Great deal for a really good toothbrush.
$49 after 20% ShopBack and 10% Zippay
Cant find near this price anywhere else.
Great deal for a really good toothbrush.
$49 after 20% ShopBack and 10% Zippay
Cant find near this price anywhere else.
this ones for around 130 after cashback (shopback -50 phillips -100 zip -30
whats sthe phillips - 100 for?
phillips cashback promotion
ah i found it on their website. Darn it. I wouldve totally gone for that if i saw it earlier
@HappyXD: you can still get it for 155 total now (+$25 because of amazon cashback reduced to 12 not 20%).
@aorusozbarg: Yeah im thinking if its worth waiting for another flash cashback from cashrewards haha
@aorusozbarg: Tried looking for it but, do you know if the black one is also available by any chance?
@aorusozbarg: ah hang on its not 12% cashback now, its up to 12% isnt it? These toothbrushes dont fit in the 12% category i think.
@HappyXD: oh yeah, only 7% i think my bad
Health & Personal Care, Personal Care Appliances, Luxury Beauty 7.00%
What’s wrong with a $1 toothbrush?
This is OZBargain is it not. Not OzRichDisposableIncome
If you can't afford it doesn't mean it's not a deal.
You don't really need these more expensive options but the electric toothbrushes that regularly go for sub $20 at Woolies - Oral B Vitality are a great improvement on manual brushesing.
what about the $15 aldi ones? i found them not so great which is why i'm reluctant to buy a cheapie regardless of brand.
Yeah those are fine too. It's more the timer on the electronic brushes that keeps you brushing for 2 minutes or more to help in removing plaque. If you manually brush, I find you would probably not brush for that long.
The 4000 has the better motor (cleans more effectively) and a pressure sensor, and the better battery tech, which are all missing from the ones you pick up from the supermarkets.
You could brush just as well with a manual toothbrush as you would with an electric… but you probably won't.
Source: I'm a dental clinician.
what 20% shopback?
edit: the one that expired 15 minutes after this deal was listed I guess.
does this have the same motor as the 8000