• expired

CommBank "Free Movie Vouchers for a Whole Year" (Via Facebook Places) - Stated Value $432.00


Copy and paste from Facebook page:

  1. Visit a branch, and check in using Facebook Places during branch hours on your compatible smartphone. Press 'Check in to claim'.

  2. Present this screen within 3 hours to the branch staff before opening a new Everyday Account. Deals can only be redeemed during branch hours.

  3. Finally, simply make a purchase with your new Debit MasterCard® or Keycard either overseas, online or in store within 30 days.

You can then enjoy an Events cinema double movie voucher every month for 12 months, provided you keep your account active for the entire period. This great deal is valued at over $430. But be quick as it’s only available to the first 2,200 people who claim this deal in branch and open an account while there before 15 September 2011.

DISCLOSURE I am a CBA employee but I am not posting here in an official (company representative) capacity.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Not available for existing customer I reckon?

    • +6

      You can open as many accounts as you want, there's a $4 fee on every one.

      So just go to a branch and open YET ANOTHER everyday account, tell them you need it for 'groceries' or something.

      If you are a student/employee/under18 there will be no fees.

  • +61

    oh for gods sake, this facebook garbage is really getting too much for me im sick of hearing about facebook every single day!!

    • +21

      FWIW, I nuked my Facebook account two years ago… never regretted it :-)

    • ^^ what he said.
      what makes a business think they'll necessarily get more business by promoting on FB?

      • +16

        Because social media works regardless of what some anti-facebook anti-social network people think.

        Only thing more annoying about Facebook are the whingers who have every reason under the sun to bag it. Reality check. You people are the MINORITY.

        • +10

          That's what Mr Rudd said to the Facebookless men, but it didn't help him.

          But yes, facebook is an excellent way for getting people's personal info for bugger-all effort or cost.

          If I walked up to you in the street & said I'll give you 12 double movie passes if you give me all your details, what you do, what you think, a list of your hobbies, friends, family, etc would you? nup……but most people give it to facebook (of course the smart ones have a fakebook account & befriend with that)

        • +9

          It's a bit of a stretch to call anti-Facebook people "anti-social" as well. I'm very social yet don't have a Facebook account. I communicate through a variety of other digital media.

          As for non Facebook users being in the minority, China has the single largest population of Internet users in the world. Facebook has been banned there since 2009.

        • +17

          Well I guess those in China will hate the fact they can't take up this Comm Bank offer then.

        • +8

          "anti-social network" not "anti-social"

        • +6

          China has other social networking sites with hundreds of millions of users

        • +1

          Not sure why Cluster has received so many negative votes. To me, his post makes a lot of sense.

          Besides, just because someone has 200 friends on Facebook, it doesn't make them better than anyone else. It just makes them silly in my opinion. Why would you care what someone from your life 5-10 years ago thinks or is doing?

        • because he misread 'anti-social network' as just 'anti-social'.

          and as mentioned. FB is banned in China. Its 'clones' are just as popular

        • arcticmonkey you are making a very broad and unreasonable judgement on anyone who has 200 or more friends on facebook. I have more than 200 people on facebook. I do not think I am better than anyone because of this. I traveled for 5 months and made a great deal of friends and added them on facebook. It lets me keep in touch with them and lets them share their photos of their travels and tag them and vice versa without having to personally email everybody potentially thousands of photos.

          Although I do not know if will see some of these people again, there already has been a few that have visited me in Australia and made touch through facebook. I also visited a lot of them whilst I was continuing on my travels.

          So for your baseless assumption that I am silly due to the sole fact that I have 200 friends or more on facebook, I would deem you to be the silly one.

        • -> timmye


          good one :)

      • +1

        because it's a super popular social network

      • +5

        Am I the only one thinking social media == spam? The only reason everyone is getting crap in the inbox is because some people respond to spam, the same way people are responding to the facebook buzz. Be part of the solution to not have anything to do with them and they'll go away once and for all, slowly but it will happen :D

        • Actually, social media === spam as their data types are also equal.

      • +2

        set up a spam facebook account and take advantage of these business offers.

    • google+ is the new facebook

    • Agreed, I've always resisted signing up.

    • 2nded.
      when those privacy issues were raised against fb i was more than glad that i nuked my acc 1.5yrs ago.

    • +2

      ño ño ño ño for our own shake, God have nothing to do here. I create a fb account, long ago, visit one to upload my random silly-funny picture that i get from the internet, visit another one to check if it till there, then never again.

