Anyone can say "profits" it can mean after all expenses. Salaries, fringe benefits etc.

            Profits can be gross or net.

            But use the terms they use - Proceeds

            Unfortunately this has two meanings, but its up to others to decide what it means

            From Miriam Webster

            Definition of proceeds
            1 : the total amount brought in
            the proceeds of a sale
            2 : the net amount received (as for a check or from an insurance settlement) after deduction of any discount or charges

      • And if you think somebody is going hungry for donating their profit then you don't know what profit means or how business is done.

    • Maybe they're selling at a loss so fire victims have to pay them.

      • +1

        selling at loss for marketing is plausible. but it seems they are a reputable company, so its likely they really just donate all the proceeds.

    • +1

      It's a high margin low volume business, coffee roasting

      • +1

        This. Even at 50% off there's plenty of profit here.

    • the OP did not say "profit" but ""we are donating 100% of proceeds from online sales using the discount code 'FIRE RELIEF'" . See PROCEEDS!!! NOT profits.

      • It was profit in the title before.
        I'm just overly sceptical about BS marketing. Sorry for upsetting you.

    • Green coffee at a smaller scale (ie. what anyone could purchase in small lots like 1-2kg) is about $8-18/KG on average depending on quality and you lose about 15% of that in water weight when you roast. They would pay less.
      And you can easily buy and roast green coffee yourself, to answer the last one. But they have experience, equipment, and bean selection that not just anyone would have.

  • +1

    Thanks, have ordered.
    Thanks OP

  • +1

    Thanks OP.
    Just ordered 2kg, looking forward to trying their coffee!

  • +1

    Ordered. Good deal and a good cause.

  • +6

    Good deal for a good cause.
    However nearly $17 postage for 1kg of coffee isn't so good.

  • +3

    Yep $17 post SA

  • Ordered. Regularly bounce between their two blends. Good coffee.

  • Just my browser or is the website white background with black text and nothing else?

    • +2

      Some graphics up the top but the page is a total mess - at least on Windows Chrome. I gave up after a minute.

  • +4

    Am I the only one who doesn't like all these "fruity"/citrus descriptive coffees?

    • +1

      Don’t buy Ethiopian coffee then. The region is renowned for their stone fruit characteristics.

      • Thanks for the tip! I'll keep it in mind especially if a coffee says it's from that from region without really getting into the flavour type.

  • Any suggestions for a short black and macchiato?

    • +1

      The first single origin listed would be good for a short black. Depends what your flavor preference is.

  • How do we opt for ground coffee instead of whole beans? Need it for aeropress. Thanks

  • $20 for 250gs rrp is pricey.

    • Yeah. But $10 as it is right now is cheap!

      • Really , thought we were on a bargain site !

        My base is $20 KG for freshly roasted coffee that actually has many options . So this place even at 50% off is around 50% higher than this guideline .

        • +2

          where do you get top quality freshly roasted coffee for $20/kilo?

          • @Maglia Nera: On this site there has been multi offers the other one is local shops.

            • @profar: …for example?

            • +2

              @profar: He was asking for the example you are using.

              Remember all coffee beans aren't made/roasted the same. It is sort of like comparing red wines, they all start with the base ingredients but end up at very different price levels depending on what is done to them.

              • @serpserpserp:

                It is sort of like comparing red wines

                There is after all coffeesnobs.com - no idea where this brand would sit over there.

                I don't know what coffee @profar is managing to get, but I do agree with him in that this brand is expensive if this is the deal price. $40/kg is the regular price of many places that will freshly roast.

                (Would've been happy trying this deal but as I mentioned the coffee rather than price was the issue)

          • @Maglia Nera: I bought some grinders brand beans from Amazon for $13.50 KG during Black Friday and they taste good enough for me. I'm not a coffee snob but as long as it tastes good to me I don't really care what others think. Have you tried them?

          • @Maglia Nera: Aldi has a Melbourne roaster contracted to roast their single origin coffees at $13.50/kg. Peru/Brazil/Colombia/Honduras roasts have made appearances this past few months. Recently roasted, and aren’t cooked like Gloria Jeans’ house blend.

  • thanks OP - just bought some to try

  • Thanks OP. Bought one each of the blends

  • Are these whole beans only or is there a way to select ground?

  • Bought 1kg of Ethiopian, hopefully it is not going to be overburnt like Rubra's cheap rubbish beans.

