Walked into a Repco on Friday at North Parramatta and received a 30% off voucher, in-stores & online for one day sale on Monday 04/11/19.
"Voucher must be surrendered to claim offer. Discount applies to full retail price and excludes advertised lines, clearance products, transmissions, engine & cylinder heads, sat navs, equipment, gift cards, combo deals, trade purchases and exclusive trade brands. Store stock only. No rainchecks."
There is an account number at the bottom of the card for store use only, so I'm not sure if the voucher is required.
30% off Full Priced Products (Exclusions Apply) @ Repco

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Rang store in Brisbane - they don't know about it & don't have vouchers.
Hopefully can use on Monday to buy car battery that just died, or use online code.Last Repco (Century) battery lasted 5 years, bought on sale for $93 (now $146 with discount).
Hi I bought a battery today and it’s Korean made, is yours the same?
Still to buy.
Yes, Century battery - made in Korea according to staff. Finally bought!
just made a purchase and it took off 30%. cheers op
Thanks OP, bought some Rain-X.
If you eventually get 'hooked up' in the car parts world you soon see it for what it is. Genuine=$240, aftermarket=$120, factory=$6…
Anything Repco sells is usually bargain basement anyway