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Bonus Australian Flag When You Purchase a 6 Metre Classic Flagpole Supply Only $641.30 @ Abel Sports and Flagpoles


Looking for a Flagpole for your home or office?

We are offering a free "6x3" Australian Flag when you purchase an ABEL 6 metre classic flagpole until the end of November.

Saving $75


*Australian Made
*5 Year Structural Guarantee
*Available in 6m & 7.5m heights (see Elegance Range Flag Poles for larger heights)
*Low Maintenance
*Manufactured from 6063T6 Untapered High Tensile Aluminium
*Premium Quality one-piece design
*Choice of external or vandal resistant internal halyards
*Lockable Aluminium Security Doors (internal halyard models only)
*Optional Ground Tubes with secure locking available (spigot base models only)
*Optional Hinged Base Plates available
*Choice of traditional pearl white powder coat or custom finishes
*Environmentally Friendly – 100% recyclable materials

Please call 1300 193 714 for a free quote.


*Supply only within 50 kms of Melbourne CBD
*Offer is valid for all Australian residents, however freight costs maybe incurred for residents outside 50kms of the Melbourne CBD
*Offer is for an Australian flag only this can not be exchanged for any other country, state or business flag

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Is this so you don't forget which country you live in, or?

    Leave the blind patriotism to the yanks hey?

    • As a Greek, we take our blind patriotism very seriously.

    • +4

      Actually, a bit of healthy patriotism and less national self-loathing would be nice.

  • Expensive flag!

  • +1

    Does it come with a "(profanity) off, we're full" sticker to put on the ute, and a voucher for a southern cross neck tattoo?

    • Did you know people can be proud of their country, and not be racist too?

  • -2

    I would sell my house and move if my neighbour puts a flagpole in their front yard.

    • -6

      Fair call, I'd be concerned and afraid of 'Invasion day' style violence being brought to where I live too.

  • +3

    Bonus "Made in China" Australian flag.

  • +4

    Free flags from your local council office or click here (link goes to the Dept. of Prime minster and cabinet)


  • -1

    Was driving over West Gate bridge the other day and the Australian and Victorian flags are looking very shabby indeed. What I could approve of was the hole in the Victorian one was taking out the crown. Now if we could just get rid of the union jack in the corner.

    Frankly, I see enough of this rubbish when I'm in America, we don't need it here. What I love about Aussies is we like to take the piss out of anyone, we take jingoism with a grain of salt, and when we commemorate our service personnel we tend to commemorate the horrible defeats, and sacrifices, rather than the victories. In the war memorial in Canberra to me, the most moving section, is where they commemorate the POWs and say "no Australian died alone"; that is if all we could do was provide comfort to the dying that was what we did. You want to define the Australian character and "mateship" that is it. This is why Trumps appalling comment on "preferring his heroes weren't caught" was particularly disgusting. I have no time for jingoism. Celebrate Australianism by supporting each other; not by putting a pole in your yard and running a square of material up it.

    • +1

      Some of us have fought for our country and take pride in Australia and the flag very seriously. You speak as that is a bad thing, using a comparison of America. I call you out as being disrespectful to Australians, especially veterans.

      Username doesn't fit.

      • -1

        Absolute BS. I have a nephew that is currently serving in the Navy and support him to the hilt. I don't disprespect our service personnel, I absolutely support them; as opposed to the the fake concepts of jingoism. So you were fighting for the symbol, rather than the country? Most of the people in Australia who would have these flag poles will have absolutely no connection to a veteran; however, they could easily have a connection to right wing supremicists. It is because I think we need to keep the best interests of our veterans at the forefront that I do reject this fake form of nationalism. If we are going to sacrifice them then we need to be doing it for a bloody good reason and a square of material is not good enough.

        • -1

          That's your opinion and I call it absolute BS.

          I don't disprespect our service personnel

          You just did.

          Flying a flag and have pride in your country does not have anything to do with one's political affiliation. You're drawing a long bow and now linking people with flying flags to being right wing supremacists.

          • @heal: If you think a piece of cloth or a graphical design is more valuable than someone else's (even a "compatriot's") opinion then perhaps you should question your scale of what is important and actually worth fighting for.

            • @fantombloo:

              more valuable than someone else's (even a "compatriot's") opinion

              That all people who fly the Australian flag are right wing supremacists? Great opinion. Where's the evidence?

              If you think that the flag is just a piece of cloth, then I'm sorry that you don't understand the significance, and there is absolutely nothing anyone could do or say to convince you. There is a reason why the flag does not touch the ground. try2bhelpful's nephew would have saluted the flag more times than he or she can remember. When you have fought for your country and had people trying to kill you whilst you're wearing the uniform, come and speak to me then.

              • +1

                @heal: He might salute the flag, because it is part of his job. I had to salute the flag when I was a kid as well. The issue is where you think you are fighting for the flag rather than the country. The point is I, absolutely, support our veterans but it is because they are doing it for our country not a square of material and a pole to put it on.

              • +1

                @heal: On Australia day it is expected I burn and feast on a sentient being to be "a real Australian" and not dare burn an inanimate piece of cloth lest I am not a "real Australian."

                Who's drinking the kool-aid?

              • @heal:

                That all people who fly the Australian flag are right wing supremacists?

