This was posted 5 years 3 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, XB1] Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 $5 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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It appears they’ve matched the Harvey Norman price. No PC though.
Great multiplayer game for $5.
Incorporate your purchase with this Cashrewards bargain and you can theoretically get the game for $3. Steal! Credit to exc3113nce for the heads up on this.

PS4 Out of stock.
Xbox One Out of stock.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • Not sure how active multiplayer is now that the newer COD is out but for this price it’s hard to pass up.

    • I jump on to play Battle Royale occasionally and that’s still fairly active. Can’t comment on the other modes though.

    • +1

      Zombies is dead.

      • +1


        • Yeah but I like Zombies, only reason I really buy the games anyway.

    • Multiplayer is still very active

  • +3

    no single player content and most of the players have moved to modern warfare.

  • Is this worth >$10 as a eb games trade in?

    • +5


      • So, say I traded in a bunch of these, would that work as credit towards the PS4 pro upgrade? 11 copies to be exact.

        • +1

          EB have a limit of, I believe, 3 copies of a single title (at which point they deem it to be profiteering). Plus Amazon is restricting purchases to one per customer.

          • @Faro: at more then 3 copies do they make a statement ? refuse the sale , offer less per copy ?

            • +1

              @mikezillakind: From what I'm aware of, they can refuse the trade in, therefore leaving you with any excess copies you may have

      • So can i trade this for 14 and get another game?

  • Is the campaign any good?
    Edit: nvm no traditional campaign mode, only ‘Solo missions’.

    • +1

      BO4 has some of the best multiplayer maps in a long time if you ask me. Well worth 5 bucks.

      • +1

        I gotta agree tbh. I like the three lane maps and the corridor style set up. Plus kinda small vs MW which makes SMGs useless for half the maps.

        • +1

          Yeah playing MH has definitely been a big adjustment. Havent played MH anywhere near as much as BO4. Also noticed a lot more campers in MH.

          • +1

            @Immer besser: Don’t get me started on claymores and the 725 shotgun

  • Wow thats super cheap just got a copy for my sis.

  • Description says blops3

  • +1

    No PC

    • that sucks

    • +1

      PC has been dead since 2 months after launch.

      • +2

        Yep, can not find a single match on Australian servers so dont bother on pc. Ps4 is still going strong though.

  • +1

    Cheers OP . Got one each

    • same heh

  • +1

    Legend op, thanks

    • +34
      • +3

        Ladies and gentlemen, we got em.

      • F

      • F

      • Didn't need to preorder. Playing the open beta was enough for me.

      • Thank you sir for providing that link, I then sir the first couple comments of that post and was reminded blops4 doesn't have a single player campaign. This was for a family member who likes single player.

      • F

  • +2

    hard only paying $5 for this game knowing what the dev team went through to make it…

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I am going to gift this to myself for being nice and not naughty this year.

  • Yeah ok

  • -1

    Trash short shelf game. Good luck finding lobbies

    • Hopefully worth more than $5 to trade it in.

  • Good to use for those EB trade deals

    • Only if its trade-on value is over $10.

  • Good stocking filler for christmas.

  • What is shipping cost?

    • There’s always that one person ^

      • I mean without prime :)

        • +1

          Do a dummy checkout and it’ll show you there. :)

  • Xbox one version is $39 now

    • Updated, thanks.

  • Showing as $39 on Xbox one?

    • It’s now back in stock.

  • +3

    Xbox back at $5 for those interested.

    • Cheers, post amended.

  • +4

    Yo OP - add the $2 Bonus Cashback from cashrewards brings this down to $3!

    • Nice one. Modified accordingly. Thanks bud.

      • Thanks bought the XBOX with cashrewards even I don't have XBOX One yet.

  • Cheers OP! Grabbed the xbox one x and stacked with the cashrewards $2 bonus offer to bring it down to $3, Score!

  • Awesome! Was too lazy to head to a physical harvey norman store

  • received the spend $10 and get $5 on us offer from cashrewards, sweet deal.

  • Worth it just to increase trade-in value at EB games

  • no campaign, mp is shit, but zombies is well worth it if youre into that.

  • oops, did not see this post and ordered at HN.

  • Sounds like a good deal. Thanks OP. Got one.

  • Got one thanks, Shame it isn't the PC version though.

  • -1

    Bought it just to bulk up the game collection I’ll include when selling my PS4 for the Pro. Didn’t realise I had a $5 Amazon credit so actually made $2 plus Cashback.

    • Not sure if cashbacks work for credit.

      • Oh bugger…yeah you’re probably right. Oh well. Not out of pocket at least. Thanks for the heads up though - I’ll keep that in mind.

  • Looks like it's sold out now.

  • Having a hard time checking-out a PS4 copy?

    • PS4 appears to be out of stock. This happened earlier then it got restocked, fingers crossed it happens again 🤞🏻

      Edit: and it’s back!

      • Same, but it was just restocked

  • I'm going to resist. My xbox1 unplayed games pile is starting to look a little like my unplayed 360 pile.
    And since my retirement is looking further and further away I might have to start prioritising.

  • XB1 appears to be back to $39?

  • -3

    Silly question, could you use mouse keyboard to play FPS on PS4?

  • I'm getting sick of Modern Warfare so I may as well try this out, great price

  • Traded in at EB today, only $8 trade-in value for those wondering.

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