• expired

NordVPN 90% Cashback @ Cashrewards


Just received email from cash rewards.

from doweyy's last post
Note: New NordVPN customers only.


Click through the main link in this post to the NordVPN page on Cashrewards.
Press "Shop Now" (ensure any Adblocking or other software is disabled)
Press "Only 70% Off Now" on the Nord page
On the checkout page, ensure you select the 3-year plan for $125.64 USD, enter your information in and put United States (or any other no VAT country) as the country.
Press Continue and go through the remaining checkout process.
Access 5,565 servers worldwide
No logs policy
Connect 6 devices at the same time

This also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you have any issues with Cashback tracking you're always backed by this to be able to cancel in time :)

Should be around $13.00 USD for 3 years after cashback

Referral Links

Referral: random (3764)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +35

    are they not the one that has just been hacked and talked down about it?

  • -3

    how good is there 30 day money back guarantee, i know pure VPN offered money back period if you wanted to cancel but there was a limit on data usage that i did not know of so i had gone way over the data limit as they claimed and was stuck using it for 2 year plan i had signed up for. i might of used nord vpn trial too i can't remember i assume i could just signup as a new customer on different email address.

    have not bothered with a vpn since that deal expired as i don't really use netflix or any site that requires geo blocking and i figure google already has all my data no point trying to hide it now i guess a vpn for less then $20 for 3 years is better then nothing but would def be wanting cashback to be tracked.

    • Very easy to get your money back. No dramas at all.

    • +1 very easy.

      I had to, as none of the servers provided me with adequate speed. Support staff were pleasant.

    • -1

      *might of have

    • I signed up a few weeks ago and cancelled last week, within the 30 day period using their online chat. No dramas. However, they have a lot of bad reviews for customer support, especially outside the 30 day period with refunds

  • +2

    Lol given all the negatives media attention and youtubers distancing themselves from NordVPN.

    • +8

      The youtubers are reactive nonsense. No personal information was lost and it was the data centre’s issue, not the NPN’s. these same people still use services like Facebook that have had much worse breaches.

      • +20

        I think what most people have an issue with isn't the data breach itself, but their neglect of disclosing it, which is a fair criticism. I don't think it's a major issue that should steer you away from the company though.

        • +2

          Unless they re-address the situation I think people definitely should think twice about this company. I don't think they really know what went down and they want to tell us even less. that doesn't leave a very comfortable feeling with me. People keep comparing the situation to every company out there but we are talking about a privacy company keyword privacy. People keep comparing it to the things that have happened to Xbox PlayStation and YouTube and I don't see a connection whatsoever. People don't seem to dig into the situation either. They blamed the hosting company for having something in place for remote administration they claim they didn't know that was in place well I'm pretty sure it was on the homepage for the hosting service. I'd love to hear some creative excuses for this.

      • +2

        I believe it was possible that personal data could have been stolen when accessing that specific server, but whether this actually occurred is not confirmed.

        The attack revealed the servers private keys, which means that it would be possible for the attacker to mount a MITM attack on those trying to access that specific server by intercepting packets destined for the server and impersonating it, then collecting the now-unencrypted traffic. This isn't necessarily a trivial thing to do, but certainly within the realms of possibility.

        • +1

          And those keys were exposed for how many months?

  • The impression I get is that the deal is an upfront voucher discount, not a cash back, so the end price is US$138.20 (after GST is applied).

    • +3

      Looks likes 2 offers stacked.

      70% off 3 year VPN plan orders + 1 free month and 90.00% Cashback

  • +3

    I know Nord say no personal data was breached but some of their servers being hacked is enough to make me stay away.

    • +8

      They're official statement is pretty piss poor I'm a paying customer and I'm currently not using the service.
      The public should have been notified a very long time ago about this breach they didn't make any public announcement until after the TechCrunch article
      I don't believe they are telling us everything and I don't believe they know everything.

      • +5

        Yep, it's the disclosure that's the issue. I'd be very surprised if worse isn't happening to just about all the VPN providers, but now we know Nord hasn't disclosed it. If they'd disclosed this in a timely manner I'd be more confident rather than less as I am now. The type of 'hack' is not extremely unlikely to happen to any company not managing all their servers physically, which is, as far as I know, all of the VPN providers.

