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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - PC / PS4 / XB1 $69.99 Preorder @ Amazon AU (October 12th Release Date)

Last edited 18/05/2018 - 12:22 by 2 other users
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This is going to fail for sure even the graphics looks terrible
I'm counting on it
not a chance if the battle royale mode is good. Could easily become bigger than PubG
Quite difficult to justify the price point if that's the case, even if they tout themselves to be a "AAA" title.
Millions will still buy it and the inevitable 'season pass' dlc packs unfortunately, so there's no incentive to change model or reduce prices. In the same way people are pre-ordering a game that was just announced NOW that won't be out for another 5 whole months. C'est la vie I guess.
COD and Battlefield sales will be interesting to see this year given popularity (and growing still) of Fortnite and PUBG
lol is this post for real ??!? game isn't even out. How can you be sure that the price wont drop ?
Amazon have a price drop guarantee on preorders.
The logo became a shield now. Years later, you’ll get a logo of Great Wall.
More like black flops 4
I'm actually interested to see what they do with the Blackout mode. /puffin
So full price and no single player campaign. Yeah, nah.
No single player = no purchase. Sorry, but that's just what it is. I'm sick and tired of companies assuming single player games are dead and players don't want it. If anything, God of War just proved that sentiment very wrong.
They are Dead in CoD games, they've done the research I assume but I never played campaign when I played the games (I stopped at MW3)
I was always in a race with my friends to level up in mp.
Sure, there are people that buy it only for the multiplayer and playing competitively with friends and online. But that's not the majority of the user base. The hardcore players that buy games purely for multiplayer is an exception rather than the average user. As an example, Street Fighter V is considered a commercial failure with massive backlash from fans due to the removal of Arcade Mode. Turned out that most people who play Street Fighter don't actually play it against other people. Now don't get me wrong, those players are super-important, especially for keeping the game alive over the long term, but they are still a small percentage of the user base. Most players buy a game like CoD, play the single player, then move on to the next title or then take on the multiplayer. Similar to Street Fighter V, you don't really see the players that pick up the game and just play arcade mode, but they are important because they make up a very large percentage of the people actually buying the game. Either way, we'll see what happens when it hits metacritic.
I read somewhere that about 25% of players had gotten the trophy for finishing Infinite Warfare’s campaign. that’s a massive amount of players that still play and enjoy campaign
@bigosmallo: that's because IW had the worst mp ever and the price dropped accordingly (it's around $13 delivered at OzGameshop) Lots of players bought it on the cheap to run the single player or didn't play online and just played the campaign and zombies.
@bigosmallo: Worth noting that not everyone who purchased the game for single player actually finished it, in fact, I'd wager that most people don't finish most of the games they buy (at least that's the case for me, like I haven't finished IW but I still bought it), so it's not a very good statistic to use. The actual % of players who purchased it for the campaign will be much higher than that as a result.
There's still a huge market for games that are single-player only or have a campaign (God of War). It's really disappointing that they've resorted to cheap money-grubbing decisions
itll be 59 come september
No single player campaign with Black Ops 4. Replaced with online-only battle royale.