This was posted 5 years 3 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free - The Messenger @ Epic Store


Next free game from Epic Store

As a demon army besieges his village, a young ninja ventures through a cursed world, to deliver a scroll paramount to his clan’s survival. What begins as a classic action platformer soon unravels into an expansive time-traveling adventure full of thrills, surprises, and humor.

Also available is the Picnic Panic DLC

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closed Comments

    • +8

      Why’s that? It’s not my typical genre but from all the reviews it looks like it’s a pretty solid and well received metroidvania game.

    • Yeah post any free game deals from Epic and get instant internet votes haha

    • +2

      Huh, say what???

      This game is meant to be excellent. Mid-80% across all platforms on Metacritic, and critically acclaimed within the genre.

      Not sure what you are talking about mate, this is very high on my list of games to get, so cheers to OP for posting it! One of my most anticipated weeks yet!

      I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you just may not be into the genre, and may not recognise the game. But rest assured, for those that are, this is not some random shovelware title!

    • -6

      Lysander will post any crappy free game.

      • Constructive contributions instead of destructive comments are the way forward my friend.
        If Ozbargain had to rely on your 0.03 posts per week I think many people would not bother, hey?! ;-)

        • -1

          Quality over quantity

          • -3

            @askbargain: You know I could have many comments regarding who in your life probably keeps thinking that every evening but unfortunately I cannot say that here. After all I do not want to get banned. ;-)
            Have a great weekend Mr Quality 0.03!

            • -3

              @Lysander: What?

            • @Lysander: While I don't like people complaining about free stuff either, having a low post count doesn't make anyone's opinion less valid.

              • -1

                @Ryballs: It does when all they do (and that is where no post but shtloafs of comment ratio comes in) is being destructive and harassing those people that actually contribute to the the site.
                If you look at post over say a year younwill find the people doing this all the time and who make the loudest noise and are the most toxic are those with litle to no posts but plenty of comments. I don't believe this is a conincidence but results from these people having a certain type of personality.

        • +1

          Thanks for your posts Lysander, well voted or not, they help keep this community going!

          • @Mixhael: Thank you for your kind words- they are very much appreciated.

  • +16

    Nuclear Throne and RUNER are free on the Epic Store NOW:

    Redeem them here:…

      • +1

        Lol yeah. Like those kiddy Batman Arkham and Metro 2033 games…. oh wait.

      • childish free games

        RUINER is rated MA15+ by the Australian Classification Board

      • I can see what you mean about childish games if you are talking about stuff like Fez, Slime Rancher, Subnautica, Moonlighter, Overcooked, Costume Quest, Minit etc. They are pretty cartoony/kid friendly games.

        Though they have given out more adult/darker games like Mutant Year Zero, Surviving Mars, Batman and Metro.

        It’s personal preference I guess. I’d probably find more enjoyment out of those kiddy games then say the new Outer Worlds game.

        • The Outer Worlds was fantastic, how dare you! Slap!

          • +1

            @hey aj: :D it’s just not my type of game. It felt very much like a mass effect/fallout combo and I’m not really that much of a fan of them either :P I only played it up until I left edge town.

      • Yet, you waste time commenting? lulz

    • +14

      Thanks Lysander!

    • Ruiner had really awful keyboard controls at launch, a/d don't go to the side, they go diagonally north-east / north-west etc. hopefully fixed but I refunded after a few minutes on Steam for that reason.

  • +11

    Is there any reason why these deals are posted a week in advance? I personally find them useless as there is no way I'm going to remember about a post I have seen a week back.

    Would be much more helpful if it's posted once they are free.

    At least in this case I can pick up the freebies for this week.

    • +9

      You can use the Reminder function to be alerted about the start date.

      • -2

        That's what I do. So much whine, whine and whine. Must be really fun being around.

      • +1

        Perhaps Sidindra is not logged in and thus can't see the reminder function nor is aware of such functionality.

        • +2

          Her has logged in to complain though.

          • +2

            @syousef: Thanks for pointing that out. So obvious but still missed it.

    • They'd rather do it in advance and lose people like you who can't be bothered to set a reminder than do it too late and lose people who didn't see it in time.

    • +15

      I regard these posts of free games next week as a reminder to pick up the free games of the current week.

      • +3

        Some people rather be grumpy pants.

        • Get off my lawn!

      • +1

        As long as you get the freebies it does not really matter what you see the posts as - they have achieved their purpose. ;-)
        Only with the last freebie you will have to remember yourself as there won't be another post to remind you.
        Have a great weekend.

    • +8

      It is good to be posted in advance in case someone is considering buying so they know they'll be able to get it for free soon.

    • +2

      Where you can see the deal, find the line that tells you it's not on for a number of days.
      2 lines under that, there is a faded line that lets you set a reminder for the deal.

      You won't need to remember deals in advance now :)

  • +4

    This is not Lysander who is this imposter!

  • +4

    It's amazing to see people bitch and whine about free things.