    • If you stayed away from anyone that had been hacked soon enough you may as well just stop using the internet. Sony, Microsoft, Google (and quite probably most big name players) have all had incidents in the past, the problem is how they handled it, not the fact they were hacked, the only surefire way to not get hacked to to not be connected at all, you can only minimise risk.

      • +1

        Comparing those to a privacy company that got breached and didn't disclose it is like comparing apples and oranges

  • +1

    I did the last deal, used direct debit as cards were declined, was not tracked but got a refund.

  • Ok, it was US$138 (A$204) once gst is added. Cashback is A$160, so it actually costs A$44. Left out cents because I couldn't remember them.

    Ah, I didn't select a gst free country.

    • +3

      You're not supposed to select Australia.

      • Yes, missed that.

        • Crap I did the same thing. Selected Australia as my country and paid extra $12 tax facepalm

  • Thanks maxchange, going to give this a go, especially with the 30 day money back.

  • +1

    They leak your info with their poor security.

    • +1

      But they've just started encrypting their drives! Totally cutting edge security practices. /s

  • +2

    This is a good video to watch b4 buying vpn

  • +3

    I wouldn't use them even if they are free-, you're pretty much putting a price of only $13 for your private, let support company that have better security

    • +1

      The difficult bit is knowing which company that actually is, until this week it was Nord. Now we know they have a pretty crappy disclosure policy, but not really any more about where they rank in terms of security, if this issue is truly all the issues they've had in the last few years I'd wager they're in the top 2-3 at least.

    • +15

      For anyone else not informed, Nord VPN knew of a breach 19 months ago and didn't tell anybody, thinking it wasn't a big deal. This is a very big deal for privacy, and for some, the life of activists in country's where they are persecuted.

      In the mean time, they pumped out massive ad campaigns everywhere online, knowing full well of this breach.

      They only bothered to tell people about it after they were caught by a third party who discovered there was a breach. Can you imagine if the third party never found it? Nord would never tell anyone.

      I wouldn't give them a cent. Any ethical company would immediately disclose to the public that there has been a breach. How can you trust Nord when their primary market is centered around privacy and encryption.

      The keys, however, could still have been used in active attacks, in which hackers use leaked keys on their own server to intercept and decrypt data.

      • +1

        Yeah people are too busy comparing the past issues with Sony Microsoft and YouTube to a privacy company that didn't disclose anything until they were basically forced

    • I value my private at more than $13… #justsaying

  • Sorry to ask this again but what do you guys use it for and can it handle high speed and large bandwidth or data.

    Would it benefit me if I don't pirate.

    I use YouTube, Netflix (sometimes), that is pretty much it.

    Probably won't start watching hulu or BBC in other countries so I don't think this is for me unless do you guys use it just for extra level of safety / paranoia not that that is a bad thing.. better safe than sorry

    I have to ask because $13.00 USD for 3 years is pretty damn good but wondering if it can keep up with my 50/20 unlimited NBN or throttle me and what I could use it from a gaming standpoint or just any standpoint really.

    I might be interested if it works for accessing US Netflix but honestly don't want my account flagged or banned for attempting that so what are you guys using NordVPN for?


    • +10

      I use my VPN to anonymously bully people on the internet like you that need to learn how to google

      • Please stop mista I feel bad being so bullied. Gosh darn it.

        Who are you I can't identify your identity.

        If you teach me how to google I can teach you how to use a full stop deal?

      • +3

        My dad works for the FBI and he's going to get your IP so you better stop bullying me.

    • I'm on NBN100 but when I tested their free trial, I was limited to about 30 Mbps.

      It's main use is privacy. If you don't need privacy you can get by without it.

      Some countries do not give you freedom of speech. For example lesse majeste laws. If you insult their monarch, it's a jailable offense. Thailand for instance. If you insult the Thai king (and simply liking a critical post on facebook would count as an insult) you can get 70 years jail time. If you forgo a trial and plead guilty, they will halve the sentence to 35 years. Both are bad options. I wouldn't dare say anything about him even here.