                I don't know if they're right wing, but they're supremacists of sorts.

          • +2

            @heal: It's our national flag…

            If you wanna fly it proudly, put one up! If you prefer not to, then don't!

            Too easy, mate!

            Edit: my comment is not directed at anyone in particular, even though it says @heal

            • @Qbagger:

              If you wanna fly it proudly, put one up! If you prefer not to, then don't!

              +1. Likewise, if you don't like the flag and think that anyone who flies it is a bogan or a right wing supremacist, keep your misinformed opinion to yourself and respect the decision of those who want to fly it.

          • @heal: You can call it what you like mate, but it ain't true. I absolutely support the service personnel what I don't support is the jingoistic use of a square of material. I would be ecstatic if we got rid of all the squares of material and used the money to support our veterans. A lot of them, absolutely, need more support for what we've put them through in guarding our country.

            So you think the average service personnel has a flagpole on their property? I would be extremely surprised by that - in fact I would say it is almost none of them do. I would also think a fair number of them take your comments with a grain of salt - they fought for their country and their mates, not for a piece of symbolic material.

            Go ahead and keep supporting the piece of material; whilst I actually support the people who fought to make a difference.

            • @try2bhelpful:

              So you think the average service personnel has a flagpole on their property?

              Can you quote where I said that?

              in fact I would say it is almost none of them do

              I agree, but not for the same reasons why you don't fly it.

              Go ahead and keep supporting the piece of material; whilst I actually support the people who fought to make a difference.

              So I can support the piece of material but I can't support myself or fellow veterans? You're great with the insults.

              • @heal: You are the one who called BS on my opinions and said I'm disrespectful of veterans and my fellow Australians; so you are the only one who can give an insult? What I said was pretty mild compared to that.

                You keep defending the flag, I keep defending the service personnel. My personal opinion is if you are considering buying one of these poles, or a flag for that matter, then spend the money on a charity that can use the money for better purposes. Perhaps Legacy or any other one that supports veterans?

                Too many politicans have used the "flag" to send people to die without thinking about the people who are fighting. Some wars are, certainly, just but some are just to advance the wealth of a few. Americans have flags all over the place and veterans that are living on the streets. Forgive me but I think that is completely screwed thinking. I would prefer less flags and a lot more support.

                • @try2bhelpful: You are the one who called BS on my opinions, I just used your wording back at you.

                  I said you were being disrespectful to Australians, especially veterans. I am Australian and a veteran. You support me. I'm not feeling it. Neither are some of my mates who served with me. I sent them a screenshot. One replied, "If that is support for veterans, I'd hate to be his enemy".

                  Perhaps Legacy or any other one that supports veterans?

                  Great idea. I'd love if more people joined me in supporting legacy. I do it straight out of my pay. Don't miss the money at all.

                  • @heal: This what I was calling BS on "I call you out as being disrespectful to Australians, especially veterans."

                    I absolutely respect and support Veterans; what I don't support is the jingoistic use of the flags or the flag poles. What I want to see is the money we waste on symbolism used on actually supporting the people who are defending the country. Imagine if the millions we are about to waste on revamping the war memorial in Canberra was used on providing health, and support services, to our military service personnel instead. I recently visited the war memorial and it is fantastic the way it is. The evening service is particularly moving and is based on the service of the individual; not military jingoism.

                    I absolutely, call out too many American's for their lip service to their military whilst letting veterans live on the streets. Too many flag poles and too little compassion.

                    • @try2bhelpful: As a veteran, you were being disrespectful. You moved onto sugar coated insults. Rather than complain about people expressing pride in their flag and country, just hit that donate button to legacy. Or set up a fortnightly payment through your payroll. Your message of support for veterans is easily lost behind your other comments. I can tell you that veterans don't feel supported by you.


                      • @heal: i don’t think I was being disrespectful. However, we can just keep knocking this ball back and forth all day. I’m not “pressing buttons” with my comments about legacy. I genuinely would like people to think about why they are “proud” of a square of material and whether this “pride” can be directed to something more useful than buying a personal flagpole. Frankly I want to see respect for veterans mean more than lip service of “king and country”, I want their health and social services to be a priority. I want pride in country to be more than jingoism. I do respect you, and thank you, for your service but that doesn’t mean I agree with your views on the square of material. If that makes you feel disrespected then so be it.

                        • @try2bhelpful: Nor should we have to agree. When you lower yourself to making comments that are nothing more than virtue signalling, making it out that because I have a different opinion I'm worshiping a piece of material while you are endeavoring to improve the lives of our veterans, that is disrespectful.

                          If that makes you feel disrespected then so be it.

                          Fair enough, not your problem how your words make anyone feel.

                          And I'm probably a bit more sensitive today considering the significance.

  • +3

    Dear customers

    We are offering a product for those that wish to take up the offer at a discounted rate.

    We do not buy into or validate any reason for people to disrespect the choices of others.

    Disrespectful and abusive comments have been reported to be removed.

    Please if you are interested in a flagpole and flag comment and we are more than happy to assist.

    If not please keep profanity to yourself.

    Kind Regards

    Abel Sports and Flagpoles

  • +1

    I like how ozbargain has become an advertising board of random stuff that aren't really bargains.

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