• expired

AmEx Statement Credits: Lagardere (Spend $30, Get $10 Back)


Offer valid at participating retailer locations. Any additional locations of listed retailers are not valid for the offer.
Offer is limited to one credit per Card to which the offer is saved and only spend on this Card counts towards the Offer.
Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, in-store at participating retailer locations. Offer valid at Australian locations only. Excludes online purchases.
Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.
Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.

Participate Location


Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express
AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers

closed Comments

  • +8

    Nice, myki recharge

    • where?

      • +8

        Flinders hub relay

  • Thanks Op! Got it on my qantas discovery - both primary and additional

  • +3
  • +3

    Is it really targetted? I have it on all 13 of my cards.

  • +1

    Got it on all our cards too. Good offer but last time they had it you only needed to spend $20 to get $10 back. Opal card is already pretty loaded up after shop small!

    Last time they ran the offer you could use it as all 3 newslink locations at Central station.

    • It just says Newslink, Central Station in the PDF …

      • so would it work for all Newslink?

      • Newslink Wynard too! yay

        • -1

          where is that located? cheers

          • +2

            @thekensai: At Wynyard …

            • @kerfuffle: What's the name of the shop? cheers

            • -1

              @kerfuffle: I mean is it inside the station?

              • @thekensai: Well yeah … Did you bother opening the participating locations link in the OP?

                • -2

                  @kerfuffle: yes but wynyard has got large space inside with multi-story and corridors

                  • +1

                    @thekensai: It's not that large … Or hard to find. Maybe actually go to Wynyard yourself? You'll find it within minutes.

                    • @kerfuffle: Not OP but i went to wynyard this morning and could not find any Newslink store although there is a WH Smith store. will check out other side of station later to see if i can find it

                      • +1

                        @FiDad: It's called Hub Convenience

                        • @kerfuffle: Thanks Kerfuffle. I saw the hub convenience but was not sure if that was part of Newslink but now checking the PDF again i can see some of hub locations mentioned in other cities.

                          • +1

                            @FiDad: My friend pointed out they use the same red as Newslink (and also it's mentioned in the Wikipedia article for Newslink)

    • +2

      Just went to 2 separate Newslink at Central, got email for both. For Opal top up you’ll have to spend $35 ($30 is not possible apparently).

      Looks like there are only 2 Newslink at Central now, one in the Devonshire street tunnel and one on the main train concourse.

      • +1

        Minimum top-up is now $20 at retailers. Was going to ask for $40

      • That's bs. "$30 not possible"

        • $30 is not an option for Adult Opal, but is an option for other types of Opal cards. So if you have family members using these cards, you can top up $30.

      • -1

        I’m not too familiar the central location, where exactly are these two Newslink?

        • Did you read the comment you just replied to? :/

        • +6

          The 1st Newslink is at outside the country train flatforms (concourse). If you catch the train to get there, exit at the country trains gate, then it's at your right.

          The 2nd one is at the station entrance on Devonshire St. Just walk along the Devonshire St until you see the station entry, walk down the stairs and you'll see it.

          I would suggest to do during off-peak time if you plan to do multiple cards. The guys at the concourse was nice enough to ask me if I wanted to do more when I asked to topup for 2 cards.

          • +1

            @timhn: Thank you very much!

  • Time to buy lotto…

  • Nice. Just used it to top up my opal card

  • Yay $160 free for spending $480.

  • Go Card top up at Gold Coast Airport…..hmmm

  • this offer is once per card right?

    • Yes

  • +1

    Does anyone have a manual link?

  • +1

    Has anyone tried topping up Myki at Flinders St with multiple cards? How easy was it?

    • +2

      Not me, but saw someone with multiple cards last year (or 2017?) who was told only one card - it is a very busy site at Flinders St, and it was like seeing a train wreck as the card holder seemed really unaware that they were frustrating the staff and obstructing normal customers as they kept asking repeatedly with the same answer.

      We should probably put in the main description that we should all be sympathetic to the staff and limit to one card especially during busy periods, otherwise these and similar promotions may be cancelled permanently. Seems like staff already have demanding amex card holders this year in Sydney

  • I redeemed via Relay at Martin Place for an opal top up.

    Guy serving me claims heaps of people are doing multiple top ups on the same card and getting the rebate.

    • Maybe he meant same Opal card?

