Good news: Connoisseur 1L tubs ½ price from Wed 20th Nov.
Bad news: Coles & Woolies recently increased their everyday prices to $11 per tub.
Enjoy :)
Good news: Connoisseur 1L tubs ½ price from Wed 20th Nov.
Bad news: Coles & Woolies recently increased their everyday prices to $11 per tub.
Enjoy :)
Connoisseur is mid range these days, there's all these ~500mL containers for around the same price.
This is true. At least half price is still decent for that cookies and cream though!
Haagen Dazs is actually less than 500ml and costs more than $11.
And my pay is still the same :(
How good is Australia?
Still incredible. Remember guys, we have one of the highest pay rates in the world. We're a nation of whingers not knowing how lucky we are to live in this country.
@andrewalexander09: Our good fortune doesn't justify bad government. Business profits have well outstripped wages growth, which is proof positive we're heading down the USA path of workers barely keeping up with inflation.
Connoisseur hasn’t increased in like 4-5 years, have you gotten any pay rise in that time frame? Just trying to compare a more consistent time frame.
Valhalla ice cream is about that expensive on the mainland, but it's much cheaper in Tassie.
Don't tell the Valkeries in GOW.
So with the smashed avo on toast and this ice cream. I’ll never afford a house.
You’ll be ok if you don’t drink coffee
You can get the exact same thing at Aldi for less than $5 every day. They do have less flavours though
Aldi sells connoisseur ?
Yes, it's just branded differently.
Anyone remember "nuts about chocolate" by dairy bell? I think it was about $4.50 for 2L. Good stuff
Yeah the chocolate sauce in that was epic.
Only 4.5 lst year
check your fact right, we have seen 4.5 this year as per cooldog's advise
not 2years ago
I'm totally confused. Can you please link $4.50 pricing? Your 3 links all show $5.
@tightarse: They were still $5 at half price over 2 years ago… <<<< I am confused too , they were 5 dollar few month ago not 2 years.
Wait you will see they will 4.5
@HolyCr4p: I think you've totally missed my point. I was merely stating that half price of $5 has been the norm for well over two years. cooldog said they were $4.50 last year. All I'm asking is where were they $4.50. Nothing more.
@tightarse: Found a Reddit article that suggests Coles were selling for $4.50 which was "4 years ago".…
Also an article from Whirlpool a comment from "Burkina Faso" from "2013" saying Tubs of Connoiseur are half price ($4.50) at Coles.
@happychild100: maybe "only 4.5 last year" was how many tubs he ate. well below the OzBargain average!
If enough of us refuse to buy at $5.50, will they sell it at $5 at the next special?
I think the real problem is the people who buy it at full price! Who would do such a thing!
Gerry Harvey?
any liberal or national politician on expenses for life mate
Probably not - dairy costs have increased markedly (think white milk going from $1 to $1.20 per litre at the customer level) so I daresay it's better for them to sell 50% of the usual volume at $5.50 compared to being loss making at $5.
joke of the day - dairy costs have increased markedly - only at he supermarkets because we'r funding drought, fires , pollies , farming conglomerates tax breaks, coal mining, and studies into how we can(not) save the great barrier reef because of the new mines, which takes us back to consumers funding drought, fires because renewable energy is not American owned.
The milk 'support levy' that the supermarkets have thrown onto their homebrand milk is pure marketing. Supermarkets don't buy direct from suppliers. They have little to no control over the wholesale cost of milk. The extra money they're charging is most likely going straight into their pockets.
Try and get Coles gift cards into the Cashrewards family at 5%, Tightarse!
Won't happen.
If it was to happen, it would have happened.
Change my mind
LOL $11 for this shit. Its not even good ice cream, read the ingredients.
Unless you provide your opinion on a better ice cream for the same price then your comment is just trolling.
His comment on Häagen-Dazs is very similar. Some people love bitching about pretty much everything around them.
No. I said the flavour of Haagen Dazs is very average, at least the ones we get here. BUT it IS real ice cream. No artificial ingredients and the right texture. This Connosseur is fake premium. It's too aerated and full of unnecessary ingredients. Absolutely no justification for the $11 RRP.
@nubzy: "Really not that impressive"… "not worth it even at half price for such a tiny amount"
So what the hell is the real and price-justified ice cream out there? Peters?
Texture of ice cream may change with the proportion of cream<->milk in it. Connoisseur Vanilla Ice Cream claims it has %36 cream, while cheaper Bulla has water in the first place. Giving the higher price of pure cream I won't say Connosseur is "fake premium".
full of unnecessary ingredients
So you get more for less? No wonder it's OzBargain's favourite ice-creame.
Well put
Could you elaborate on which ingredients are cause for concern?
It has artificial flavours - check the ingredient listing for the vanilla tub, for instance. Such ingredients are a cause for concern. Surely a good ice cream should refrain from using such ingredients? The cheaper Woolies Vanilla Bean ice cream (with actual vanilla beans and natural flavours) at $5 per litre seems like a better buy. I haven't tasted this but it won a choice award so this might be a good option for those wanting to avoid artificial flavours.
Vanilla bean doesn’t mean the seeds of a vanilla bean though. Usually they blend up the casing that gets wasted and the black flecks look like seeds.
Choice a while back had a blind tasting on ice cream and connoisseur came out on top. They also suggested to weigh the ice creams the heavier usually implies less aeration
Some of us can't justify buying Ben & Jerry's. ;)
Haven't bought Connoisseur since they discontinued the strawberry flavour.
i miss peanut butter pretzel :(
I miss Chocolate Obsession (cherry brandy sauce with small choc chips), now I'm showing my age ;)
i wasn't on the 'seur wagon for that one but it sounds rad. lets get both back
I miss the gingerbread one :(
I need a chest freezer purely for this ice cream
I am tempted to buy an ice-cream maker but it's choice overload!
so Golden Gaytime Salty 4 for $1 at spudshed (22) or a 1 litre tub decisions decisions
And in other Coles and ice-cream news, Coles (Perth area) has increased the price of 4L Peters vanilla from $7.50 to $10.00 in the past week. Boo!!!!
Woolies did the same also unfortunately, might have had pressure from Peters to increase (or Woolies / Coles are just greedy).
definitely pressure from the supplier. Woolies still in a spat with Arnotts over price rises - Shapes haven't been on special in a while. Lots of prices have gone up recently.
Yummy yummy cookies n creme. What a time to be alive, for half the price
I'm so sad, my tub is gone and price is back up to full price :(
Such is life =( =(
At least Coles and woollies offer these specials at different cycles so the next half price is just around the corner =)
$11 for a 1L tub of ice cream. What a time to be alive.