Cheapest I've seen the 9900k cpu $655.20 for awhile.
They also have the 9700k at $463.20 after discount code at same seller FTC.
Cheapest I've seen the 9900k cpu $655.20 for awhile.
They also have the 9700k at $463.20 after discount code at same seller FTC.
One thing to keep in mind is that the i5 and i7 in the 9000 series CPUs don't have hyperthreading, this lets the 9900k have 6C/12T
Intel are apparently going to be launching their next generation of chips pretty soon so if you don't really need the i9 i'd say hold off for the new i5/i7 as they are rumoured to both have HT enabled next generation.
… or pick a midrange Ryzen of course
The per-core clock speed is much higher on the 9900K than a midrange Ryzen so would be better for the majority of things.
@Agret: Then overclock your midrange Ryzen to match that of the equivalent stock 9900K performance….
The 9900k is 8c/16t actually, but yes, when I said go something cheaper I was thinking Ryzen.
I'm considering getting one myself. Even EU4 is starting to struggle with all the expansions on my current build
2017 called, they want their awful build advice back.
And how is any of what they said wrong?
Beyond implying it's the king of single-threaded performance, everything said was wrong.
I'm not going to write a dissertation on it, just go to a reputable hardware site. Techspot/HW unboxed do good benchmarks, while Anandtech covers things well for hardware discussion. 3rd gen Ryzen is the buy, and the 3700X basically shits on this from several storeys in terms of value.
@jasswolf: They said it was the best for high refresh rate gaming, and it is, it gets more frames than even the 3950X in most games. And high refresh rate gaming was the only area it was recommended.
They made no mention of value apart from the fact that it's cheap for a 990OK.
Said future proofing is up in the air still, which it is, next gen consoles are 8c/16t, the same as these chips, but we don't yet know how they'll actually be used.
Again, what was actually wrong?
@TheContact: They said if you're not going above 60Hz, everything else is fine, which is not the same thing. Fact is that between game and engine optimisation, Windows updates, Intel security mitigations and modern graphics pipelines, their answer is 100% wrong, and still not a justification for an i9-9900k within Intel's lineup.
Future proofing is horseshit with current Intel offerings. The consoles are 8c/16th Zen 2 chips, a low power version of the 3700X as part of a modified SKU. I'm going to leave it here, because you've made it very clear you don't understand anything other than 'Intel been gud for yearz'.
Read up where I pointed you to and see the flaw in your argument; all the best.
I'm going to leave it here, because you've made it very clear you don't understand anything other than 'Intel been gud for yearz'.
FFS. You're going to write me off as a blind fanboy just because I dispute your point, I'm not even gonna bother with you. If you'd check my post history you'd see I have a 3900X. But yeah, I'm an Intel fanboy..
Definitely the cheapest around, current lowest that I've seen (been keeping my eye on it) is around $800.
Can anyone share their experiences with this particular store?
don't forget the shop back 1% via the app
No cashback if a promo code is used.
Good point didn't realise new rule it doesn't apply with code. Updated post.
In regards to dealing with this store I have bought a monitor from them and got it shipped to Melbourne, no issues.
Yep been waiting ages for a sale, almost got the 9900KS (keep spending edition) but figured the few hundred extra was not worth it when this should overclock to 5ghz anyway all cores…….
yea my 9900k pretty much sits at 5ghz all day everyday just using the MSI overboost setting (or whatever its called) in the M/B bios. I do have a liquid AIO cooler though
I'm going to wait to see what the selling price of the 3950X is going to be when its released on the 25th, either processors would be a massive upgrade, but at $655.20 it's damn tempting.
I reckon it would be $1249. $1199 if they're nice. $1149 if they're really nice.
3950X is 750USD, the 3900X is currently 499USD RRP in the USA. The 3900X seems to retail for around 789AUD here in Australia.
Let's do the math as i'm interested in the 3950X too.
499USD is currently 735AUD making it a 7% markup here (pretty interesting since we have 10% GST)
Weirdly when searching online at Amazon & NewEgg the 3900X costs way more in the USA than it currently does in Australia!