  • great. recharge Opal

  • +5

    FYI: Newslink Wynyard is actually called Hub Convenience. Some guy was using at least three Amexes on the one Opal and making life difficult for the attendant …

    • So to make their lives eaiser ( so do we) , just buy a new $30 Opal each Amex card then transfer the balance yourself…

      • You can't top up with $30.

        Yeah, I just plan on spending $40 every time I'm at Central

        • Oh so you can only do $20 + $20?

          or $20 + $10 scratchy?

        • So they don't allow you top up $30 or just they don't want to do? $20 + $10

          • @kerfuffle: So they allow top up of $30?

            • @Turd: No because it's $20, $40, $50, (I think $60), $80, $100 and $120

                • @Turd: Or do $60 and pay with 2 cards, but thats just wrong

                  • @Turd: That's assuming they can do split payment

                    • +2

                      @kerfuffle: They can't, tried asking for $120 split across 4 cards and was told they can only split between 1 card and balance cash.

              • +2

                @kerfuffle: Just topup $35 at Newslink. The guy said can only do $20, $35 or $40.

                • @timhn: $35 is such a weird amount; I guess it's come in since the airport hack got shut down. I'd probably still do $40 though as that's my weekly spend

                  • +3

                    @kerfuffle: For me it has nothing to do with it being a weird spend but all about savings:
                    $10/$30=33.33% discount
                    $10/$35=28.57% discount
                    $10/$40=25.00% discount

                    Always top up the least amount when it comes to these deals. You can top up the remainder at woolies using 5% off giftcards.
                    Topping up $40 instead of $35 means you're losing 5% discount on $5, or otherwise $0.25, whereas you could be saving that for no additional effort.

                    • +4

                      @neilpatrickharris: I don’t top up at Woolies because I top-up at Coles when they offer bonus points on flybuys, where I can get three points per dollar on my Amex

                      • +2

                        @kerfuffle: yup, same using discounted Coles cards

                      • +1

                        @kerfuffle: RIP Amex points, 15th April 2019

                        • @cwongtech: Yeah, 12K points for $100 Ticketmaster credit vs the current 20K was the best; saw Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for free thanks to my Amex points

                    • +2

                      @neilpatrickharris: You can get a new child Opal card and top-up with $30/Amex card. You can only do 5 times since $150 is the max amount for child/concession. Then transfer that to your Adult card.

                      • @timhn: Good point, hadn't thought about the child opal card. I'll give that a try on Monday.

                      • @timhn: Assuming you are not entitled to a child/concession opal card, have you ever transferred a child to an adult card on your opal account?

                        • +1

                          @BuyNow Think Later: I have never tried if but I don't see any such restriction on Opal. I personally know you can transfer from a student card to an adult one.

                          Even if transfer is not allowed, you can request for a refund. A bit hassle since you have to fill a form & post the card to them but doable.

                        • @BuyNow Think Later: I have transferred from a child opal to an adult. Did it around 2 yrs back when I had a friends family visiting… don't think anything has changed stopping this now.

  • Not in my Qantas Amex….

  • Can we top up an Adult opal $20 and a Senior opal $10 then pay $30 in one session? They are happy to do that?

    • Nothing wrong with doing that because that make the operator job easier by just make 1 credit transactions, instead 2. They just scan two opal barcodes - or punch the amount into the register.

    • Have been doing it for all of my cards, as long as you are not stopping other customers. I think the shop is happy to do it.

      You can top up senior or kids card for $30

  • Topped up $40 at Hub Convenience Wynyard (ne George St exit) - no email received

    • I received an e-mail on my Velocity Escape supplementary. Was your card registered for the offer?

      • Yes it was - also weird that I don’t see the txn in my online banking

        • Did you pay with your phone or your physical card?

          • @kerfuffle: Physical - tap and pay

            • @tghtarse: No idea, then. I was gonna suggest that it may have gone to a different card if you used your phone. Has the transaction shown up yet?

              • +1

                @kerfuffle: Used second card today, email came through immediately. I think I’ll get the credit

    • I topped up Opal with $35 yesterday there and received email immediately.

  • Anyone got statement credit in their account yet? I did the transition on monday and got the email straight away but no credit till now

    • +2

      Yes; used three so far with two credits given

    • +1

      No - 2 transactions on Monday and one on Wednesday. Emails received each time but no credits yet.

      • Update - received credits for both of Monday's transactions so took 7 days.

    • +2

      I did 2 top-up on 6 Dec, received only one confirmation email but got credit for both transactions which took slightly longer for the credit appearing on the statement than other AMEX offer like Shop Small

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