This was posted 5 years 4 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Post Item for Free on eBay via Gumtree, Limit 2 Items Per Month (Save 10% Final Selling Fee)


Not sure if you're already aware of this, but I only just found out.

If you post an ad to Gumtree, at the end you get an option to post the ad to eBay for free with no fees. It's limited to two posts a month.

This saves you 10% on the final selling fee, which is potentially a lot!

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closed Comments

      • Take a photo.

      • Good point, have a piece of paper saying I've handed the goods over and get them to sign it. Then take a picture of their license in the same pic as the paper. Or just get them to leave you feedback on the spot,or at least, send you an eBay email saying they've picked it up.

  • +2

    Make sure you take a screenshot of the offer page before continuing. I had a problem with an ebay listing which required ebay help to re-list the item and when I asked whether I would still get the 'No final Fees' offer from Gumtree, they had no idea of such an offer and there was no note on my account. It wasn't until I provided a screen dump of the offer that they wiped the final fees on the new listing. This was for a phone I eventually sold for $940 so it was worth the effort. Also, I had already listed a couple of items that month so could not just re-list on Gumtree to get it free again. I only listed them on Gumtree to get the EBay offer as Gumtree is full of idiots that offer 10% of the value of items and then get annoyed when you counter offer 110% of the listed item…

    • get annoyed when you counter offer 110% of the listed item

      Brilliant! I can't wait to do this!

    • That’s happened to me a few times. I always screenshot for that very reason!

  • +4

    My favourite.

    Item listed as $100

    Message: is this still available?
    Message: sure is!
    Message: what’s your lowest price?
    Message: $60 is the lowest.
    Message: I’ll give you $10
    Message: I just gave you the lowest… take care.

    • $10 x 6 sounds fine to me.

    • Why not just list it at $60 non-negotiable? Saves a lot of time wasting on both ends.

      • +9

        Because then you get offers of $20 instead…

        • Or will you give it for free and deliver

    • I believe u can now rate the buyer for every msg convo. I would mark him down for such nonsense

      • Sure you can.
        Selling $500 phone on gumtree.
        Hi, what's your lowest price?
        Buyer, @#%$@
        Leaves negative feedback

        I'd never rely on that. I could only somewhat rely on it if they had many who left feedback. After all I could get several people to leave a good feedback. All you need is to start messaging them and gumtree automatically lets you know that you can rate that person, which is nonsense as you haven't even done anything, neither bough or sold.

      • +1

        Being able to leave feedback is not reliably offered on gumtree - sometimes i send a few messages and it comes up as an option, other times i might have gone back and forth messaging 10-15 times and no review option appears - seems to be basically random, honestly such a broken and ridiculous system.

    • +6

      Every sale ever on Gumtree:

      I am selling for $99, no negotiation, I will ignore any messages offering less.

      "I'll give you $5"
      "Would you accept 10?"
      "How about swapping it for a used Wish Gift card with $8.27 credit left on it?"
      "Can I have it for free?"

      "Why are you ignoring me, I'm, the guy the guy that offered $5, how about $6?"

    • +2

      I don't send the last line - I stop replying. ;-D When they realise they missed their chance due to greed, they start sending texts from a different phone in the same house pretending to be someone else, offering $10 more than their lowest 'bid' on the first phone. You can tell it's them because they make the same spelling mistakes, has the same message syntax, etc.

    • +2

      Haha. It's more annoying when they agree to a price, and then start bargaining further when they meet up with you. Having a guy ask if you could do it cheaper after already giving him a discount of the agreed price in messages, and saying "why not, please please" repeatedly just does your head in. Gumtree 😑

  • +1

    Since eBay purchased gumtree they have absolutely destroyed it, that's why everyone has flicked to Facebook marketplace. I miss the old gumtree :(

    • What were some main differences?

      • It's full of ads now so it's hard to even see the real items for sale. It was marketed more at private sellers getting rid of unwanted items now it's more business sellers and less private so less bargains. eBay milks money out of it through paid upgrades and paid rotation. It's an absolute mess to even look at which is why people are avoiding altogether now for selling or buying.