      Don't you think it is a waste of time. The privacy wasn't on Zuckerberg's agenda at the time he created fb anyway, in fact, it's quite the opposite. And yet that privacy till taking lightly by fb management these day.

      I reckon the government can get more information from people on fb than census. Who want the Faceksusss ?

      • +1

        That's my new facebook status.

      • +4

        I know the cops use it. a copper mate reckons you wouldn't believe the number of idiots who brag about their criminal activities on FB and the kicker is the cops can see who all their friends are when they're looking for accomplices.

        • There you go, the sword, that has two shape edge, is swinging both side, however only those involve get cut.

        • +4

          And "OzBargain Proverbs" was born…

    • +1

      It has turned into some sort of "social phenomenon" but I really don't understand it. Maybe I'm just anti-social and couldn't care as I've been using good old fashioned email for years.

      • +1

        You're not alone mate, me and my soon to be wife don't have it either.

      • +2

        I mean im only 18 but cannot be bothered with it. I have better things to spend my time on and dont need to listen to trivial garbage that gets posted on fb..

    • -4

      ;-p indeed

  • +18

    Not interested. Sounds complicated. Why can't they just arrange a telephone line and we can just call the number and say:"Show me the tickets!" three times and receive the vouchers through email? I will be more pleased by that.

    • +6

      Agreed! So lemme get this straight. I gotta haul my behind to a CBA branch during work hours, sign in to facebook on my mobile, line up to see a teller, show them my mobile so they know I've checked in on facebook, spend XX minutes with the teller while they sign me up to an Everyday account (do these charge monthly fees!?), wait for the keycard/credit card to arrive in the mail, call up to activate the key card, use it for a purchase and THEN get my free movies?


      • +3

        AND then need to get some code and go to a specific website to redeem the 2 tickets EVERY MONTH for the next 12 months!

      • +2

        No one is forcing you. Just because it isn't the most convenient way of getting something of value, doesn't mean this isn't a good deal. This will greatly benefit people who were considering opening an account to begin with, especially students.

        I'm pretty sure ozbargainers have gone to greater lengths to get something of less monetary value. But I second you on the CBF part.

        • princess peach didn't vote negative, but just outlined that to her/him it does not seem to be a good deal. :)

  • +4

    Wow .. break the code win some free movies… so much effort GOSH LOL not worth it

  • +3

    real value is only about $264.
    can easily get $11 tickets!

    would go for it, if its a all you can used bouble pass gold card.

    Can u buy those ones, or r they only special cards you can only win?

  • +1

    Good offer, but there are more valuable offers available and if you sign up for this you'll no longer be a "new customer". eg: the $800+ of free brokerage (not everyone's into shares obviously) or balance transfer rates / bonuses on credit cards.

    • +4

      This is CBA Retail bank, it has nothing to do with CommSec.

      • -1

        IT still applies. Once you take up an offer from one you're still a Commonwealth customer and not eligible for any other 'new customers only' promos.

  • +5

    Can I claim this Deal on Facebook using my Desktop computer?
    No. You can only use the check in and Deal functionality on Facebook when accessed via a compatible Smartphone (for example, an iPhone).

    What if I don't have a Facebook account?
    In order to be able to redeem this exciting offer, you need to have a Facebook account. If you don't have an account, signing up to Facebook is free and easy. Simply visit www.facebook.com and follow the instructions under the heading "Sign Up".

    What if I'm an existing Commonwealth Bank customer?
    Existing customers are eligible to receive this offer. As an existing customer your eligibility criteria is no different to that of a new customer to the bank, that is, be one of the first 2200 people to check in to a branch and then open a new Everyday Account.

    What if I don't make it to a branch before the deal expires on Facebook or the branch is closed?
    You will be able to Check In to the branch via Facebook Places the following day, accept the deal again (subject to availability) and go in branch to open your new Everyday Account. Just make sure it is during branch opening hours.

    Can I accept the deal and open the account online or over the phone?
    No, you must Check In to the branch, accept the deal and open the account in branch. This deal is not available on accounts opened online or over the phone.

    Can I accept the deal more than once and open multiple accounts to get multiple movie vouchers?
    No - the deal is limited to one deal and one account per customer.

    How will I know if I qualified for the offer?
    If you have qualified for the Free Movies for a Year Deal, you will be sent the offer details (Movie Pass) by post within 2 months of opening your account. Upon receipt of the offer details, you will have until 31/12/2011 to activate your offer online. If you fail to activate your offer you will forfeit your eligibility for the campaign.