      Other countries have firewalls that filter out what parts of the internet you can and can't access.

      I would say that mainstream (non-China) use would be to get around geoblocking, or content discrimination (ala Netflix) and price discrimination.

      • +1

        So basically privacy, US Netflix and price region tampering / fixing (for stuff like YouTube Premium, Spotify Premium and maybe Steam Store Pricing? Though the last one sounds impossible or not doable in the long run a la they will find out and revoke the key / purchase).

        Got it.


        A googolplexian of thanks.

        • If you don't like paying aussie prices for digital content (the same content sold cheaper to other countries) this could save you money in the long run. At least at some retailers.

          • @lostn: Can name some examples I can't think of any right now besides the ones I mentioned.

            • +2

              @AlienC: I just used this to buy Red Dead 2 via Ukraine for ~$53 AUD instead of the $90 AUD Rockstar make you pay when they think you're in Australia.

      • +1

        I have 115/4 HFC internet and a 50/20 NBN connection. Using Nord I get exactly the same speeds via speed test.net

        • That is pretty impressive for a VPN we have come a long way or maybe I have just been using the wrong VPNs or just free ones.

    • Windscribe is pretty good. I use US based servers and have 100mbps+ cable and usually hit about half that speed, so should be pretty good for you.

  • Does anyone know if this works with hotstar india. I have been with PureVPN and its been months they haven’t fixed it yet.

    • It's hit and miss. It usually works when I use it on my pixel. But it never worked with an iPhone or on a Mac.

      • Even I would like to ask as Windsribe used to work but since last 15days returning a weird error message

        • I think it works on Android devices alone for some weird reason. I tried the client on Arch and Mac and it did not work. Same with the browser plugin and on an iPhone.

          But I had no issues with my pixel. It worked almost every time. I just started watching cricket and F1 on my mobile whenever streaming links fail.

      • Update: Checked on Arch Linux and Mac today, still does not work. Somehow android still works.

      • Thanks . How about on a window PC?

    • Working on Android phone and Android TV
      I got Nord from eBay ( shared account) $4-5 a year

  • I got this deal previously and I'm happy with it.
    I mostly use it to avoid the boss snooping my browsing when I'm on the work wifi, so I'm not really bothered if some hackers know what kind of porn I watch.

    • VPN and Proxy-avoidance are two web filter, dns filter and application control categories stricter employers impose.

  • Pure VPN also has a special on, 5 years for $99USD and 75% cash back at cash rewards. Worked out to be roughly $45AUD for 5 years after cash back.

    • How is the speed with US Netlix? Or is it blocked?

    • I tried this one, after a bit an 89 offer popped up, was 135.61 aud 94.46 cash back, 68.5c a month, not too bad but speeds dont seem great, but is too early to tell that much, has split tunneling for certain apps, so may come in handy.

    • I've got both. Had pure for 5 or so years. Got an lifetime plan for $80 or so. And got Nord from one of the previous cashback deals.

      Purevpn isn't as stable and the windows client is average. Nord is very stable with a great client.

      But. If you are using it for streaming to USA, UK, or a couple other countries, Nord is great.

      If you want streaming from basically any other country (Australia included) then get purevpn.

      No issue with speed on nordvpn. Get the same 115/5 with or without VPN. Pure is about half that.

  • Caution: it will not track exactly the value u pay due to the currency conversion back and forth

  • +1

    Nord was hacked recently just FYI

  • Unless I'm incredibly stupid/uninformed, what's NordVPN's end goal doing all these cashbacks and paid sponsorships?

    Doesn't seem they're going too well, besides the recent data breach

    I'm happy to be corrected though.

    • +1

      My theory is that they are Telecubing.

      • ELI5? Is that to say that they are trying to sign on as many people as they can before bailing?

        • Maybe not bailing but there is a risk they might not be able to handle the customer load with the revenue they will receive forcing bad things to happen which bailing might be one of them or going into administration or bankruptcy.

  • +2

    JayzTwoCents' video explains the situation well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBJZFTy_SAc

    • +1

      Yeah after I watched his video I disconnected from Nord and haven't reconnected.