  • Bought a heap! Thanks OP :)

  • Site is experiencing technical difficulties?

    And does roast>espresso mean its the beans? Thanks

  • Good deal but $17 shipping to ACT for 1kg - probably not worth it for me. Thanks OP though.

  • Is there an option to order ground coffee?

  • Anyone had these before and can recommend a pick?

  • Are they selling whole beans or grounded? Is there an option for whole bean?

    why when i tried to add the product to to cart, error message keep popping up "The site is experiencing technical difficulties"

    • +1

      It is whole bean. They don't do grounded.

      Maybe OZB broke their site?

      • Thanks!! Just bought some to try out. Was trying to buy more but the site keep crashing and I gave up and just paid with 2 items in cart. Honestly if it is not for Bushfire donation, I won't bother with their website. Hopefully some rain will come really soon to help everyone in need.


        Suggests they do ground, but I can’t see an option unfortunately so maybe that is an error

  • Why can't they have some product images for different ranges they're selling?

  • The site is experiencing technical difficulties.

  • Site still seems to be buggy or not working, finally got to the cart (after about a dozen tries) and the code doesn't work. Shame, good cause.

  • What's the difference between choosing espresso and filter coffee if the beans are whole?

    • https://www.google.com/search?q=espresso+vs+filter+roast

      Basically just a darker roast for espresso.

      I know some coffee roasters sell and make their crap beans this way, but it probably doesn't apply in this case.

    • I assumed that since they offer ground and whole bean then expresso would be beans and filter would be ground??? Maybe just made an arse of myself.

  • Thanks serpserpserp for the post :-)

  • +1

    Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

  • Site says bandwidth limit exceeded.

  • Ozb’d?

    • No. Site just glitchy. Managed to place an order 5 mins ago.

  • Maybe expired at 8pm? Code not discounting for me

    Update: Still working, site just glitchy

  • +1

    Do they only sell ground? I'm confused by their Roast option of filter and espresso. It suggests that they only sell ground coffee.

  • Definitely expired. It says the coupon code doesn't work

    • Was for a 24 hour period from Friday night.

  • +1

    anyone get an email or notification that they're processing the orders

    money's been paid but no communication ????

    • Nothing yet, purchased on the 3rd, I guess they got bombarded with orders.

    • +1

      Yes, received email yesterday - they have raised over $14K for bushfire appeal and their team is working on the orders which will be on their way this week. As Adam said, they are probably working through the long list of orders.

    • Saw the mass email sent out. Given I was one of the first to order then put up the deal. I still haven't got mine. I live a couple of KMs away too, I should have offered to go down and just pick it up. But I was expecting Padre/5 senses style service (which is 3 business days max.)

    • Same problem here, recieved the order conformation email the day I made the purchase and had no communication since. There phone number on the website doesn't work and neither does the contact link. I have tried emailing them twice at [email protected] to find out when I will receive the order and had know response. Didn't receive the mass email serpserpserp and bluesky mentioned. Very pour customer service.

      • Try the Instagram page. I've had responses from questions in the past.

  • +1

    Yep still don’t have my Order

  • Mine was just delivered (Melbourne South East suburbs).

    • May I know when did you order? tia

  • Received my order personally delivered this morning. I live within 5km of the Inglewood.

  • Received my order. :-)
    Ordered on the 3rd.

  • anyone receive their order in QLD yet?

  • still haven't received their order - based in Sydney

    Not impressed to be honest
    - no communication/update on where my order is, no email, no text, nil, zilch …
    - only after sending them a message on Thur on Instagram a response came along the lines of they're still aiming to get orders out within their 5 business day window

    Disappointed that they got a heap of publicity for a decent cause (that's of course assuming that they send through the $14k to Bushfire Disaster Appeal)

  • Ordered on the 3rd Jan and email received on the 4th says my order was being processed. Nothing as yet and as above, no email/tracking number etc. I'm in the SE burbs of Melb.

    • Saaaame. Frustrating as I personally live about a 3 minute drive away from where they roast their beans but they don't have a direct to public option to buy their coffee (which I think is bananas).

      • Their coffee is bananas? That's nuts.

  • +1

    Got a shipping confirmation, AusPost has the shipping info. SE suburbs Melbourne.

  • Coffee arrived today. I blame the smoke haze. Probably couldn't find my house…

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