Black Friday sale - 2TB for $US10.
Scroll down and select the 2TB option. Other blocks are also on sale.
Not sure how long this will last.
It's the cheapest I have ever seen for 2TB of data.
Black Friday sale - 2TB for $US10.
Scroll down and select the 2TB option. Other blocks are also on sale.
Not sure how long this will last.
It's the cheapest I have ever seen for 2TB of data.
This is not entirely correct, NGD have there own backbone and are using usenetExpress as a filler while they build retention.
Been using NGD for years just added another 2TB thanks
Do you still need VPNs when using newsgroups?
You should always use a VPN.
It is a secure connection though, so your ISP can't see what you are getting, but they can see where you are getting it from
Makes zero sense to use a VPN with Usenet. All that’s doing is hiding your ip from the Usenet provider - who don’t need your ip to identify you since they got your PayPal/Credit Card details anyway.
Only way using a VPN makes sense is:
1) You signed up while connected to the VPN.
2) You paid with an unregistered Prepaid Credit card not linked to you in anyway (ie. purchased with cash).
3) You never log into your account not connected the the VPN.
4) You never download from them while not connected to a VPN.
5) The email address you signed up with is not traceable back to you (ie. not Gmail as they’ll have your mobile number and the IPs you check your email from)
For Usenet makes no real benefit
SSL connection to Usenet server. Only thing you're hiding is that you've established a connection to a Usenet server..about as illegal as making a connection to a VPN.
Possibly only if you are uploading content, but I have never had any issues uploading niche content (like Ambient music). It might be different if you try uploading HBO shows, Marvel/Disney films, or other hot francises. But then your Usenet provider knows your credit card details, so a VPN wouldn't really cloak you anyway like it would when torrenting.
What be the real world purpose for using this service?
To access UseNet in the real world. To know more, google it or search for past Usenet deals on ozbargain where the question is asked every single time.
To read the news…in groups….
What are these used for? When files are broken?
Yes, If they are on a different backbone to your main provider there is a chance they will have the files you are missing
Thought so, thanks.
is this just a storage site.. like Gdrive?
Can i just upload all my photos etc and leave them their indefinitely?
Sure you can upload file to Usenet, but everyone on the planet will have access to them.
No provided stores (called retention) indefinitely.
You can use Usenet as personal backup, but it really is abusing the system if you are uploading content of no relevance to others (eg personal holiday videos). If you are backing up a collecting of commercial material though (Bluray rips, CD rips, Ebooks, audiobooks, cracked PC games), then go ahead, just name the content appropriately so that others can find it. "Sharing is caring", the golden rule of the virtuous "cybercriminal".
I’ve had Astraweb for donkeys ages, how does NGD compare with that?
Astraweb's 1TB block is US$50. 10x more expensive than this deal.
I've moved from astraweb to a mix of NewsGgroupDirect and thecubenet and haven't looked back.
(thecubenet is a much cheaper Highwinds alternative to Astraweb)
Great deal for 100 connections.
What is the use of Usenet?
A net you can use.
Mostly as an alternative to torrenting, to distribute copyrighted content in so called "binaries" groups. Like torrents, you need an indexer to find content (or you can download headers manually from groups of interest).
Just purchased it don't know how to use it ?
Ah I'll settle for offline storage, a VPN is used for (exfiltration or infiltration, not storing data forever behind some legal clause that can be knocked on at any time. So vpn's have their purpose) why well I can access it from any country that does not have internet, even the worst stuff, it's not like customs flag SSD or hdd, plus you can apply military grade incription over incription, and partition it multiple times, either way it's not accessible the information, and if it was Google I'd have clear intentions why I'm uploading it to Google drive, so I can't see a real world purpose for this.
So as I said what would Edward Snowden endorse this service.
Literally nothing in your post has anything to do usenet usage
But thanks for ranting
With your statement sums up Usenet perfectly, intact it couldn't be any accurate to a use case scenario.
Your more then welcome to give me your money or data I'll make sure the world gets it, I'll utilise every technique under the sun to protect me, I mean you
Mate, you have no idea what you’re talking about. This isn’t personal data storage. Look up what Usenet is!
@PainToad: exactly
random ranting about data security and military grade 'incription' (whatever that is)
Lol why do people seem to struggle so much with understanding what Usenet is…
Aww man I don't need it, but i want it