This was posted 5 years 2 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Yamaha RX-V485B 5.1 Channel AV Receiver with MusicCast Surround $345 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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RRP $799

Regular price: ~$600
Regular sale price: ~$500

Seen it as low as $401 on an ozbargain search.. $345 a new low?

Don't forget SB/CR for another 3.5% / $10.97 cash back.

They're probably price matching Harvey Norman sale, if you'd rather buy there for some reason.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • this has a pretty strong feature set

  • Good one!! Thanks OP

    • Also HN has it for $345

    • "when you purchase additional music cast speakers" ??

      • The question now is .. who can find a bargain price on the music cast speaker please? ;-) $199 on Amazon but not sure if this is cheap?

        • How good are MusicCast 50 speakers?
          Or is it better to go with a pair floor standing speakers?

  • +14

    I'm a simple man, i see audio/video post i hit +1

  • Good price for specs.

  • Never mind, already mentioned

  • no component support?

  • Does it support Dolby Atmos?

    • Not from my research. The review I read cited that as one of the bigger downsides.

      • +1

        Was about to click buy… Damn!

    • You'd need 7.1 for the extra channels

    • Only 5.1.. Pretty sure needs 7.1 for Atmos

  • +3

    Probably dropping the prices as HDMI 2.1 products will start to flood the market very soon.

    • +8

      So you can watch 10k content that we don't have on TVs that don't have a 10k resolution?

      • Yeah well and Variable refresh rate which is on TV's already…

      • As market dictates, they refresh models annually or bi-annually. Would be stupid to have new model with old HDMI standard, whether customer is cares or not. I’m guessing cost differences are insignificant.

        • This!
          The only thing this receiver has future proof is HDCP 2.3

      • However if you have the LG C9 OLED TV you can play a PC game @ 4K120 as it supports HDMI 2.1

        The XB1X is locked @ 4K30.

        Samsung 8K TVs are also available and the LG will release one next year.

        However agree with limited content unless you're really a PC gamer to use this feature.

        It depends on your current setup and needs.

        If you don't "need" a receiver and "want" one due to its bargain price it's a waste IMO and might as well wait for next gen HDMI 2.1


        • +1

          Just use eARC then, one HDMI that goes from the tv to the amp sending audio. Bam, you get to enjoy all the features your current/future tv without the amp getting in the way, plus your tv remote will adjust the amps volume

          • @readerr0r: Wait… so how does earc work?

            Pc to tv… and seperate hdmi to receiver from tv?

            Basically a hdmi cable that acts like an optical?

            • +1

              @Zaptruder: a hdmi cable that is passing through digital data in both directions!

            • @Zaptruder: Basically! But supports all the newer standards that optical can’t carry. There’s scope for 92 uncompressed channels or something silly like that

  • Far out, solid price! I pulled the trigger on the 385 earlier this month, kind of wish I'd waited!

  • +3
    • +1

      Thanks for that. Very helpful.

  • Hi, bit of a newb here. How does this compare to my old but trusty Denon AVR-X2000?
    I've been looking for something that can do the same performance wise but has a few smart capabilities, would I be losing anything if I swapped to this? Does Bluetooth mean I can send audio to it like any Bluetooth speaker?
    I assume Zone B is their term for Zone 2?

    • What about adding a chromecast audio to give it some smart features ?

      • +1

        EDIT - Agree Crusader - a standard chromecast will give audio and video network capability.

    • +2

      1 - add Bluetooth module Yamaha YBA-11 coaxial
      2 - add wifi module Yamaha YWA-10 Ethernet rear of unit and USB rear of unit for power.

      Then you'll get both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on your reciever.

      Does Bluetooth mean I can send audio to it like any Bluetooth speaker?

      The paired device sound output will be to the speaker

      You can find these on Gumtree second hand for $50 each on a good day.


      • None of these are required vinni9284 so don't confuse DarkDawg.

