So my whole family is planning to relocate from Auckland to Sydney.
Have you done something similar? What was your experience with your mover? How much did it cost?
For a guide, we are family of 3, and a dog.
Any comment would be appreciated!
So my whole family is planning to relocate from Auckland to Sydney.
Have you done something similar? What was your experience with your mover? How much did it cost?
For a guide, we are family of 3, and a dog.
Any comment would be appreciated!
No not yet. I heard that I need to file a paperwork and requires a medical exam.
I have.
Can you elaborate? Don't move? Don't…?
You gave no context for it, if so for the sake of just doing it. Don't
I'm happy to provide additional context. But the thing is I don't know what to put. Perhaps you can help me out here?
Just ask 50% of the Gold coast population.
Or Bondi.
Why are you considering moving?
What do you/your partner/kid do for work?
Do you have family/friends here?
How much money do you have in the bank and what are your liabilities?
What's your plan when/if you come here?
Do You Like To Cook?
What Is Your Favorite Hobby?
What Are Some Of Your Long-Term Goals?
Do you like hot or cold weather?
What kind of phone do you have?
I think we need to do a cost analysis on the benefit of NZ persons having access to OZ and it's benefits. I know it's apparently reciprocal, but who wants to live in NZ, obviously Millions don't.
NZ citizens won't get access to centrelink or student loans in Oz, but Aussie citizens get access to them in NZ
Most other things are reciprocal though
no you don't there is a 4 year stand down minimum in NZ. If an NZ citizen registers and get's their medicare card they can get the dole easily enough, I think there is other stand downs applied there. Source have lived in both countries and had an ex who did the same.
I almost moved to New Zealand back in 2013. Then the Australian dollar tanked and I shelved the plans. I'd like to say I'd consider moving again but having successfully moved to Melbourne; I'm keen to seek a warmer climate this time. So people who will move are out there - the exchange rate is a consideration though.
how much stuff do you intend to bring over?
Do you have jobs organised and where?
Do you have thoughts on where you intend to send the children to school (what year are they in now?)
Do you intend to rent or do you have a truckload of money to buy?
As a born and bred Sydney resident i couldn't think of a bigger crap pile to move to unless you have some good savings and really good jobs lined up ($150k+ each).
TBF not that Auckland is much better, but you are spot the F on!
Best get your employer to relocate you and they foot the costs of moving, selling house and insurance etc.
As others have said, get everything lined up first, or don't do it.
Sell Auckland house first, apparently the market is HOT at the moment. Unless you feel you can make decent rental from it.
I have a job in Sydney. No kids. I think our belongs can fill up 1/2 of the 20" container?
The dog’s quarantine costs and flights to SYDNEY from Christchurch were double the price of a business ticket 25 years ago. I can’t imagine the ratio is any better today
Quarantine? We brought 3 cats to and from NZ several times. Never had to quarantine. There is nothing in NZ of concern. Going there from here, they have concerns about ticks.
We moved from Auckland to Adelaide in 2014. 2 adults and 2 little kids. Sold everything we could prior to moving- was cheaper and less hassle to sell there and buy new/second hand here than transporting. Packed 8x 25kg bags of necessities and flew with an air plane. The wife had a job arranged prior to moving. The prices are much more higher in OZ for everything- cars (to buy, regos!!!, insurances, petrol), housing, child care, groceries, etc. In our case, it cost us 20-25K NZD to relocate including 2x second hand cars purchased on arrival. In the long run though our expenses have been paid off due to higher wages, better job opportunities, and besides, we've started to build a house- which was unrealistic in Auckland.
Have you a job… a house… a school… why do you want to sponge off our system for
We have done DIY container from NZ and rmcountered costs no one told us about. It was not that much trouble - it was just the pot costs here. You need an agent as you cannot go into the customs area of the port. Then there is the transport from the port.
When husbands parents died, we used Conroys twice. The first time was watchmaking tools and we packed ourselves. The next time they packed. Their service was great and they are careful packers. The price was quite reasonable. Cats can be brought across fairly easily nowadays too. Two choices: in a container or roll on toll off. The latter is cheaper.
Personally, I don’t see the point in selling things unless they are not worth moving. Before we hired the container in our whole house move, we had sold white goods that were k Lo was than a year old. We sure e we usher we hadn’t done that.
We were naughty and advertised in the paper and found someone to share the costs. It worked for us. However it is a risk if they have put banned items not the container.
If you only have half a container, then get quotes from the removalists. You cannot get insurance unless they pack it. Conroy’s prices were surprisingly good. My bil used them twice as well to Melbourne.
Does the dog have a security clearance?