Just found this was waiting for it to drop in price :)
Hustle - Series 1-6 [DVD] - $37.00 Delivered
Just found this was waiting for it to drop in price :)
Hustle - Series 1-6 [DVD] - $37.00 Delivered
Seems like a good price. Anyone recommend this show?
IMDB is your friend.
its a great show :) checkout the reviews on the amazon site
Highly recommended. Can't get enough. It's a shame they only have 6 episodes per year.
Yeah i love this show, all the seasons bar 4 when Adrian Lester was away were fantastic. And Kelly Adams is just downright SEXY!
I want more seasons nao!
love the show, wish the seasons had more eps.
You can get the same set for about 21 pounds ($32) at Zavvi using the code ZAVBOX10 (which gives you 10% off boxed sets).
Although Amazon UK in my experience is faster and more reliable then Zavvi, so may be worth paying the extra $5.
Very good price.
Just a heads up for those who still live in the stone ages that unless your DVD player is multi-region (which most that have been made over the last few years should be) then this likely won't work on your DVD player. Also won't work on Xbox 360/PS3 consoles.