  • Anyone got cashreward tracked yet?

    • Mine didn't track. Submitted a ticket now it's been 7 days and I'm just waiting for a reply.

  • Perfect for making trolling accounts.

  • I like Nord however currently not happy as it doesn't seem to work for Vodafone tv / Android tv and Netflix.

  • I signed up on the last deal, coming from 3 years using ExpressVPN. There was about a 3 week overlap between services.

    I don't know anything about the server breach others are referring to (probably should have done my research), but from my experience on performance, I've noticed a noticeable difference in speed between Australian servers on ExpressVPN and NordVPN (Express being appreciably faster).

    It's not a deal breaker for me (Australian internet is crap anyway by first world standards), but if it is for other people, the much cheaper price for Nord may not be worth the slower speed (and I signed up to expressVPN with their introductory offer 3 years ago, which was still net more expensive than this).

  • +2

    When the company website says the following -

    The NordVPN name was inspired by Nordic ideals of confidence, trust, and innovation. It reflects how we value our customer freedom of choice, how we strive to be innovative with our technology and the way we work.

    In the spirit of transparency, we’ll do everything we can to keep you updated about all aspects of our service, from server status upgrades to occasional glitches. We aim to create a lasting relationship of mutual trust with you, the customers who share our deeply held values.

    What a load of crap and this is no different from when banks admitting a security breach and then turning around with PR statements saying 'here is free credit monitoring'.

    It all comes down to trust and Virtual PRIVATE Networks are suppose to do just that. Why didn't they acknowledge the breach and alert their users? They took the sweep it under the rug approach and were not transparent with the end user. Their excuse was it was 1 server in Finland but it doesn't take 8+ months to confirm a breach.

    While I agree that no username/passwords were breached it doesn't change the fact the company chose to sit and stay silent on this breach (no matter if this was low to medium) level breach.

    Well at least now you know why they were spending millions on ads and cheap VPN plans as they knew this information would come out.

    Stay clear of this company they certainly don't live up to their values.

  • My cashback got tracked, but only for 49.79AUD. Anyone else experience this?

    • I just bought 20mins ago, hasn't tracked yet. Will let you know. How long did it take for yours to track?

      • +1

        Tracked 40mins after purchase. $159.79 AUD.
        You better contact Cashrewards @tommitytom

        • +1

          I contacted them, their response:

          "Thanks a lot for contacting our team about your NordVPN transaction. I hope you're having a great day.

          I have checked your Cashrewards account and I can see that your Cashback for your NordVPN transaction has tracked correctly. Please be advised that the AUD amount that tracks to your Cashrewards account may differ to the paid amount due to international exchange rates.

          Your initial payment is converted to USD, then converted back to AUD when reported to us. The advertised Cashback rate is based on the reported amount, not the paid amount and Cashrewards has no control over this process."

          What a load of shit, gonna cancel it!

          It would appear that they have fixed the issue, track at 160.03 AUD

  • Tried to sign up twice using Coles MasterCard. Each time got this error

  • +1

    cashback $159.79 AUD of pending approval. Estimated approval date is 3/02/2020. I paid $183.34 aud after the conversion. Anyone with faster approval date?

    • cashback~160, paid ~183. Est approval date 2/2/2020

  • damn mine didn't get tracked at all :( I have to wait 7 days to be able to submit ticket to cashrewards

    • Tracking can take a little while, but I'm sure they'll help you out if you have any issues. Never had a problem that couldn't be solved.

    • Same thing happened to me! Will have to wait to submit a ticket :(

  • I signed up a few weeks ago on the previous 90% cashback. Cash Rewards didn't track the purchase. I lodged a ticket with them.

    I kept getting timeouts when connecting to Aus servers about 50% of the time, from multiple locations. Could take minutes to finally establish a connection.

    NordVPN announced they got hacked. I cancelled within their 30 day period and got a refund, no dramas.

    I'm only out of pocket ~$5 due to exchange rates.

    NordVPN get a lot of bad reviews for customer support outside the 30 day period

  • Mine didn't track either.
    Im sure a solution will be found either from cashrewards ticket and/or refund from nordvpn

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