Price dropped on the 85 inch TCL. 20% off GG Ebay and $300 cash back from TCL makes it $1616
TCL 85P8M 85" Android TV $1916 (+ $300 Cash Back) + Delivery @ The Good Guys eBay

Last edited 02/11/2019 - 15:00 by 2 other users
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It's hard to find any reviews anywhere this is the closest thing I could find
Some good and some bad
The hdr on these lower ends model is pretty weak. So if you are buying it for that I'd probably avoid it. But for the size and resolution it's a bargain. I'd say blooming will be a issue. My 55" suffers blooming. Hate to see what the 85" would look like. Edge lit and no dimming zones.
Damn soooooo tempting. Don't need the tv for another 2 months…. Is this the new rrp or just a temp price drop?
No guarantee for GG sale in a few months, but also no guarantee wont be cheaper overall. Ask about delaying delivery if keen.
Might mosey on down to my local GG and check out the overall quality before I pull the trigger
The TCL cash back is an annual horse torture thing, so take that into consideration
wasnt the other 82 inch deal better? Samsung i believe
Tempting, but I’m worried about the long-term reliability and the crashing software reviews do not fill me with confidence.
Can the person who posted this please confirm if the $300 TCL cash back is valid when TV is purchased from Good Guy's eBay store ?
The TCL $300 cash back fine print says:- purchases via eBay or similar online third-party internet websites are NOT VALIDAm i reading the TCL cash back fine print correctly ?
I would like to purchase this TV, but not find out after the fact that the $300 cash back will not be honored.The good Guys will give you a tax invoice so that won't matter. You will still get your cash back.
Note: I didn't neg you.
I purchased the 65" today and the guy at GG didn't bother with the eBay link and said he'll just do that price. He was the manager though
Previous purchase was honoured by TCL
Here "purchases via eBay" means not an authorised seller, e.g. an ordinary reseller that can be any one.
Linus TechTips did a video review on the TCL brand. Apparently 3rd largest tv company in the world now and number #1 selling TV on Amazon US with 4.5/5 stars average. In a nutshell he said the quality was pretty good.
The local GG applied the same 20% ebay offer and lesser delivery charges. Better than EBAY offer.
TVs are getting bigger and prices are getting smaller sure it won't look as good as a LG C9 but that's to be expected. My only concern would be how would this TV handle the test of time? Would it die prematurely?. Call me old school but I like to buy things that last. That's the only thing that's stoping me from buying this TV.
3 year warranty with option to extend with Good Guys.
I'm taking the plunge.
Buyer beware TCL don't reply to my emails or respond to phone calls. I've been 6 months trying to get a response from TCL for dead pixels after 2 months and they just go quiet every time.
The TV stands are at each end, that's going to be hard trying to find a TV table for
Two tables and bridge it? You could create a fort under it.
I bought a universal TV stand off eBay for ~$30 that solved this problem for my 65” Aldi TV. Although might be harder to find stands that support a TV this size/weight
Have spoken to the GG today and they won't ship these for a couple weeks. There are none in stock, so they order them once you purchase. A family member purchased yesterday and they received a call this morning.
Anyone else get the same story?
They called me yesterday and are delivering tomorrow
Thanks for reply, are you in VIC or another state. If so, can you tell me which store.
Anyone having issues getting a delivery time with these muppets at the good guys? This is becoming a disaster, no-one in store knows what's going on.
I went to my local GG today and they price matched the discounted ebay price without any issues. They had a demo model on the floor. It's good enough for me 😉
No stock at the store, so it's been back ordered
My local (Artarmon, NSW) wouldn't price match it :(
I have not received gg tax invoice yet. All i have is the ebay confirmation email and PayPal payment receipt?
Can I apply for TCL promotion cashback already?
No news on delivery date just have to post a photo of the serial on the tv
Hope the tv gets delivered within the 21 days of purchase date.