        • Ok. How do you interpret this question?

          I've been looking for something that can do the same performance wise but has a few smart capabilities

          • @vinni9284: Those features are built into this Yamaha amp unless you are referring to a way to upgrade his/her Denon amp. The Denon amp already has network capability.

            • @cornbeef: Yes but not wirelessly control the Denon via an external source

              So the addition of the Wifi module gives the user the opportunity to use the Denon to be mounted without an Ethernet RJ45

      • On my old unit I bought a couple of Bluetooth TX/RX dongles. You could put one at the unit for sending audio to it, and one on the line out. Cost $4 for standard one, about $20 for one with Aptx (so no lag). Use the cheapie for inputs, aptx for output. But not sure why you would need aptx for a different room.

        P.S. I guess you could also add a bluetooth receiving dongle to any amplified speaker setup to save you needing to buy the magic cast speakers. For example, plug one into the input of a Logitech computer speaker setup.

    • It does bluetooth though with built in wifi you can simply cast via the yamaha musiccast app or the likes of spotify etc. Zone B is zone 2.

      I wouldn't necessarily think it is an upgrade of your Denon however. It looks to have many of those type of features.

      • No. The wifi module on the Denon will give the user to mount the receiver away from an Ethernet source and additonally use the Denon app on the phone (which can be used wired and wirelessly).
        The Denon app's features could be used.

        I wouldn't necessarily think it is an upgrade

        Yes in a was it is. You are making the unit smarter as the @DarkDawg's question. Be able to control it through a phone app without cables and mostly to connect the unit to the Network without cables.
        It is making it smarter but not increasing performance in any way.

        Do you really need it? Not really however it is an option.


        • The Denon app for ios/android looks like a turd. If DarkDawg is simply looking to stream audio/video then a streaming device would suffice.

          • @cornbeef: Ok fair enough.
            To stream music you need an internet connection so it's internal Ethernet is suffice. Addition to a Bluetooth module gives more integration, smarter features (such as steaming music from You Tube directly from your phone) as the Denon app would not support this

            • @vinni9284: True vinni. One of those dongles from Taotronics that xev regularly posts would do the trick if bluetooth was required. But if you have wifi then bluetooth becomes secondary.

              • +1

                @cornbeef: According to the dongle that you recommend, it would not support receivers as they don't have 3.5mm jack input.

                Furthermore, the 3.5mm jack would be an Analogue input and the DAC will be conducted on the device and not the receiver.

                The good thing about the Yamaha Bluetooth adapter is that it is coaxial input and the DAC is conducted on the receiver. Having said this, the DAC's on this receiver are entry level as expected for this price.

                Anyways, i'm digressing a little …

  • +1

    Another newb question, never had a receiver before. If I have my game console and tv connected to this receiver can the signal from the console pass through to the tv even if the receiver is either turned off (standby) or, better yet, switched off at the power point?

    • +1

      Nope, will need to be on if you're running the AV to it via hdmi from console to amp, from amp to tv.

      • Thanks for that, this pretty much stops me from purchasing it. Last thing I want is to have all my equipment connected to the receiver and the TV or to be forever swapping HDMI cables.

        • You can probably set it to pass through when the device is off. My onkyo I always did this with

      • You should be able to set it up to pass through if receiver is in standby mode. If it's off at wall it won't.

    • Based on only owning a first gen Xbox and PS2, they had a couple of outputs (ie you could run fibre optic or HDMI to your amp, component to the tv direct). So you could run it which ever way you like… Don't suppose this is still the case?

    • +1

      Yes you can. You turn on “standby-through”

  • Good price. Tempted to upgrade from the bundled receiver in the YHT1840B I got from the Good Guys deal, but probably will wait for the RX-685, or until new models with HDMI2.1 are released.

    • HDMI2.1 isn't required now, unless you have 8K tv?

