½ Price Connoisseur Ice Cream Tubs 1L $5 @ Woolworths (Starts 1/11). Enjoy :)
½ Price Connoisseur Ice Cream Tubs 1L $5 @ Woolworths

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Thanks TA, finally, was waiting for it for quite a while, as have already finished all tubs :)
Ta, TA
Turbo man
$10 a litre for this normally is a bit of a rip. Its ok, but not $10 ok.
It's excellent, but not $10 excellent.
It’s great, but not $10 great.
It's amazing, but not $10 amazing.
Thanks TA, been waiting for half-price … I guess $4.85 per tub days are over.
definitely they are, the regular price is $10.00 now…
Why increase in price? Summer opportunity to rip off more?
Hmmm, what flavour should I get this time?
LOVE Sumatran coconut with fudge sauce & Derwent Valley raspberry with white chocolate.
The Montana Mint looks good…
The mint is amazing. Big chocolate chunky bits in there and it tastes so good. The coconut fudge one is also one of my favourites. Really nice ice cream.
Does that coconut fudge one taste like a bounty bar?
The mint one is faaaaaaaaaaantastic
Cafe Grande fo lyfe mah nizzles, FO LYFE!
fo = (classic profanity) off.
lyfe = life, a word invented by intellectuals to identify silly people on Internet forums and social media.
mah = my, as in "my grammar sucks".
nizzle = a word white people should never use.
happy to help…
fo means for in this context and not (classic profanity) off.
Oh yeah, fo.
I usually eat 3 flavours at a time (one scoop each) and it seems more enjoyable this way, due to variety. Would recommend if enough space to keep a few tubs in the freezer.
I usually eat 3 flavours at a time
Well aren't you posh!
Works out same cost in the long-run, just increased enjoyment! :-)
@klownvandamn: that can't be helped. It's one serve. 3 scoops same flavour will increase waistline just as much …
sesh = session, may relate to drinking, smoking pot, excessive computer gaming or anything else that lasts a prolonged period of time, which would seem to exclude eating ice cream.
happy to help…
I find them all too sweet and rather average, definitely not a premium ice cream. But I am interested in trying the mint, local IGA didn't have it last I checked, so hopefully Woolworths does.
The mint is very nice - and somewhat refreshing!
Yeah I don't like any of their flavors myself. But I like their sticks. I always buy when they're $4.
I thought the mint flavour tasted like toothpaste.
Other way around. Toothpaste tastes like the mint ice cream.
What you can do is to add a drop of lemon juice, you will find the wonders :)
Can’t go past the raspberry and white chocolate
Lol you named all the ones I hate lol.
Cookies And Cream is my go to staple but I like to mix it up with:
- Murray River Salted Caramel with Chocolate Coated Hazelnuts
- Chocolate Brownie with Chocolate Custard
- Caramel Honey Macadamia
- Café Grande
- Belgian Chocolate
- Chocolate Honey Nougat
I don't do mint too often and stay away from anything too fruity or tangy with ice cream unless it is a 20c super dooper or lemony calippo.
Is it just me or is Connoisseur ice cream like Kathmandu clothing? If you pay anything more than half price you've been ripped off.
To be honest $5 is the right price. Particularly when you have a vanilla version that doesn't actually have any vanilla in it.
Kath is reasonable value at 75% off.
Kath = Kathmandu.
Happy to help…
Bad bot.
The "h" is silent?
I agree.
And they mention Madagascan Vanilla beans in their site but nothing in ingredients. That's pretty poor.Read further. You'd get a rude shock if you found beans in your ice-cream so they extract the essence and use that instead (possibly).
A lot have the seeds of the beans - little black dots flecked through though.
Maybe the vanilla is just part of "flavours" they list.
It's just you, and me.
Bulla creamy classics is a better vanilla I reckon
"Connoisseur Madagascan Vanilla" is called "Classic Vanilla" now which doesn't have vanilla in it. What a shame.