Invoice is usually dated on delivery
If it's not they should be able to update it for you
Yeah you need the serial off the TV. Also I had to call GG and they emailed me a tax invoice.
Anyone got this beauty delivered already?
No, I'm still being told a couple weeks from them.
Have you ordered and if so what are you being told?
Same… They dont know when it will be delivered as they have already 20+ orders pending
I am worried if they dont deliver by 21-Nov ; then without the TV BARCODE we cant claim the $300 cashback as the claim must be made within 21 days of purchase.
I'm beginning to worry about the same.
I'm also beginning to wonder if it's legal to put a time limit on a redemption offer then withhold stock until the redemption is closed, especially whilst simultaneously requiring the customer to have received the stock to be able to claim.
@impoze: Not in my case as I paid instore to get the paperwork dated within the time frame the rebate required… so I've already got the receipt, hence the clock is ticking. I assume that's the case for everyone, though I don't know.
@kale chips suck: oh right, buy period is until 10th so could they re-do invoice for tomorrow maybe?
@impoze: That's an interesting idea - I'll call them tomorrow and if there's anything they can do. They might have an update on stock ETA too.
@kale chips suck: Hi mate, any luck getting an update. I've been chasing them via eBay, phone and several stores and no-one can provide me with an ETA.
In fact, GG eBay stated no TCL promotions were being run on this sale, so it looks like they will play hard ball on the Cash back.
Im really starting to stress now, cannot believe a national company like the GG can be so disingenuous and not have a clue on stock levels and delivery times on a major sale they advertised. I purchased mine fairly early on and around 40 further Tv's were sold after I paid, so I can only imagine what others are being told.
Does anyone know what I should do from here, I really want the TV but don't want to lose the Cash back or have better deals come out while I wait for these muppets.
Should I withdraw and try get refund for Black Friday deals or wait and fight for Cash back?
@mikey26: I spoke to the store I grabbed mine from, explaining that I need the serial from the TV to complete the TCL rebate. They were receptive to that, but explained they're at the mercy of the distributors/wholesalers; they have ordered it, but have no control over when it's delivered.
They suggested to call TCL direct and ask them for advice.
I don't think the issue is TGG though - this is a manufacturer rebate, not a TGG rebate, so TGG telling you "no TCL promotions were being run on this sale" makes no sense. The promotion is independent of any TGG sale. The issue is with TCL and, specifically, with their "submit your paperwork within 21 days of purchase" condition.
I'll chase up TCL tomorrow, see if I can get anything in writing. Hopefully it's all good.
If anyone wants to offload their 85 TV drop me a PM.
I'm also in the same boat waiting for the TV to arrive so I can get the serial number to claim the $300 cash back. I have called GG many times and they "have no idea" when it will arrive.
Firstly GG's should not list a TV on eBay without stating in the listing "Not in stock, and don't know when it will be in stock"
Secondly, TCL ran this promotion at its ends days and have held stock from been released until promotion is over. This is a TCL scam.
Both The Good Guys and TCL are at fault here. I suggest everyone get a refund and give The Good Guys bad feedback on eBay so they don't do this again.
Totally agree, I will wait until the end of this week. If the TV doesn't come, I'm applying for refund.
I did call TCL support and explained the situation. They said in this case, they will likely approve the cashback as it wasn't my fault, but who knows whether it will actually be applied. I suggest calling their Australian support number and speaking with them.
I'm still upset however, that we have had to go through this, will never buy from TGG again. Their staff is just useless, noone cares or knows what's going on.
I've had the opposit experience with TGG in Mandurah, they were great to deal with and always returned phone calls. I was initially told mid December but then the next day they called me back advising they were getting a shipment in last Friday and would be able to deliver Saturday. Cashback claim was lodged yesterdau and approval email was received this morning. There was an issue with the invoice in that it had the delivery date as the order date but a quick call back to TGG Mandurah and within minutes they emailed me the invoice with the correct purchase date to satisfy the cashback requirements.
As with everything your milage will vary and some stores are better than others.
