This was posted 13 years 6 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Domino's Customer Appreciation Weekend $4.95 Large Pizza


Pretty much what the flyer says.

Dominos large pizza $4.95 for the weekend of Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st August only.

I picked this up at Carlton, VIC. Flyer doesn't specify which stores


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closed Comments

  • great deal :)
    where is this valid? ive seen vouchers in the past work only for certain states..

  • Looks like I have to have pizza this weekend then, how can I resist at $4.95….

    • +2

      Don't be too excited. They only allow you to appreciate them next weekend (20th, 21st August) and for 2 days only.

      • woops, thanks for telling me!

  • Been a while since I have seen a coupon for $4.95!!

  • well this is the best price ever in many months.

  • -4

    Do you print out the receipt?

  • Time will tell if it actually works at your local store…

  • +2

    "Customer Appreciation" .. lol … gotta love marketing.

    • +10

      "Customer Appreciation", once this deal is over, do they tell you to piss off? :P

      • +4

        No they turn it around and demand that you appreciate them. :)

    • +8

      I think "Customer Appreciation" was introduced to combat the high rate of "Customer Depriciation"

      • +2

        If the pizza is any good, I get "Customer Inflation"

  • -2

    Not working Kenmore, Brisbane, so probably state or locality specific.

    • +13

      How can you tell? It's not even on yet.

      • +3

        Because I plugged the code in for the specified date when making an order and it didn't work.

        "Not valid this store" was what I got.

        The assumption I then made was that the deal was not valid.

        Unless in the future they upload the deal for the specific dates, then my assumption was valid.

        So yes, I have learned to read. And I do understand. Do you?

        • +2

          Lol. It is for specific dates. I dont think it will be activated until the actual date of the deal.

        • +6

          I just decided to try the same thing for my 3 local stores, and it didn't work at any of them, but then tried it for Carlton, where the OP says the flyer is from, and it WORKED there for the specific date. So the voucher is actually active already for the specific dates.

          These things are usually store specific, its something the managers decide to do once or twice a year, sometimes it can be at several stores if they are owned by the same people.

  • +1

    so you can pickup one of these coupons from in store? :)

    • +4

      You normally don't need a coupon for these afaik

      • +1

        True, but Eagle Boys used to honour competitors coupons if you surrendered a physical copy.

    • +7

      hmm i think i know what happen, i guess u are so hungry at that time and might not realized that you just eaten the box based as well. did u order the thin and crispy at that time? no wonder it taste with cardboard texture :) just kidding :)

      • -6

        It just tastes bad. Pedro's pizza is $5.95/large and it tastes leaps and bounds better.

        • +10

          and what are people who don't live near their very small amount of stores?

          Your opinion is not valid unless its Australia Wide.

          Pizza is cheaper in China, i'm going to neg vote all pizza deals because everyone should go there instead


        • +2

          where is pedro pizza? somewhere in the middle of somewhere? NT? :) priceless

  • Good deal, might have to give them a try again for that tasty salty trash snack hit.

  • +5

    finally the pizzas at the price they should be permanently. I do not go to Dominos unless its less than $6 for a traditional pizza.

  • +2

    I shall choose my words carefully… what's with all the comment censorship?

  • Good price, might have to consider a pizza weekend next week!

  • +1

    I'm hungry now!!!! any vouchers for tight ass tuesday?

  • I wonder how dominoes makes any money with all their coupons!

    • +4

      It costs approx $3 to make a pizza (I use to work at Dominos), so they are still making something off it. I think they are also hoping people will also buy their 'over priced' garlic breads, to which costs 50c per each one, lol.

      • I heard the garlic breads they use are just the homebrand ones, which cost 99c each at Woolies

        • +1

          I heard the garlic breads at Woolies are frozen

      • This isn't 100% true

        At your store it might cost $3 including wages ingredients etc, but plenty of other stores have very different costs.

        I imagine this is why some stores ban any coupons below $6 etc.

        • +5

          Well, i haven't worked there for about 7 yrs, but there are soo many factors that come into play (what type of ingredients, wastage, wages etc…), but thats why i said approx.

      • +1

        do you know nz ice cream, the supplier only sell for $1/box of 2 littre, and they sell 1 scoop for $???
        don't worry about the salary, most of them prefer hiring below 18, cheaper. you can see from mcd and kfc.
        but they also have to pay some royalty fee as well. so if the cost is $3/pizza, that possible. but if the store is not enough to generate the sales, that possible increase the the production cost as well.

