This was posted 5 years 3 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Board Games up to 50% off @ Amazon US via AU e.g. Trivial Pursuit Family Edition $16.47 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend)

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Sorry too many to link, and Risk has been posted separately

MONOPOLY - DISNEY The Lion King Edition - $32.95

Trivial Pursuit Family Edition - $16.47

TINY PONG - Solo Table Tennis / Ping pong - $14.82

Sorry! $18.12

DON'T STEP IN IT Unicorn Edition - $19.76

Cluedo Downton Abbey Edition ā€“ $21.41

Catch Phrase Game $16.47

Monopoly - Junior $16.47


Monopoly Sonic Gamer $21.74

Monopoly Star Wars $23.06

Twister Ultimate Game $21.41

Candy Land - The World of Sweets - $13.17

Monopoly Unicorns Vs. Llamas $21.41

Monopoly B2860 Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition $30.81

Retro Series Scrabble 1949 Edition $21.41

Classic Operation Skill Game $18.12

Hasbro Gaming Taboo Party Board Game with Buzzer for Kids Ages 13 and Up

Chutes and Ladders Game $11.52

HiHo Cherry O - $14.19

Battleship Shots $18.12

Monopoly Game Stranger Things Collector's Edition $42.84

Elefun - Elefun and Friends - Butterfly Blasting & Catching - $24.71

Candy Land Disney Princess Edition Game Board $25.37

Connect 4 Strategy Board Game for Ages 6 and Up $11.52

Trivial Pursuit: Master Edition Board

Battleship Grab and Go $8.23

Catch Phrase: Uncensored $24.71

Candy Land Game: My Little Pony the Movie Edition $21.41

Ellen Blindfolded Musical Chairs Game

Marvel Spider-Man Web Warriors Chutes & Ladders Game $23.06

Ellen You Bet Game $30.81

Pit Classic - $11.52

Mouse Trap - Kids Educational Game $23.06

Ellen Danger Word Game $23.56

The Game of Life Board Game Ages 8 & Up

Crocodile Dentist - ELEFUN & Friends -

Scrabble Deluxe Edition Game -

Clue Game Standard Multicolor $19.93

Raising Hell $19.76

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2019

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks for posting OP

  • +10

    Thanks OP..

    Just a minor suggestion that may be helpful. Grouping up games that a similar (eg: all the monopoly's) would make your post 150% quicker to digest and scope.

    Thanks again for sharing and hope this was helpful for you :)

    • +3

      Thanks I was on phone so not that easy to rearrange, this was as per the Amazon featured order. If on the computer I will in future though. Cheers!

      • Hahaha.. prompts to you posting that while on your phone šŸ‘šŸ‘

        • +1

          Might just be a typo, but I was curious about what 'props' is actually short for:

          'proper respect or proper recognition for another person'

          • +3

            @captaincabinets: Yeah i was on my phone.. auto correct strikes again!!

            Props as in - respect

    • Bruh there's like 20 games, it's not 'War and Peace'.

  • +1

    Cheers. Got Retro Scrabble and Connect 4. :) I should be sleeping…

  • +5

    Thanks for sharing.

    I'd also make a suggestion given there's alot of items, what you could do is keep the list in Excel and then copy paste them into a table generator for OzBargain to make it look nice and neat. Here's the markdown table generator I use for my hard drive/NAS deals >

    • +15

      Cheers, I'm on the phone and this took long enough, but I'll try next time!

      • +3

        damn OP, making this post must have been a PITA on a phone! Thanks!

  • Looks good thanks, do you think trivial pursuit questions will be American instead of Australian as delivery from US or the game would have international questions?

  • +2

    There is only 6 left so I won't post it as a deal, but I found this Super Scrabble for $25 (was $79.95) + $12 shipping on Catchā€¦
    It's a giant scrabble board with twice as many tiles and four times as many places to put them. Apparently the board is flimsy so you might want to reinforce the bottom with tape or something and be gentle with it, but otherwise it's highly rated. I can't tell how much it usually goes for but most reviews complain that it's expensive, so I'm guessing this is a bargain for Scrabble fans compared to the normal price or import price.

    • Good one. Do you own a set?

      Also same price but different name at Mr Toys ToyWorld for QLD.

      • I ordered two, so there was 8 left when I found it. One as a gift and one for myself.

  • +6

    Check local prices first - eg BigW/Target have monopoly junior for $15.

    Cheap sources could be Kmart, Target and BigW even Myer

    Monopoly Australian edition - Bigw $25 Amazon $25

    Monopoly Fortnite - Bigw $39 Amazon $24.56

    Monopoly for Millenials Myer $29.99 Amazon same (but 9% cash back at Myer vs 7% at Amazon) but pickup vs posted

  • Thanks, OP.
    Cluedo Junior is fantastic for kids (and adults).

    • +2

      $15 at target

      • Funny that, I ordered it on Click & Collect yesterday - was supposed to be ready to collect today, eventually got an email saying Low Stock Slowing My Ordrr.

        Bracing myself for a cancellation.

  • If anyone's interested in the Family/Kids Trivial Pursuit, take a closer look at the pictures before buying. You don't get a whole lot of question cards (longevity may be an issue once you get through them) and being an international version the wording/language may be off (one of the pictures shows French spelling on the board).

    I've picked up a couple of the other games (thanks OP!), but the Trivial Pursuit looks a bit iffy.