    • -1

      Try it sometime.. Not just amazing… It's fun too.

      • +1

        I refuse to partake in such tomfoolery.

  • 1.2GB for something that, 20 years ago, would have fit into a 4MB ROM. I hate lazy programmers.

    • +11

      All these lazy developers. Taking advantage of commercial game engines like Unity when they can save their customers so much space using assembly language

      • Precisely.

      • 100 hour weeks are lazy are they? How many hours you work this week?

        • +1

          Not sure if you are talking to me? My comment was sarcasm. Figured the assembly language bit would have gave it away.

          Honestly the comment about lazy programmers really rubbed me the wrong way. I should have just ignored it but it’s frustrating because people really do believe that.

    • +1

      Actually, thinking about it now. 20 years honestly wasn’t that long ago. You’ve got your timeframes wrong. That is your ps1 era. Your only Metroidvania games back then would have actually been Castlevania: symphony of the night which was probably 100mb minimum.

      • +1

        Ok, 30 years then. I'm trying to forget how old I am.

        • +1

          Metroidvania games didn’t exist 30 years ago. They started 20 years ago with Castlevania.

          • @SlappersOnly: Metroid and Castlevania both came out in 1986, no?

          • @SlappersOnly: Metroidvania games DID exist 30 years ago, it's just that nobody called them that at the time. I suppose you think nobody binge-watched before Netflix existed?

            • @NorrinRadd: Not sure why you are talking about Netflix but yeah there were similar Metroidvania-like games but SotN is when they pieced it all together.

              All good. Honestly this is just distracting from the main conversation where the OP seems to think that it’s lazy programming that pixel games are larger than 4mb in size.

              It’s probably not the most optimised game but once you add in the engine, the pixel art, audio files, hell the sprites are definitely more than 6 frames per animation. There’s no chance something of this quality could have been made on 4mb.

              • @SlappersOnly: Actually I was just picking on your logic that a game can't be included in a genre if it came out before the genre was created.

                I agree with everything else you said. Anyone that thinks you can squeeze a modern (even pixel art) game onto a vintage NES cartridge needs to go back to rehab.

    • +1

      60FPS vs. 25FPS… similar art but drastically different color range and depth perception and other factors… pixel art doesnt always mean low coding requirements…

      • How does the frame rate factor into the download size? And the description mentions 8 and 16-bit graphics.. Hardly pushing the envelope, though frankly 4-bit graphics and some palette tricks are all you really need.

    • I'd suggest it's your comparison that is lazy comparing Pong and Space Invaders to modern games.

      A single background from this game is going to be bigger than 4MB, even after it's been compressed by algorthms that have only been around for a few decades. JPG has only been around since 1992. Image, audio and video assets for the cutscenes you expect are going to take up room on your drive but enrich the game greatly over a half dozen page booklet and story you'd have gotten along side your 4MB cartridge.

      • -1

        If you think Pong and Space Invaders was where it was at in the late 1980's, then you're a decade out. And I think you need to Google sprites and tilemaps. If the game requires video cut-scenes to make it enjoyable, then it's clearly not a patch on the real thing from the 80's and 90's.

        • +2

          I was exaggerating for effect. You're the one who was a decade out, buddy.

          Your inability to enjoy a games with cut scenes makes you sound a lot older than I bet you are.

          I've spent a few hours with friends, family and strangers online playing Fortnite. Try doing that with a 4MB ROM.

          Here's how "lazy" today's programmers are:

          How about 100 hour weeks?

          Or this classic:

          Game developers are constantly told how rubbish they are, how what the do is useless etc. Some get death threats and other nonsense from entitled fools. Don't be the bullying troll that adds to it. In other words I suggest you consider staying silent on matters you clearly know nothing about.

          • -1

            @syousef: Omg you guys really don't know when someone is taking the piss. Rofl.

            • +1

              @dcash: Sure, the comment is obviously taking the piss. It’s still a really rude comment as it completely undermines the years of work that went into this game and all games really. Making a game is hard and time consuming so it sucks when you see comments like these.

              • -1

                @SlappersOnly: @SlappersOnly You sound like a failed game developer. Maybe Roblox is more within your ken?

                • @dcash: Lol. You made that sound like an insult but Roblox looks like it would be pretty fun.

                  Internet chat rooms used to be pretty entertaining. Roblox looks like it’s just the natural progression of stuff like mIRC, AIM and Habbo Hotel.

                  • @SlappersOnly: @SlappersOnly. Yes, it is. And the average user age is about 8 years old, so you should fit right in :P

          • @syousef: If you don't want to work 100 hours a week, get another job. Easy, so stop whining :)

            • -1

              @Ozimodo: I don't work as a game developer. I just don't think we need to be calling them lazy when they work 100 hour weeks. That's not "whining". That's called "having manners" or "being a decent human being". If you think that's unreasonable, I have nothing else to say.

  • Is the button on the website not working for anyone else?

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