It seems as though 28 degrees and Coles no longer offer shoppers protection. Is there any card left in Australia that does?
Credit Cards with Shoppers Protection All Gone?
I was thinking the same. I believe there are no such offers anymore.
When did this happen? I think I did a 28d shoppers protection a couple of weeks ago.
New policy not offered. existing policies grandfathered. at least for now.
I've had 28 degrees for 4 years, how do I find out if I got protection or not?
once you login, check the shopper protection tab, it will say something along the lines ' you are covered ' etc
@Seven8Nine: Thanks but I can't find the tab. Is it an app feature?
You would have had to sign up for the protection insurance plan when it was offered. They dont offer it any more.
NAB cards have Price Protection Insurance, different rules though.
Totally different. That's for damage or loss protection.
No, that’s the Purchase Protection Insurance. Totally different.
Okay. What does Price Protection Insurance do?
Oh man, I sure hope it doesn't go away, otherwise the card is going in the bin.
Long gone
That's too bad. It would have been massive for mobile phones. Damn.
I believe 28 Degrees, GO Mastercard and Coles Mastercard used to offer them, not any more though :(
I was pretty bummed to find out 28d doesn't offer it anymore.