The first three books in Sanderson's ongoing Stormlight Archive are currently on sale for $2.99 USD each on Kindle via the US Amazon store, reduced from the regular listing of $9.99 USD.
The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive, Book 1)
The first three books in Sanderson's ongoing Stormlight Archive are currently on sale for $2.99 USD each on Kindle via the US Amazon store, reduced from the regular listing of $9.99 USD.
The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive, Book 1)
Thanks. Fixed.
Oathbringer was not bad imo, didn't stand up to way of the Kings but Dalinar arc at the end was having a good twist, can't wait for next installment and to see where Kaladin goes next
If Sanderson continues his pattern and focuses 30% of the next book on a specific character POV, he’s gonna have trouble juggling Kaladin’s, Shallan’s, Dalinar’s storylines with all he POVs he likes to insert in there. That’s kind one of main problems with Oathbringer
Also, Shaladin forever!
two things I didn't like was in later books he devoted lesser time on Kaladin, the focus on Dalinar and his past is enough I think, also death of Eshonai was not to my liking
These being said this set is one of the best of Brandon and SFF in general
Not many books impressed me in this genre so. If you have any recommendations I'll be happy to try them. Cheers
@Paulb5: Cheers @Paulb5 , read them both, Name of the Wind was great, the second part is trash though . .
@nekov: I think not, the first one had 10-12 revisions to make it perfect it seems and the second was a letdown, so not sure if publishers are keen on a third, or Patrick himself
@otter-raptor: Nooooo.. I just want him to finish the story.
I think you're right, he doesn't seem very keen either, he seems to be very busy writing reviews of other books on Goodreads.
@nekov: I agree it needs closure, even though I was so disappointed that the second book led nowhere other than Kvothe getting laid with that forest elf(forgot who it was) , just a lot of hyperbole about training hard
I’m more of a paper book person myself but can vouch for the series, it’s a fantastic read. Highly recommended for fighting fantasy book readers.
If you have an account how can you purchase at the lower price?
Awesome series. Paid 10x this much and don't regret it.
I heard these books on Audible and these are fantastic (except wherever Shallan says stormfather)
A must buy for any fantasy fiction fan
Can confirm, great books.
It's weird that all of them showing $10+ price for me (even though I'm happy to pay $10+ for this series)
Why is it coming up as they are not available for purchase for me? :S
Amazing price on these books. Paid full price for the kindle versions since they were so good.
Btw, Oathbringer is the 3rd one. It also happens to be the worst one and isn’t worth buying!