  • +1

    Superb price! Just got one. Nothing will beat this for value/quality/features

    • +1

      Yep. Pulled the trigger myself on one at this price. Vacillated for all of three minutes whilst I sought the Mrs approval as I watched OzBargainers' decimate in-stock availability. o.O Happy wife = happy life.

      The additional features closed the buy button decision on it for me. The RX-V385 ordered last week will be a delivered-> insta-turnaround-> Amazon AU return.

      Gotta' love Prime.

      • would you need to pay return shipping?

  • How does this compare with the htr-2071 also on sale?

    • +2

      This is a much better option Debellate. it has some of the Yamaha premium features for a base model.

      • Sorry newb question, what are these premium features?

        • Predominately the wifi and bluetooth stuff. This appears to be the baseline model Yamaha receiver with these features and this is a pretty good price.

    • +2

      Definitely superior and worth stretching to this one if you can.
      Don't think the 2071 even has room correction

  • Fantastic price

  • Sorry, I am a newb here.
    So this plus the Yamaha NS51 on sale at $595 would be around 1k. If I budget a little bit more I could get a Bose 500 package (soundbar + base + rear speakers).

    Would these two be comparable in sound quality? I have a small 4*6m living room and mainly use for music and movies.

    • +1

      Bose are generally overpriced (unless you can stack stack multiple codes with the Honey extension).
      You are generally paying extra for the design and small size, not the sound quality. They are good for apartments.
      If you have a house, I assume the Yamaha NS51 would sound louder and better?

    • +1

      AVR + Speakers is going to sound a a lot better than a Bose soundbar.

    • You may also want to have a look Andrew* at the ELAC's posted by reader0r or even consider the Volls from chiefbodge for a room that size.

  • Is this a good upgrade from what I currently have, apart from the addition of BT?

    I currently have the Yamaha HTR-2067…

    With discreet amp configuration, CINEMA DSP and a new Extra Bass function, the 5.1 channel HTR-2067 is designed for high sound quality at an affordable price.

    5 channel powerful surround sound
    —- 100W per Channel (6 ohms, 1 kHz, 0.9% THD, 1 ch driven)
    —- 70W per Channel (6 ohms, 20Hz-20kHz, 0.09 % THD, 2 ch driven)
    —- 135W per Channel (6 ohms, 1kHz, 10% THD, 1ch driven, JEITA)
    Discrete amp configuration
    192 kHz/24-bit Burr Brown DACs for all channels
    HDMI (4 in/1 out) with 4K Ultra HD pass-through for super high resolution images
    Extra Bass enriches powerful bass sound even with small speakers
    Dialogue Lift and Dialogue Level Adjustment for natural dialogue and vocals
    Multi-language colour OSD (English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Japanese and Chinese)
    HDMI CEC with versatile control

    • +1

      Specs capacity and input wise aren't too dissimilar. The gains are with the wifi/BT/musiccast side of things but depending on what you want to achieve you can get there cheaper. If you have wifi internet and want to stream audio/video then a chromecast or the like will do that for you for $50.

      • Thanks for the reply, I do have a few chromecasts lying around and have thought of that in the past, though I'm not sure how much power it will draw left plugged in 24/7 - they do feel pretty warm to the touch when in use?

        • It would be pretty low I'd think, and less in standby.

    • If you're receiver is connected to your SMART TV then you can use your TV to stream music and output to receiver.
      Don't waste your money unless you distinctly want Wifi/BT and use the Yammy app/similar specs as @cornbeef states.

      • I can cast to the TV's built in chromecast, but that would turn the screen on? What if I say, just wanted to play my spotify music?

        • +1

          Not sure how the Chromecast works (well I know it's connected via HDMI to your TV similarly to ATV) as I don't have one however look for TV's & Chromecast settings that support HDMI-CEC to control from HDMI.
          To play anything, you would have to turn the TV on which will turn on the receiver via HDMI-CEC (similarly to a trigger wire)

        • Do you have any Chromecast Audio's lying around highon?

