How Does One Fake a Location on The iPhone?

This is because people on here keep posting on cheap 7/11 petrol inter state and yet no one is willing to shed light on how they do this whole location swapping?


  • There was a jailbreak app way back when I was on a 3GS

  • I'm sure you could still use nox( . I'm not sure if 7/11 will get suss that you're using android/nox to lock in and iPhone to redeem? If you do use nox and lock in a price, you might find that you have to sign out and back in on your iPhone to get the lock in voucher to show.

    • You can just take a screenshot of the voucher screen in nox and show it on your phone. I do this for my wife all the time.

  • You don't, unless you have an old version of iOS on your phone that's jailbreakable. If you want to do it easily, get yourself an Android phone.

  • What version of ios are you in.

  • Im in 12.4 and use location faker

  • Probably Nox, but you need to figure it out for yourself.

  • -2

    Simplest way is to change the EXIF data after you taken the picture. There's a lot of software that will do this (do a quick search on 'geotagging'). Then you simply upload the 'modified' photo with the updated geolocation.

  • Jailbroken and using tweak 'Relocate'

  • Sure thats the reason?

  • -2

    The IOS helicopter is a bit shy and clumsy and only wants to flys within its local hometown.

    Jump onto an Android helicopter, guaranteed it will fly to all 7/11 stations, including free return!!

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