Hi, glad you were able to receive it without issues.
Did you order on the first day of the sale, 2nd November or on a day after this?
Just want to know out of curiosity to see where I am in the queue.
@pax109: Thank you for reply. I received my confirmation email earlier but I guess different states could have different delivery times.
Just hoping it comes soon, otherwise will cancel and advise store to sell the samsung 82" for $2000 or come to some deal.
Might have to mention that according to ACCC, "Bait advertising is the illegal practice of advertising specific prices (usually special 'sale' prices) on goods that are not available or are available only in very limited quantities (where this limit is not clearly and specifically disclosed)."
Eta for delivery given as 19 December
OMG are you serious. Was this told to you today?
Are you in VIC or another state?
I was given a similar ETA but the store mine was being delivered through was surprised with an earlier delivery, it can happen.
I m in vic
GG- Hoppers crossing
ETA was written on tax invoice received over an email
I just called them and while she wouldn't confirm 19th December, it sounded like it's going to be a while.
Where do we stand here, should we raise a dispute with ACCC for bait pricing, they cannot have a sale when there is barely any stock. The fact they cannot give an ETA within 30 days must be illegal.
I'm dumbfounded, not sure how to proceed.
Hi edreamer, just wanted to know whether you have received TV.
If not, have they confirmed the mid January delivery ETA to you yet?
Any reviews for this TV from the period that received theirs? Would you still buy it again as your main TV?
Still haven't got mine, but in related news I wrote to TCL yesterday asking for confirmation that they will honour the cashback offer because they're not providing stock. I used the email address on the promotional literature, which I suspect is likely unmonitored - the 1800 number on the same literature isn't connected.
Anyway, I told them that I would be following up with the small claims tribunal if they try to get out of it using the T&C they've made it impossible to comply with. I'll update here when (if) I get a response.
TV Quality is great, I'm upgrading from a 70" Sony bravia i bought in 2014 at twice the price and 1080p content is far better than I thought it would be, 4k is amazing. Sound is exceeding my expectations as well, I assume as it's TCL, it would be worse than than that of the Sony but it's actually better. The software on the other hand leaves a lot to be desired, if you have read up on it what you read is mostly true but there hasn't been anything that is a deal breaker for me.
My major gripe is that the motion smoothing settings while easily turned off, do not stick when you turn it off, the night mode for sound also seems to be the same. Not sure if this is one of the many bugs with the instant-on feature but it's annoying. Google "soap opera effect" and you will see why I wish motion smoothing would stay off, i had no idea this was a thing but it was doing my head in when i first got the TV and was close to returning it. When using instant-on things like motion smoothing seem to default to being on and if you had turned it off then turned the tv on, when you turn it back on while it says it's off but it's clearly back on. Actually turning it back on and then off again fixes it, pretty annoying and I will be logging a call with TCL about this bug but it's not a deal breaker for the price. Even without the cash back I think I would still have been happy with the price and actual quality of the panel, software bugs can be fixed, if the panel was shit that would have been a whole different ball game.
I'm relieved to hear this, thanks for the review.
With the none-sticky setting, what happens if you power it off completely? At the wall? Maybe a cold boot rather than waking from suspend will correct it?
I'll do some testing, don't get as much time during the week.
havn't had that issue where it defaults to on after turning off.
Motion smoothing is one of the things I turn off straight away
there are also a few other settings like motion judder
Motion judder is the only one I've found that makes any different to the soap opera effect. Do you have instant on enabled?
@pax109: yeah instant-on enabled.
Yeah the main one is motion smoothing that makes it all 100hz etc.
@impoze: Haven't seen a setting for motion smoothing, only options i seem to have are under Picture -> Motion Clarity I think off the top of my head and only contain LED Motion Clear and Judder Reduction.
I'll have another good look around when I get home but I'm pretty sure that's all it has.
Thanks for the reviews guys, appreciate it.
