Hi all,
First time looking at a contract.
It’s a senior management role in the fintech industry.
The agent has given me three options for pay:
- Free option: Monthly pay cycle + NO professional indemnity or Public Liability.
- 1% a day cost option: Weekly or fortnightly pay cycles + Pro Indemnity + public laibity + they will process super direction to the wife etc + other benefits like discounted gym etc
- Your own ABN.
I have my own ABN, but never processed a pay through it. Mostly used to sell items at the local weekend markets.
I will be a desk and meeting jockey that will help deliver fintech solutions.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Depends what kind of insurances you need to be a contractor whose consulting as senior management in fintech.
Can you get that yourself for less than the cost of 1 percent of your the contactor rate?