Cheapest price I've seen it, unfortunately only on the Xbox store.
[XB1] Control $44.97 @ Xbox Store

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Yes if you ask Phil Spencer. No if you ask Remedy/505 Games. So yes, but we were told too soon.
Exactly my thoughts. Remedy probably wasn’t happy that their Christmas sales just got reduced by an early announcement.
This will be coming to gamepass soon
PC as well, or just Xbox?
Surprised by the reviews. It's a bit of a "meh" game.
Mechanics / movement are utterly repetitive, story yawnworthy. Way too many items to pickup and that require reading the boring backstory.
They should have just made another Max Payne. lol!But it has a female lead so you must praise it in PC land.
Not even close to worth $45.
I’d say worth maybe $20, but even then I’d be hesitant. Very repetitive, couldn’t get into it. People have said it’s great and they’ve really gotten into it, but if you just want to play the game and have fun without getting invested into the backstory then you won’t have a good time. The plot was uninteresting and I couldn’t get invested personally, so I didn’t end up enjoying it. I put a few hours into it and moved on, will probably finish it eventually but just got sick of it.
Plus coming to Gamepass soon.
I picked it up for this price months ago during an amazon sale. It’s like playing an acid trip.. but I agree the mechanics are not terribly exciting. If only they invested in a decent Alan Wake sequel instead. No idea why Remedy invest so
much money in new franchises with dry mechanics and uninteresting characters. Max Payne and Alan Wake were there golden years..
Isn’t this coming to GamePass soon?