Kale chips, I spoke with TCL re cashback, they advised they will honor it. Call TCL tech support and explain situation. I asked them to log a reference that I will be reimbursed and they did so.
That's good news - I tried to ring their support several times, but the 1800 on the promo paperwork isn't connected. I rang the company itself, they gave me the a 1800 number, and a 1300 number. The 1800 was the same, disconnected, 1800 # and the 1300 was the # from the company that ran the promotion for TCL last year but aren't involved this year.
Can you post the # you called?? I also haven't received any response from their advertised email address, FWIW.
@kale chips suck: Hi, the number I called is on the contact us page on their Australian site.
It's the Customer Service Hotline on
1300 738 149. Select the Support option.Good luck.
Delivery expected after christmas now.
As per store guy.Damn
Frankston VIC store just called, shipment now expected mid January, no guarantees.
I went ape s$%@ on them, absolutely ridiculous.
Anyone wanting to join me on a complaint to ACCC and consumer affairs
Edit: I'm not associated not sure why this badge is showing. Have removed it.
I've been in touch with TCL this week and was told they'd speak to their people about getting me into the list of approved people, i.e., get the rebate.
I was a bit taken aback by that, given that they appear to be breaking the law and I gently pointed out that it looked like they were, essentially, baiting the market. I sensed that my point didn't even register.
I sent a follow up email yesterday and it bounced. My original email, sent after the discussion, did not bounce.
Anyway, I'll give them until Tuesday. I had intended to get onto the Small Claims Tribunal, but perhaps the ACCC is a better approach.
The whole thing with TGG and TCL is a joke.
How do you feel about mid January delivery now, with no guarantee it will arrive?
@mikey26: Well, it's not optimal but I think it's a very good way for TCL to get out of rebating TVs. Might also be a good way for TGG to get out of selling TVs too cheap? I don't really know. But it's possible they both stand to benefit if customers cancel sales.
I don't even have an ETA, all I got from the people at Thomastown TGG was that they had no information about delivery time.
The whole thing has degenerated into a farce TBH.
@kale chips suck: Yes I totally agree with you that this is a good way of not having to commit to the sale of the Tv's at this price.
Someone has obviously stuffed up, but rather than admit it, they are trying to get us to cancel our orders.
Speaking to the manager yesterday, all he kept saying is, "if you don't like the wait, then just cancel the order".
Have received the TV a few days ago. I was contacted to say that a few TVs had unexpectedly come in.
I'm hoping that everyone here also got theirs.
Regarding quality, this TV is incredible. I have rarely ever seen a better image. Blacks are incredible, colours are vivid and the TV is very bright, have to reduce backlight to 50-60%.
Android is great to have, can be a little buggy at times, but nothing that can't be overlooked.
Overall, this TV really is worth $3000-4000. I have compared to other LG's and Samsung in that price range, and this is easily up there with them.
Only issue now is getting the cash back, I've contacted TCL again after being promised I would be eligible but am yet to get an answer. Seems they are trying to avoid it.
Either way, this is an amazing buy, one of the best deals I have ever received.
All the best guys, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
Hey Mikey, call the help line number on their website and go through marketing. I got the card in the mail a few days ago.
Speaking to actual tech support was useless. Even the marketing guy suggested he would "see" if they could get me into the promotion, rather than simply acknowledging they'd messed up. So I'd call, vent frustrations at them, demand they sort it out.
@kale chips suck: I'm glad to hear you got it sorted with TCL.
How long did it take from applying for cash back before you received the card?
All the best.
@mikey26: I sent the second email on Dec 6. That email included all of my particulars. I think the card arrived just prior to Christmas.
How long have you been waiting? Did they have you email in name // res addy // email // phone // model // retailer // pic of invoice? That's what I did, at their direction.
Maybe the Good Guys should get stock from the JB HiFi warehouse where it’s showing “In Stock”…
Has anyone asked or been offered any compensation for the delay?
I was asked if I wanna cancel my order
Any personal reviews on this model? Thanks