New Workwear - Business Casual

I'm starting a new job and need to purchase basically an entirely new wardrobe. I've always been provided uniforms and now I'm moving into a role where the requirement is business casual. Any good deals going around at the moment that I should check out?

Edit: Local Government, not customer facing. Male


  • Industry?


    • Local Government.


      Edited my post, thanks!

  • +1

    van huesan shirts online are easy, cheapish, and nice.

  • You could do a lot worse than look at Charles Tyrwhitt for these items. A quick look around OzB will probably spot you some deals/discount codes.

  • Many councils have a "uniform" for office staff with the council logo or a generic "Local Government" logo. Usually subsidised, these "uniforms" may have some tax advantages for you. Check this out before buying too many new clothes.

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