      • +2

        Gumtree is now like an abandoned ship. It still sails, but without anyone guiding it. Go, check ads and click on sort by recent. Then go to the most recent ones. When you see first several ads, refresh the page. and refresh again, and refresh again. What happens is they have a new feature called hidden ads. That means that you see some ads and some don't. If you want to see other ads that were posted, you have to refresh the page several times. That fault and others have been going on for several years now. So you might put an ad and it will eventually show but by that time it is already down and will be seen by fewer buyers. This wouldn't be too bad if it was only the first page. It can happen on other pages too.

  • +4

    You forgot the most important point.. Must sell the item within 30 days.

    "iii) list an item not in an Excluded Category on and subsequently sell the eBay item within 30 days "(“Qualifying Sale”) (the “Promotion

  • +1

    Finally i can start (slowly, very slowly) selling things on eBay again. After paying $1 fee for ages until they removed that promotion there was no way I was going back to 16% fees again!

    • Just list your items at a higher than expected price to cover it, simple. The fees are bullshit though but some items are too hard to sell anywhere else

      • But why would anyone buy the item at the increased price?
        Makes no sense mate.

        • It’ll balance out, I mean what’s the alternative.

  • +4

    I have clicked through this deal and it states that it's free to list but final sale fees still apply

    • I get the same. Do the final value fees still get waived? Seems dodgy!

  • Read this as free postage.

    • Me too! Too good to be true.

    • +1

      Listing should be changed to read "List item…" instead of "Post item…"

  • +1

    I can't stand using Gumtree, FBM is so much better

    • +2

      I was just going to suggest the same thing. Had alot of success here.

    • +2

      Expect that you reveal much more of your profile on Facebook and also all your friends know what you're selling as they get notifications.

      • Just make a new profile for FBM. 99.9% of buyers don't care.

      • +1

        There's an option to not share marketplace posts with your friends and personally I prefer being able to see other people's profiles. Less likely to deal with scammers and people generally behave better when they're not hiding under anonymous profiles.

  • I can see that the Facebook marketplace is looking to monetise it too. The pay to "boost" your ad for example. Last time I sold something it asked me how much I sold it for. It is interesting the type of data they are trying to collect.

    • I find Facebook marketplace much more efficient. Buyers there are much easier to deal with.

  • Just be careful, if you sell an item over $750 via payPal, payPal will mostly likely restrict your account and ask for your ID (if it's your first time selling). Just make sure your PayPal details are correct or otherwise your funds will be locked for 6 months.

  • When I was doing this because I had no $1 listings and things to sell. You have to be careful

    I think its only in the first 5 listings sold each month so if you sell 5 things from ebay then the one thats transferred from Gumtree it doesnt count.

    Also I always had to chase ebay up as I was charged fees on every gumtree item I imported to ebay and sold.

    And make sure you cancel it before 30 days and re do it from gumtree if it doesnt sell. Otherwise surprise ebay fees when it sells

  • +1

    Just tried to import and got the message

    "Well, this is embarrassing.
    We're sorry, but the quick listing tool isn't working just at the moment. Please try again later."

    Well, embarrassing indeed. The listing somehow sneakingly appears in my drafts, and I'm pretty sure that I will be charged the fvf if I list that convenient draft ;)

  • This is really helpful, thanks

  • Dayum never knew thanks!

  • After impoorting from gumtree, can you change things like adding a photo and updating the description with more information to still qualify for the deal?

  • +1

    If you already posted your ad you can make a small edit to your listing, then you'll get the option to post it to eBay.

  • I knew about this. Selling a Lego death star save myself over $40. Though it seems the $1 weekends for new Ebay members is gone 😥

  • Can someone post a screen of 'an option to post the ad to eBay'?
    I tried to post a test ad and reach an end page before post an ad button but there seems no option to post this ad to eBay.
    Ad blocker is disabled.

    • +1

      You should receive the "Post to eBay" button after you've posted the Gumtree ad, it should come up as like a popup I believe.

  • +1

    Is this per calendar month or rolling month? The T&C doesn’t specify as far as I can see.

  • I just sold 2 items on eBay via Guntree link and no final value fee charged.
    They were both posted late-Nov and sold early-Dec. It will be interesting to see if I get another 2 free listings this month. I’m willing to take the risk for the team.

    • My December listings didn’t incur fees either!

      The one sketchy part is that the transaction listing found in “Seller Account” doesn’t show any of my 4 items sold. It’s as if the items bypass thr regular eBay seller channel.

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