          • @cornbeef: Nope, but if I were to cast audio from spotify on my phone, straight to the regular chromecast, that should work.

            • @highon2str: Give it a shot and come back and let us know. I'm curious.

  • Compared to the 685…

    Interestingly it apparently supports eARC.

    • Yes. It has the HDMI 2.1 (eARC & HDCP 2.3) flavour however not.
      The key word to look out for is HDMI 2.1 48Gbps

    • Cheapest price for the 685 is the Titanium coloured ones for $699 plus delivery at Eastwood hi fi?
      With cash rewards and shipping through Prime I don't really think the price difference (double the price) are worth it for entry level?

  • Too slow. One to three month dispatch.

    • +1

      Go to Harveys.

      • Only one in Canberra and it's not in stock :(

        • $8 delivery from what I can see.

    • +1

      Basically sold out then and on back order.
      Mine is coming Monday 6th

      • +1

        Exactly. Don't worry, Amazon will likely advance that dispatch date. I refreshed the browser and clicked buy whilst they were still showing 2 in stock, but at the rate they were selling, who could be sure my purchase timing registered for available in-stock supply dispatch. Either way, for $345 less 3.5% delivered, I'm a very happy chappy. I don't need it yesterday as it's replacing my venerable Denon AVR1800 RX which is still firing.

        • I decided to buy and wait for dispatch (can cancel order of something better comes along). I tried to price match with Bing Lee but neither Canberra store had stock.

          • +1

            @Lunchguy: Mine has an indicated delivery of the 6th same as hen dawg, so I might have nabbed lucky on the V485 stock.

            My experience with the V385 was same as yours. it had gone OOS status at the time of ordering, but ended up dispatching well in advance of the anticipated availability delivery window.

            Amazon have been lightening fast with anything dispatched from the AU over the past few weeks, generally exceeding ETA by delivering days to a week ahead of schedule. Retail needs to be very scared IMV, and etail in AU are really going to need to lift their game across the board, especially to compete on service IMV&E. We love Prime.

            Long overdue time someone gave etail and retail the kick up the @r$e they sorely need, just as Aldi have done to the Woolworths & Coles grocery cartel.

  • I have the RX-V473 that I bought back in 2012.

    I have no issues with the sound quality of the item but I do use the ARC feature of my TV to send audio to my receiver. I have noticed that the ARC has started to be less reliable lately. Would this be because that the TV is sending high end codecs that the RX-V473 doesnt know how to handle?

    I can control the volume of the receiver by the TV remote but it is very slow. Do the newer receivers not have this problem?

    Also with this model, is the Wifi built in or do I need to buy an additional wifi module.

    I must admit im tempted to buy this just for the alexa compatability alone. But overall, I think 7 years is enough to justify an upgrade.

    Any thoughts?

    • +2

      Your receiver has an Ethernet Connection hence you can use this to check if you have the latest firmware.
      A firmware is like a software program that upgrades your chip to give more features and also can iron-out any bugs, such ARC issues.
      Read the manual on how to upgrade the firmware.

      • +1

        Yep thanks for this. Turns out I had never updated the firmware on the thing. ARC issues have fixed themselves.

    • 2.4ghz/5ghz WiFi built in

  • I've been using a pioneer vsx s3000 i picked up many years ago in a cheap home theatre set. Just grabbed this, I assume its going to be a decent upgrade, Can anyone comment on if i can expect an increase in sound quality? Speakers i use are some Yamaha NS51 fronts i also picked up cheap.

    • Yamaha tend to run a neutral or 'natural' sound and though it's subjective I think you'll find this an upgrade to your pioneer. It will perhaps be better suited to your speakers as Yamaha tend to match their own gear. Features alone make it a good upgrade.

  • What's this?

  • Complete newb here. Is this powerful enough for Dali zensor 7 or should i look at the 685?

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