This is because people on here keep posting on cheap 7/11 petrol inter state and yet no one is willing to shed light on how they do this whole location swapping?
How Does One Fake a Location on The iPhone?

I'm sure you could still use nox . I'm not sure if 7/11 will get suss that you're using android/nox to lock in and iPhone to redeem? If you do use nox and lock in a price, you might find that you have to sign out and back in on your iPhone to get the lock in voucher to show.
You can just take a screenshot of the voucher screen in nox and show it on your phone. I do this for my wife all the time.
You don't, unless you have an old version of iOS on your phone that's jailbreakable. If you want to do it easily, get yourself an Android phone.
What version of ios are you in.
Im in 12.4 and use location faker
Probably Nox, but you need to figure it out for yourself.
Simplest way is to change the EXIF data after you taken the picture. There's a lot of software that will do this (do a quick search on 'geotagging'). Then you simply upload the 'modified' photo with the updated geolocation.
Jailbroken and using tweak 'Relocate'
Sure thats the reason?
The IOS helicopter is a bit shy and clumsy and only wants to flys within its local hometown.
Jump onto an Android helicopter, guaranteed it will fly to all 7/11 stations, including free return!!
There was a jailbreak app way back when I was on a 3GS