      • WRONG!
        Food costs have gone way up - they use heaps better ingredients then the old days - real bacon, better pineapple just to name a few - and labour has pretty much doubled since you were working (you mention 7 years ago) drivers get paid $18.92/hr plus $2 del in vic and an 18 year old instore is paid $16/hr.

        nothing is made on $4.95 it's purely to get customers trying dominos and seeing how awesome the pizzas are

        • I worked at the Carlton outlet as a delivery rider and used to get paid $10 an hour before tax. My responsibilities involved delivering the pizzas and during the quite period it involved preparing the bases, oiling the pans, refilling the containers and cleaning up stuff and if we had to start or end the shift it also included setting up the table and cleaning up the place.
          Worst job ever. Good thing it last only 2 months and the next job I got double the pay.

      • garlic breads are usually also on special on these sorts of days.
        $2 each usually

  • That's good to know

  • Of course they appreciate their customers… For coming-back, after all the health scares. Just google it, you'll never eat at one again. FACT.

    Seeing their "Pizzas" is enough to keep me away.
    Dough, Liquid Flavour, Water.

  • Nice post Sangz!

  • Don't forget this one that I posted at like 3am yesterday (straight to 2nd page by the time anyone cared :( )

  • +1


  • +13

    Got another code in the mail today: 91496

    Same deal on same weekend, got this around Doncaster.

    • this code 91496 is working on the below store that i mentioned below.

    • hi kcyw, do u know when this code expired?

      • This weekend only, so valid today and tomorrow I suppose.

    • +4

      Thanks for posting, kcyw. 67915 didn't work for my local store in Sydney, but 91496 did.

    • Thanks kcyw. Ordered with your code in Sydney, OK

    • 91496 works for Kenmore, Brisbane.

    • 91496 works for Strathfield, NSW

  • today is the day

  • +1

    it is not working in west ryde, north strathfield, strathfield, epping and north ryde nsw

  • not working at hurlstone park nsw store but code 91496 did work! yeeeow! pizza 4 dinner lol

  • Valid at Zillmere, Brisbane. Awesome pizza.

  • Not working for 1/2 dozen Perth stores I tried. Maybe it was a local store appreciation day voucher? :)

  • Valid at Bexley and Penshurst store for 91946

  • Valid at Bexley and Penshurst store for 91946

  • +4

    Have you notices that on new Eagle Boys boxes the wording "Bigger. Better" is gone?

    Guess there pizzas are not bigger and better anymore!

  • NOT valid in Myaree, WA.

    • +3

      try 91496

  • +3

    Not working for Thornlie WA, but 91496 works :)

  • +2

    91946 works for me at QLD mt Ommaney. BARGIN thanks op

  • also works at Forest Lake QLD

    1. Planned pizza night at 4pm
    2. Jumped onto OzB to look for promo codes.
    3. Saw Domino's on the front page of OzB.
    4. Profit $
    • +4


      That's just like my partner telling me how much she saved us buying up at the recent sales! :)

  • +2

    91496 works at Bankstown NSW

    • Worked at Roseville NSW

    • works at Pymble, thanks trance baby!

  • Just ordered 5 pizzas for tonight. Worked in Sydney CBD Elizabeth store. Thanks kcyw!

  • 91946 working @ noosa, Qld. Cheers :}

  • 91946 works in ACT - Florey shop. Thanks.

  • +1

    brought 2 haha lots people still pay full price today as i can see

  • doesnt work for hurlstone park and marrickville =(

    • Code 91946 works in Marrickville :D

  • 91496 - Works at Virginia, QLD store 8^)

  • Works at Mindarie WA! thanks OP!

  • is it just me or you can't change any ingredients otherwise the pizza will go up in price?

    Edit: Has to be Classic crust or edge , can't take my favourite thin crispy :(

  • +1

    edit: I am a moron.

  • +1

    For Delivered: Use code 40946

    Traditional Large Pizzas from $9.95 each delivered. Selected stores only. Online only. Offer code . Exp 28/8/11

  • works at taringa qld. 91496

  • @ Trance and Dance - "91496" worked for me! thanks

  • Doesn't work inglewood or Bayswater . God their site is so slow . Thats 15mins of my life I'll never get back .
    I'd eat Dominoes for $5 but what they charge normally is a lot for for what you could label at best very mediocre pizza's .

  • doesn't work at Caloundra, QLD. :(

  • didn't work for West Ryde store, NSW

  • i love pizza :)

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