This was posted 5 years 2 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] God of War 3 Remastered $10.74 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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If you’re one of the eight people who haven’t played this game, this might be a good time to check it out as this is the lowest price it’s been per the Camels. Excluding when it was a PS Plus monthly title of course.

Don’t forget cashback to save a little more. Enjoy.

They keep dropping the price of this game. Was $10.76 when I posted. Shortly after became $10.75. Now it’s $10.74. Such savings! 😉

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • Just bought PS4 pro. As a noobie for 11 years old son what games do you recommend (not a fan of fortnite)

    • +2

      Not this game lol
      Do you know what other games he has enjoyed?

      • First time with a console, never played with it before. I banned fortnite due to being afraid being hooked and addicted and not going to school.

        • +5

          Insert Username mentioned good games. Spider-Man is definitely a great game for an 11 year old. Ratchet and Clank or Spyro swill probably suit as well.also checkout the LEGO games

        • +5


          • @J6: Wat?

            • +1

              @peterross: I’m guessing it’s the so addicted to fortnite that they skip school part

              • +6

                @FireRunner: Or the hilarious line about being scared to let his son get addicted to fortnite…but yet he bought a console for his son. Wat lol

      • +3

        Ratchet and Clank. Excellent game for kids. My 9 year old adores it. It's witty too.

        • I did enjoy ratchet and clank-crack in time it is challenging and fun, and pretty sure kids friendly..try to find games from marketplace..

    • +9

      Spider-Man or Horizon Zero Dawn are games I would’ve enjoyed at that age. What does he usually play?

      • +2

        Thank you. I’ll buy these two and minecraft!

        • +4

          Lol Minecraft is just as addictive as Fortnite. Don't let the media tell you which games you should/shouldn't be afraid of

          • +2

            @Faro: Lol it's ridiculous really coz all video games can be addictive. Dad that just listens to news reports. So naive.

    • Probably not this one. It's pretty violent.

      • +2

        btw, this one has a sex mini game with exposed boobies.

    • I would personally recommend an RPG like Dragon Quest 11, Persona 5 (FYI Extended version coming March 2020)
      Will definitely recommend Final Fantasy 7 Remake in March 2020 though.

      • +1

        these are story driven games. When I was 11 I didn't care for story in a game. I wanted all gameplay, and no watching of cutscenes or reading of text.

        • Actually I recommended these because my first RPG I've played was when I was 11 (Kingdom Hearts) and remember coming back from Summer holidays talking with friends about how good it was.

          • @ddeal: Were you talking to your friends about how good the gameplay was or the story?

            I only wanted to kill things at that age. I guess you have to ask the kid.

            I found watching cutscenes incredibly boring, and Squaresoft was a dev that never allowed you to skip their cutscenes. Any time there was text dialog I mashed the buttons to skip through it. To me, it wasn't a game unless you were in control.

            • @lostn: Definitely story, but I always liked fantasy with a touch of action.

              To each their own and I'm sure his son is different too.

      • persona 5 for an 11yo… a game that's MA15+, mostly dialogue, and deals with some pretty heavy subjects.

    • +4
      • spryo trilogy
      • crash bandicoot trilogy
      • medievil remastered
      • Spyro is a great choice…crash bandicoot though? An 11 year old kid will get destroyed by this game. It is one of the hardest platformerers around.

        • The 2nd and the 3rd should be fine. The 1st would be difficult

        • +1

          I played Crash when the original was released when I was 8. Loved them replayability to get 100% each level

          All these 3 games are my childhood and glad they remade them all

  • can we play the first two games on ps4?
    do the old games run on ps4?

    • +1

      The first two aren't playable on PS4, PS4 is not backwards compatible with PS3 (or older).
      Also don't confuse God of War (2005) with God of War (2018)

      • +6

        i dont confuse but I hate the fact that new games are released with their predecessors' exact names. call of duty, tomb raider, god of war etc…

        • Yeah, it's quite confusing. God of War is particularly annoying since it is actually a sequel rather than a reboot/remake

          • @FireRunner: they didn't want to call it GoW 4 because they wanted to distance themselves from the older games.

            They wanted to imply it's a reboot without it actually being a reboot. Well, they did reboot the gameplay and design I guess.

  • +1

    most of my spare time is spent worrying, so i'm one of the 8

    • +2

      Alright, with the two of us put together, there's only another 6 to be found who've not played it.

      • +1

        And me, and we've now 5 more left.

        • +1

          I'm on the list, what are the chances half of us are here!

    • +1

      You can add me too. Probably because I don't have a PS4, or any other game console.

    • i've stopped worrying that i'm not the only one…

  • +6

    This might be in some people’s PS+ accounts, it was free about a year back. Check before purchase

  • Dang it, bought it from JB for $17 last week!

  • I have the CE on PS3. Is this PS4 version much better?

  • Thanks OP. I ordered this to play. Looking forward to it.

  • Correction.

    One of nine people, you forgot about me

    • And me, make that 10

      • Make that 11 even tho I own it on PS3 I never played it hahaha

  • it's a $1 more expensive now, i'm not as tempted with an $11.77 price tag…

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