    How do I get my movie vouchers?
    Once you have successfully qualified for the offer, you will be sent a uniquely coded Movie Pass within 2 months of account opening. This Movie Pass with unique code will allow you to then access the dedicated promotional microsite and claim your entitled 2 movie vouchers. You will be asked to supply your full name, address, email, contact number and Movie Pass unique code.
    In order to receive the 2 movie vouchers every month, you will need to access this website every month for the full 12 months.

    What if I don't claim my vouchers in any particular month?
    Unclaimed movie vouchers expire at the end of each month and will not be rolled into the following month. However you will be able to claim the next month's tickets by logging onto the dedicated promotional microsite.

    How quickly will I receive my movie vouchers?
    Movie voucher claims submitted online by 3.30pm Monday - Friday will be dispatched on the same day (from Sydney). Requests submitted after 3.30pm or on a weekend will be dispatched on the next business day.

    Back to top

    What do I do if I have problems redeeming my movie vouchers after I receive my Movie Pass?
    If you are experiencing difficulty in redeeming your vouchers, please email [email protected]. In most cases, we will be able to respond to your query within 48 hours.

    Back to top

    What do I need to give the cinema when I want to watch my movie?
    Once you receive your movie vouchers in the post they must be exchanged at the Box Office of a participating cinema for movie tickets.

    Back to top

    Can I go to any movie theatre and any movie?
    Movie vouchers can be used at various participating cinemas in Australia and are valid for use on standard cinema screenings only. Movie vouchers are valid any day excluding after 5.00pm on Saturday evenings. Participating cinemas can be found by clicking here. Any pre booking requirements/costs are the responsibility of the voucher holder.
    Please note that due to advance booking policies the film and performance you wish to attend may be sold out and seats might not be available. Use of the movie vouchers are subject to availability and may be limited during public and school holidays.

    Back to top

    What happens if I close my account during the first 12 months?
    If you close your Everyday Account during the campaign period, you will no longer be eligible to receive movie vouchers from the date the account was closed.

    Back to top

    Is there any ongoing eligibility criteria for the offer?
    To continue to be eligible for the two movie vouchers each month you must complete one customer initiated transaction each month on your Everyday Account for the full 12 month period.

    Back to top

    What do I need to open an account with Commonwealth Bank?
    Present your identification documents to your most convenient branch.
    For a full list of acceptable Identification documents, view our Certified Copies Identification form.

    Back to top

    When will I get my new card?
    You should receive your new card linked to your new Everyday Account within 3-6 business days. If you have not received your card within 6 business days you can contact us by calling 13 2221 and press option 2.

    Back to top

    How do I switch my Direct Debits and Credits to my new Commonwealth Bank account?
    If you would like to switch existing Direct Debits and Credits over to your new account, you can do so in three easy ways:

    Visit the switching page where you will find switching templates and information to help you draft your letters. You can mail or fax these directly to the organisations.
    Give the organisations a call or visit their website and update your details with them directly.
    Obtain a list of all your Direct Debits from your previous financial institution. Take the list into your local Commonwealth Bank branch and they can assist you with the paperwork.
    Back to top

    Who can I talk to about getting the most out of my new Everyday Account?
    Visit commbank.com.au/welcome for helpful hints and tips on how to get the most out of your account. Alternatively you can visit your local branch.

    Back to top

    What if I have any questions in relation to this offer?
    If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please email [email protected] In most cases, we will be able to respond to your query within 48 hours.

    • +27
      • +4

        Why can't I lug my massive desktop behemoth to my local CBA branch just so I can show them my FB validation???

  • +6

    looks like the everyday account is only fee free if you deposit $2000 or more each month into it. I'm not changing my salary stuff over and i'm hardly gonig to manually deposit $2000 a month in it for 12 months..

    • +1

      Knowing this just totally killed the deal for me

    • +1

      Yes. You will need to deposit at least $2000 or you will be charged $4 monthly fee.
      Also you will need to keep the account active in the next 12 months to receive the voucher.

      • +2

        $4 for a double movie pass isn't too bad

        • +1

          Man, I don't even earn near $2000 a month!

        • That may be so but I highly doubt there is going to be one movie I month that I'd actually want to see

    • +2

      …or be a student, muhahaha.

  • +4

    Don't worry Facebook will eventually die just like ICQ did, and everyone will move onto the next "fad".