For the 3950X, 750USD is $1,105 AUD plus 7% would be $1182.35 locally. I'm guessing since it's a new chip though we have to add at least the GST pricing of 10% which would make it retail at $1215.5 if directly converted. TheContact is probably spot on with the guess of $1249 retail price.
Join me and get the 3960X when it comes out, do it.
Don't think I can justify going another $1k on the CPU :O
I'd have to be directly earning money off the CPU difference to justify that and I don't do any rendering or server hosting on my machine.
Thanks for linking that local pricing info though.
This article was published recently from Kotaku, these are the official RRP's for Australia from AMD:
3970X - $3199
3960X - $2249
3950X - $1219
Haha, definitely far..far more than $655. Keep in mind retail price is just a big number designed to make street price look more palatable.
Best price you can expect is around $1000 before discount vouchers, but you've also got the option of the 3900X and the 3700X in terms of value.
I'd expect the 3900X will be going at around this price soon enough, between the 3950X launch and supply ticking up a bit.
Awesome price, I was looking for six weeks for a decent deal on the 9900K and ended up buying one from B&H for around $725 delivered from the US last week.
As everyone has said this is a fantastic price. However, keep in mind 10th gen desktop chips right around the corner (1-3 months time), might be worth waiting, might not.
If current leaks are to be believed, the performance improvements will be negligible for most of the range, but prices will be better per core/thread. So the the i9 will be 10 cores instead of 8, the i7 will be 8c/16t instead of 8c/8t, the i5 will be 6c/12t instead of 6c/6t, etc.
The perf/dollar on this deal will probably be similar to the i7 with similar or very slightly lower for the 10th gen stuff. But obviously that's just speculation.
Thats interesting. The leaks are usually right on, if not, close to the money. How do you think AMD's new line up will influence Intel's strategy? The 3950X was essentially a sucker punch to Intel's face after all.
If you're strictly talking about consumer gaming desktop parts, AMD is going to be causing Intel to reduce prices (which is kind of what this new range is - effectively a price drop with a new 10c CPU at the top of the stack). But that's about the extent of it. 3950x is a fantastic CPU if you're some kind of content producer or video professionals on a consumer-level budget, but it's not actually superior for gaming people, if that's why you're buying your PC. If you wanted the best perf/dollar for high end gaming you'd be somewhere around the R5 3600, and if you wanted the absolute top gaming performance you'd be getting a 9900k/ks.
As an overall company, despite major issues with it's 10nm node, Intel is still healthy. If you look at recent news, they've just announced that the product shortages are continuing - basically everything they're producing is selling and they're struggling to keep up with demand. This is less to do with consumer desktop CPUs, and more to do with server hardware and laptop hardware, which are their biggest markets by far.
based on their laptop chips…?
you'd also have to wait until prices normalise after its release, usually they are quite high for intel on release so bang for buck won't be there .. :) like anything you can keep on waiting for the next version and never upgrade (saves you a lot of money though hahaha)
Not to mention you would need a 10th gen motherboard which will have inflated pricing on launch too so you will be paying much more than a 10% increase in cost compared to the 10% increase in performance you'd probably get between the generations.
I've got a 1080 GPU and 6600k CPU at the moment, but for modern games my CPU is bottlenecking me and frame rates are taking a hit so I've been thinking about upgrading. I don't really want to spend the money on a new GPU yet though, would it be alright to upgrade just the CPU now or should i just wait 12-18 months and upgrade CPU and GPU all at once?
1080 is still quite good (depending on resolution). I have a 2600k and it’s still alright for most games. Certainly 60pfs capable on pretty much all games.
Ayyyyyy, another 2nd gen i7 user
I have a i5 2400 :(
@YeemaiI: No, got a used Acer Veriton minitower, upgraded SSD, RAM, PSU and GPU
Now it is a little beast hehe
I upgraded from a 2600K to a 6700K (also using a GTX 1080) when my motherboard abruptly died a few years ago and it was a huge performance jump. I'd definitely look at an upgrade.