Wow…. Just keeps going up. Even at $5 I fell being ripped a new one
I guess it's a good time to test out the waffle bowl maker :)
Time to stock up, idk why my brain keeps telling me this is healthy!
idk = i don't know.
happy to help…
wtf = what the (classic common profanity no longer considered offensive language in NSW).
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Because it's also good for your emotional and mental health.. remember your physical and nutritional health is just one aspect of your total being.. You gotta look out for your other levels of health also like your dank level of health and I'm not talking about weeding.
It's never been $10 has it, never seen it at that before and other half prices have been $4something.
Edit. Geez, looks like I was wrong.
I bet their sales drop to close to zero when it's full price, lucky its on sale somewhere every single week.Ive started seeing it at servos for full price.
There must be people who do pay full price but im not one of them.The only people buying it at full price would be helpless men to help quieten their craving pregnant wives down lol
lol = lauging out loud, overused to the point where nobody laughs out loud when they say it.
happy to help…
Nah you would go for the Italian gelato or Japanese Mocha ice-cream for the helpess men who has classy wives….
did they alter the ingredients in the current products ? I swear 5 years ago they were much more creamier and thick
Thanks OP! Just finished last of my ice cream last night.
Sara-Lee 1 litre varieties $4.50 at IGA atmo… Ultra-Chocolate, the business. Just sayin'.
atmo = at the moment.
happy to help…
At the momo ya digg?
Not the same.
Agreed, and thx, will pick one up.
On a related issue, I started liking waffle cones with ice-cream, after Coles provided some flybuy points to try theirs. They are around $3.50 for 12, and somewhat similar at Woolworths too. Does others have any recommendation in terms of waffle cones - e.g cheaper, better quality, buy bulk cheaper from elsewhere etc? Thanks.
esothers have any recommendation …(fixed that for me)
Coles and woolies so far only for me. Wish I had an IGA near me but no one in sight.
How quickly do you guys consume a tub? I chuck down a tub in less than a day.. My body demands it
Try three tubs in one sitting, mate.
Noooo… you really did that? Weren't you sick afterwards?
Well duh! :-) Not too bad if you have a little psyllium husk mixed in to assist digestion.
It's about the journey not the destination
Pfftttt… Non stop while sitting on the toilet. What goes in must go…
You win.
Just bought 4 tubs. The honey caramel is so meh that I can't even finish it in one go :(
Was that sitting over three days haha lol? Aka gaming, Netflix, movie marathon otherwise you must've been starving haha lol.
Not only that, I've also downed four tubs in one day. Sugar addiction is nasty. Note that you can't really eat much else while doing that kinda thing, something like a small amount of porridge for breakfast and a small dinner.
@kahn: No problem I getcha. When you really want something you just got to have it.. I have gone through boxes of pizza in a day just because I was super hungry… worth it every time until toilet time haha lol
My best effort is one tub in a sitting.. Never again.. I took it on as a personal challenge.. Lol!
am i getting through to you people?
happy to help…
English grammar lessons by AC? Loving your attempt, but it is probably won't change the way they speak.
It makes it all the more humorous.
Rofl ikr? Lmao
I luuuuuuuv ice cream!
FFs.. Supposed to be going on a "diet".. Lol -> Eating less junk but I love Connoiseur ice cream! $5 is hard to pass up. :D
My local Drake's Foodland (West Beach, SA) had them on sale on the weekend for $4.95 or $5 each, I think. It might be store or region specific though.
They did a lemon cheesecake flavour about 8 years ago I think. Was by far the best icecream flavour I've ever tasted. Unfortunately it doesn't appear many people agreed as they cancelled it after several months :(
Anyone know a cheesecake flavoured icecream?
Thanks, this will help fuel my rampant decline towards diabetes and heart disease
mmmm rampant decline flavour!!
Do not eat the pretzel flavour - terrible
Makes me wanna try it now to see how bad it is lol
The peanut butter one? I thought it was pretty good…
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I will enjoy. Thanks TA..