    • more like this
      icq => msn =>??
      myspace => facebook => ??

      • ?? = gathering for informed social discourse? Discovering that 2000 online 'friends' isn't that rare, but having more real friends than you can count on one hand probably is? Reading something that's longer than 420 characters and doesn't begin with "OMG!!!"?

        (fingers crossed, but I felt like a grumpy old man writing this)

        Flame on, gen y! ;)

      • icq => msn => facebook =>

        i dont even use msn anymore.

      • The next best, techo-fad is surely around the corner. Seen it all before.

  • -1

    Only for new customer?

    • +1
    • +2

      What if I'm an existing Commonwealth Bank customer?
      Existing customers are eligible to receive this offer. As an existing customer your eligibility criteria is no different to that of a new customer to the bank, that is, be one of the first 2200 people to check in to a branch and then open a new Everyday Account.

      • LOL what's wrong with asking question?
        I'm an existing customer and already had 1 direct debit, wondering can I apply for another 1 to get this movie vouchers?
        REP, since you're working for them can you please shed me some light?

  • Sounds a great deal to me

  • took me 1 hour, and the account cost $4 a month or need $2000 deposit each month. and the staff wasnt happen when I show them the promotion cos no one knows about it.

    • Similar experience, took forever to do something that shouldn't have taken anywhere near that long. Still worth it for free movies though!

  • I'm there now and noone seems to know ? Hope it doesn't take an hr >_< don't wanna miss my stats lecture :p

    • +6

      Tell him you're doing research to work out the probability of the marketing dept telling the actual workers that they're launching a campaign which will affect them.

      I'm guessing even when Bell Curved it's —->0

  • +4

    Well I don't have "smart phone" so I guess I miss out.

    • +2

      You could try printing out the check-in page on your PC. :P

      • +13

        I tried doing it without the smartphone and facebook places.

        I said to the teller: "It's okay, all my friends know I'm here".

        Security escorted me off the premises.

  • -2

    Why not ask people to drive around their branches 50 times while they are at it. Despite this promo. possibly being of good value to some however its just PATHETIC!!

  • +3

    Finally an offer for existing customers too. Just signed up with gf, gonna have 4 free movie tickets a month. Will be cancelling our existing commbank accounts and use the new ones instead (no fees involved). If you are a student, you get this Everyday account without monthly fees too.

    Again, get your ass to the branch to collect 24 free movie tickets. Why not?

    • +1

      When cancelling your existing accounts make sure nobody ever sends money to them.

      I would never cancel my core account as that's where I get paid and where family members send me money for trades etc.

  • +2

    "Is there any ongoing eligibility criteria for the offer?
    To continue to be eligible for the two movie vouchers each month you must complete ONE customer initiated transaction EACH MONTH everyday Account for the full 12 month period."

    Hmm…seems it might be more than $4 a month?

    Unless transferring .01c back and forth between saving accounts is counted ;)

    • +1

      I'm guessing they want you to use the debitcard.

      • Use the card to buy the train tickets :)

        • -2

          Apparently it needs to be 'online' … :\

  • Just went and got the deal, took me 20 mins to do the whole application and i am an existing customer…

  • Can i move $2000 from 1 commbank account to another (its both on my online account) or do i need to "deposit" $2000 into commmbank? :P

    • -5

      The account balance at the end of the month needs to be greater than or equal to the balance at the start of the month plus two thousand dollars in order to negate the four dollar fee. :P

      • Are you sure, because the CBA website says nothing like that, it just says "deposit".

      • +2

        There is no balance requirement like that.

  • Took also nearly a hour…hope movie tickets coming soon :D

  • do we have to make a purchase every month in order to receive the movie vouchers, because thats what i've been told by the teller, also he said it has to be online purchase, don't know why

    • Surely you make 1 purchase a month anyway, that could include paying your phone bill.

  • Woo! me and my mates all went in and done it :D

    • -1

      Did you just open a 2nd account?

      • Yeah, but I'm a uni student so got teh extra account for free :D

        • -1

          I can't be bothered doing this, I start work at CBA next year and they will probably cancel it in 4 months. :\

          Besides I only ever watch NFT movies.

  • did they ask to see ur iphone ? as i havent got one :( so im stuffed am i ?

    • +1

      Any device with a browser that has location support will work, just go to http://m.facebook.com and check in and accept the deal.

      Android works fine with the native app.

  • +1

    so u think i can use my sons ipad ?

    • -1

      If it's 3G I don't see why not.

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