Yeah I was eyeing the 3600. Not as good as the 9700k for games but cheaper and a bit better at other stuff. 🤔
LOL does my 2600 and GT1030 count as a bottleneck?
loll … candy crush at 1440p is the bomb!
Candy Crush is alright but it can't compete with Peggle for graphics, my Intel HD 3000 laptop actually lags during the ode to joy at the end of the levels with all the particle effects haha
Is it SFF? no room for a bigge5 card like RX570 or GTX1060?
a R7 3600 will do the job or a R7 3700X if you dont want to upgrade for a while.
Nothing intel has can compete with bang for buck and also power usage and heat intel is sky high at the moment VS AMD's more efficient chips
FREE box cooler is a bonus from AMD
I'm in a similar situation. 6600K Skylake CPU and (recently upgraded) Gigabyte 5700 XT.
CPU reaches 90/100% load very regularly and does my head.
Considering going Ryzen but it doesn't support my currently motherboard (Z370 HD3).
So for those who know better, should I upgrade CPU and keep current MOBO, or upgrade MOBO and CPU together?
ADM mobo + CPU might be similar price to just the i9 if you went for say a 3600X and good Mobo, so it is an option .. your current mobo can take the i9?
From a quick look yeah it looks like my current mobo can take the i9.
I do mostly gaming but do occasional photo editing so I'm essentially chasing best value for money.
@navyskies: well you cant get a faster cpu at this price hehe it'd definitely do photo editing (and video) and with your gpu it wont be the bottleneck… as long as you can swap out your current its is good value if your current is frustrating you.. i would say the 9700k is just as good an option as the i9 .. as some have pointed out you need good cooling for this cpu whereas 9700k won't have the heat issues i9 might.
Edit: looking at user benchmarks its not much difference gaming wise between 9700k and i9 and infact both are about 30% improvement on your current so i would save the difference between the two and go with the 9700K, or wait and upgrade in about a year after the next gen is out for both AMD and Intel :)
Your current motherboard is not compatible with a i9/i7 etc (i5, i3, Pentium and Celeron) Coffee Lake series cpu because Intel said so for a reason albeit its stupid and its a normal thing for them to do which is basically the motherboards that were built for Kaby Lake and Skylake CPUs where not built for it and had to change a few things around. So basically if you deciding to upgrade for a shiny new i9 9900 or i7 9700 you would need to upgrade your motherboard to work or unless if you like to do some fancy BIOS modding.
Thank god you just said that. I double checked my MB and it actually isn't compatible.
In this case do you recommend something like a MSI B450 GAMING PRO CARBON AC + a Ryzen 5 3600X?
Budget is ideally around 5-600 and as mentioned mostly for gaming and some photo editing.
6600k CPU at the moment, but for modern games my CPU is bottlenecking me
Six cores should be a minimum these days, i5 loses to R3600 because of this, particularly for 1% and 0.1% FPS lows.
i5 experiences much higher loss of frame rates when pushed leading to a much less consistent FPS or "smooth" experience albeit at a lower overall average FPS.
so would you recommend an i7-9700K as well or?
Pretty expensive for a heater
Ayyyyyy Shintel is banned in summer in total fire bans
Being the King isn't an easy job, as such it comes with a catch.
Wow now that's almost a true 20% off from RRP unlike other stores.
Gud deel
Have a 5.2ghz 8700k delidded and on water.
This temps me greatly.
This temps me greatly.
I would have thought water de-temps you.
Oh dear.
For what? A few, measly percent, if that?
Unless non gaming tasks are an issue….
Waste of money to upgrade from that
if you are going to game i7-9700K is better as it produces less heat and a good air cooler will make it real silent
if you are doing video editing and streaming etc then go for this one but you might need water cooling
Bit late now it doesn't matter, but 9700K doesn't have hyper threading. 8 core / 8 thread. Going into the future, I'd say it's not smart to buy it for gaming. Both consoles will be 8 core / 16 thread next year so PC games will be optimised for that going forward. Literally no publication has said 9700K is better for gaming than a 9900K, either.
