When the label on a food item is incorrect - where do you report this?
Mislabelled Food - Who Do You Report It to?

bargain huntress on 05/12/2019 - 09:57
The manufacturer so they can fix it?
I guess ACCC for misleading and deceptive would be the last resort.
A lawyer
Your mum, assuming she labelled your lunch box..
The FBI. No one else can help, nor even the manufacturer.
In what way is the label incorrect?
The hotdogs - there seems to be no dog in it!
What's the example OP? We don't have a singular body to report too, but it would be more helpful if there was further context.
The Manufacturer if it's a minor issue or FSANZ ( https://www.foodstandards.gov.au ) if you believe it to be a breach of labelling regulations.
Sounds like a case for the scooby gang.