    • +1

      Also be aware that International Expedited Delivery is NOT guaranteed before Christmas.

      Just got confirmation of delivery, ETA 18th Dec - 2nd Jan.

  • Cheers got the sonic Monopoly at $21.74

  • +1

    Not quite as cheap as it was before, but $13.32 is a good price for Exit The Game: The Mysterious Museum which is an escape room type thing (single use)

  • Dam, i was really hoping Monopoly - Appendicitis Edition was on sale…

  • +9

    Sorted by price

    Game Price
    Battleship Grab and Go $8.23
    Chutes and Ladders Game $11.52
    Connect 4 Strategy Board Game for Ages 6 and Up $11.52
    Pit Classic $11.52
    Candy Land - The World of Sweets $13.17
    HiHo Cherry O $14.19
    TINY PONG - Solo Table Tennis / Ping pong $14.82
    Catch Phrase Game $16.47
    CLUEDO JUNIOR $16.47
    Monopoly - Junior $16.47
    The Game of Life Board Game Ages 8 & Up $16.47
    Trivial Pursuit Family Edition $16.47
    Battleship Shots $18.12
    Classic Operation Skill Game $18.12
    Sorry! $18.12
    DON'T STEP IN IT Unicorn Edition $19.76
    Raising Hell $19.76
    Clue Game Standard Multicolor $19.93
    Candy Land Game: My Little Pony the Movie Edition $21.41
    Cluedo Downton Abbey Edition $21.41
    Crocodile Dentist - ELEFUN & Friends $21.41
    Hasbro Gaming Taboo Party Board Game with Buzzer for Kids Ages 13 and Up $21.41
    Monopoly Unicorns Vs. Llamas $21.41
    Retro Series Scrabble 1949 Edition $21.41
    Twister Ultimate Game $21.41
    Monopoly Sonic Gamer $21.74
    Marvel Spider-Man Web Warriors Chutes & Ladders Game $23.06
    Monopoly Star Wars $23.06
    Mouse Trap - Kids Educational Game $23.06
    Ellen Danger Word Game $23.56
    Catch Phrase: Uncensored $24.71
    Elefun - Elefun and Friends - Butterfly Blasting & Catching $24.71
    Candy Land Disney Princess Edition Game Board $25.37
    Ellen Blindfolded Musical Chairs Game $25.37
    Ellen You Bet Game $30.81
    Monopoly B2860 Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition $30.81
    MONOPOLY - DISNEY The Lion King Edition $32.95
    Trivial Pursuit: Master Edition Board $39.54
    Monopoly Game Stranger Things Collector's Edition $42.84
    Scrabble Deluxe Edition Game $49.43
  • +11

    Sorted by name

    Game Price
    Battleship Grab and Go $8.23
    Battleship Shots $11.52
    Candy Land - The World of Sweets $11.52
    Candy Land Disney Princess Edition Game Board $11.52
    Candy Land Game: My Little Pony the Movie Edition $13.17
    Catch Phrase Game $14.19
    Catch Phrase: Uncensored $14.82
    Chutes and Ladders Game $16.47
    Classic Operation Skill Game $16.47
    Clue Game Standard Multicolor $16.47
    Cluedo Downton Abbey Edition $16.47
    CLUEDO JUNIOR $16.47
    Connect 4 Strategy Board Game for Ages 6 and Up $18.12
    Crocodile Dentist - ELEFUN & Friends $18.12
    DON'T STEP IN IT Unicorn Edition $18.12
    Elefun - Elefun and Friends - Butterfly Blasting & Catching $19.76
    Ellen Blindfolded Musical Chairs Game $19.76
    Ellen Danger Word Game $19.93
    Ellen You Bet Game $21.41
    Hasbro Gaming Taboo Party Board Game with Buzzer for Kids Ages 13 and Up $21.41
    HiHo Cherry O $21.41
    Marvel Spider-Man Web Warriors Chutes & Ladders Game $21.41
    MONOPOLY - DISNEY The Lion King Edition $21.41
    Monopoly - Junior $21.41
    Monopoly B2860 Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition $21.41
    Monopoly Game Stranger Things Collector's Edition $21.74
    Monopoly Sonic Gamer $23.06
    Monopoly Star Wars $23.06
    Monopoly Unicorns Vs. Llamas $23.06
    Mouse Trap - Kids Educational Game $23.56
    Pit Classic $24.71
    Raising Hell $24.71
    Retro Series Scrabble 1949 Edition $25.37
    Scrabble Deluxe Edition Game $25.37
    Sorry! $30.81
    The Game of Life Board Game Ages 8 & Up $30.81
    TINY PONG - Solo Table Tennis / Ping pong $32.95
    Trivial Pursuit Family Edition $39.54
    Trivial Pursuit: Master Edition Board $42.84
    Twister Ultimate Game $49.43
    • +1

      have a +, you good person! :)

    • Username checks out!

    • did the collector edition of stranger things really drop to 21.74 or just 42 or so?

      Actually i realised the price column didn't get sorted with the name hence the price difference…

  • I would have liked the deluxe scrabble, but jebus that board design is just too horrid.

  • None of the designer/modern board games are on sale sigh

  • damn missed it. do amazon au deals deals usually expire at early evening instead of midnight?

    • +1

      More like at any time

      • +1

        It was a US cyber Monday deal, so I believe it expired about midnight West Coast US time

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