Well it's not better but if you game only there is no reason to go for i9 over i7, gains are minimal
Gaming performance is almost identical between them, other tasks that utilise threading i9 and Ryzens win.
Actually, this is better for gaming.
Nice price.
Can anyone recommend a cheapish Motherboard to go along with this 9900k?
Asus ROG Strix Z390-F when you can get them 20% off ebay deals.
Thank you for the recommendation. It sucks having to buy a mother board each CPU upgrade.
I'm currently running 6700k/2080Ti. I'll probably hold off for the next gen of CPUs. I'm open to switch to AMD Ryzen too.
The i9-9900KF is $615.20
Any reason not to get this instead given you'd have a dedicated GFX card?…
nope no reason just missing the onchip gfx that you wont use :)
The only thing I'm aware of is that no iGPU = no Quicksync. This hurts video encoding/decoding performance in some applications.
Use NVENC instead :)
iGPU is worth the extra for trouble shooting
Good point…
Looking to build a powerful gaming mini ITX system for loungeroom gaming.
Do I pull the trigger now on i7-9700k at $463 or wait for Black Friday sales?
Or do you think I'm better off looking at Ryzen instead? I'm a bit concerned about slower core clock speed vs 9700K, but Ryzen possibly will run cooler for a mini ITX build? Thoughts?
if you game - i7 and get it now, wont get much cheaper in a 1-2 weeks time
Ryzen is louder and hotter but better at multitasking - same price really
All gone.. mod please update the post..
Be a man.
That was a crazy low price.
Feels good. Finally can upgrade my 3930k
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Good to see what a bit of healthy competitions brings to the consumers.
This is a great chip at this price.
The one without the iGPU is even cheaper. $607.20 only. Apparently it overclocks same or better.…
They added more stock and increased price. Lame
Even though they did increase the price it's still significantly cheaper than every other store.
I'm gutted I missed this, I saw it and planned on getting it later, but later was too late.
I still see used i7-7700K going for over $400 even though that 4C/8T chip is such absolute awful value at anywhere near that price. I really don't understand why people pay such high prices for an i7-7700K when a decent B450 or X470 motherboard and R5-3600 would probably cost around the same and perform way better than that old quad core in all games and productivity applications. Swapping the motherboard is not the end of the world
Nevertheless, the i9-9900K performs well for high end gaming and, at this kind of price, might retain quite a bit of its value if you ever decide to resell it to people trapped on Z390 motherboards.
Oh no, I just ordered one!
Ordered a 9700k from this seller on 22nd November. Estimated delivery was 28-29th Nov. Currently 2nd Dec, checking the tracking now and only a parcel order was created on the 27th and that "We attempted to pick up the parcel but were unsuccessful". So I'm pretty sure it isn't even in-transit yet.
I am in the EXACT same circumstance. Pretty pissed off, worst eBay experience i've had yet.
Have tried multiple attempts to communicate with them and have yet to receive a response.
I've gotten a hold of sendle, (the courier) who said that the item was not ready to be picked up when they went to pick it up. the seller needs to recontact sendle to get them to come pick it up again. this is a joke right?
Opened a ticket with Ebay saying i haven't received the item asking what's going on with the confusing shipping. They responded with this:
"Hi, mate Thank you very much for your order. The tracking will be updated once the item is picked up. Due to overwhelming orders coming in there might be minor delays from both our side and the couriers but we will get the order dispatched ASAP. Thank you very much."
So yeah the courier hasn't even picked up the item, meaning ftc hasn't given it to them yet. By minor delays i guess they mean 10+ days of them not even sending out my order lol.
I can't believe the courier is being blamed when they don't even have a parcel ready to be picked up…
Ughhhhh delivery is so slow. Still not picked up and all other parts ordered later have arrived.
Mine was dropped off 2 days ago, I ordered 27/11
Solid price for this chip. More or less the king of the hill for high refresh rate gaming. If you're not going above 60hz on your monitor it's probably better to go for a cheaper option, unless you're trying to make it last a good while into the next gen of gaming too (in which case it's really a crapshoot and we can't give good advice).