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Xiaomi Mi Qicycle Electric Folding Bicycle $949.99 Delivered (Was $1,289) @ Kogan


Just purchased one of these after reading some positive reviews. One of the lighter folding ebikes on the market with Shimano gearing and quality components. Took advantage of the free delivery using code PARTY.

Just hope buying from Kogan means the manual and display are in English!

Here are the reviews:


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closed Comments

    • -2

      They must be for seniors but wouldn't balance be a problem? Needs another wheel.

    • -5

      Same goes with MAMIL with their carbon fibre bikes

    • +1

      because people want the illusion of getting fit and healthy with minimal to no effort

      then they can blame their lack of progress on genetics and come to accept that they'll forever be drowning in the kilos of subcutaneous flab that is now the picture of health promoted by the 'body positivity' movement. fat shaming is of course now bullying and any suggestion that one might be overweight or obese to the point that is severely detrimental to their health and a financial strain on the public health system.

      oh well at least they "tried"

      • +5

        Username checks out ;) Seriously though, e-Bikes can sometimes be a great way for people to get back into cycling. I'm the perfect example and know of a few others who've done a similar thing. I hadn't been on a bike for approx. 20years but decided to DIY an e-Bike to commute to work, initially just to save a fortune on Public Transport and/or Parking etc. but also the possibly of getting a bit of exercise at the same time. About 6 months after starting I found myself not even using the motor so decided to ditch the heavy e-Bike, went for a regular bike and haven't looked back! I now have a few different bikes in the stables and ride them everywhere for all sorts of reasons instead of using the car. They're also good to help mobilise those with stuffed knees or other injurys and of course the swarms of food deliverers around these days.

        • +4

          yeah i know just poking fun (the original comment was never going to be well received but there's validity in it though)

          i don't have a problem with many reasons for e-bikes

          • workplaces with no shower facilities
          • people with knee issues
          • people with long commutes
          • extremely overweight people that might want to start with e-assist and then go down to unpowered when some kilos come off
          • elderly
          • people with genuine fatigue issues

          more bums on bikes means more cycling infrastructure no matter how it is ridden

      • Obesity only became a problem after the food sector started bombarding the population with ads encouraging overeating starting in the 1950s.

        They invented "snacking", told them cheap processed food like such as breakfast cereals are healthy and discouraged eating fats and protein because people become satiated and eat less. And a bunch of other stuff.

        In order to avoid the blame for this public health disaster, the sector educated geniuses such as yourself that it was actually the populations fault because they weren't exercising.

        But nobody exercised before.

        • +1

          because they didn't have to specifically 'exercise' as the common means of transportation was heavily swayed towards cycling and walking everywhere. even riding a horse is requires more effort than riding in a car. people literally complain if they can't get a car park close to the shop and have to walk more than 10m.

          nobody exercised before? ha. and you call me an "educated genius"

          sports have always been around
          gyms have always been around

          it's just become more mainstream as we have placed more emphasis on partitioning our time and getting the work/life balance right that much more demands have been given to expediting transportation due to its lack of productivity.

          but if you want to blame obesity on some advertisements then go right ahead.

    • +41

      The whole point of a bicycle is not to get healthy, but to commute. getting healthly is a bonus.
      Bikes were invented not to exercise, they were invented to travel from one place to another.

      • +3

        The whole point of a bicycle is not to get healthy, but to commute.

        lol… I was about to write just that…

      • +4

        Also, this is a pedelac so instead of going full electric (i.e. press a button and it'll go), the rider must paddle and the motor gives you an extra boost to make the ride easier.

        I think this is great for commute so that when you hit those uphill slopes, you know you can get some "help" to make it easier.

        I wanted to get this a year ago but there was no stock back then.

    • +3

      just to get somewhere faster ?

      • pure stupidity and ignorance can make any environment saving invention toxic.

    • +4

      Electric bikes are great for intervals. You can destroy yourself in the sprint interval knowing you've got the motor during the recovery interval (especially useful if you're halfway up a hill and you've exhausted yourself). They're also awesome for large bikes (e.g. cargo bikes for shopping / dropping kids off / etc) as you can use them on the hills. Much better than taking a car. Also some people sweat easily, and don't want to roll into work a sweaty heap. Electric bikes solve that problem also, you can leave the motor off on the way home for some good exercise.

    • +4

      I use it to run my own chauffeur business.

      I drive drunk people home using their own car and store the bicycle in the clients trunk

      • that's actually a good business opportunity

        • +1

          Yes and it saves lives too

          • +1


            Yes and it saves lives too

            Unless the drunk person stabs you…

    • This is not the right post for here.
      0 posts

      Why not make a post of your own rather than decrying someone else's?

  • +2

    Electric vehicles (Scooters, Bikes, Skateboards) are great alternatives to driving point a to point b on the daily. I use an esk8 and love it. Takes roughly the same amount of time as driving but it's infinitely more fun and I get to enjoy the outdoors rather the inside of my car. Good for the environment too. I'd highly recomend looking into it if you can.

    Fitness is completely separate for me.

    • Good for the environment too.

      How so you charge them? Hydro or solar?

      • +2

        even if it ran on petrol, it would be substantially less.

        even if the power comes from a the least efficient commercial coal power plant , it's going to be substantially less take than production for the fuel to move a 4 stroke engine carrying a 1,500kg vehicle.

        • it's going to be substantially less take than production for the fuel to move a 4 stroke engine carrying a 1,500kg vehicle.

          I catch a tram…

          • +2

            @jv: Trams weigh a lot more than a 1500kg vehicle, you must be really strong…

            • +3


              you must be really strong…

              Not compared to the person throwing it…

      • +1

        There's always one…

        Much like food, it's not always about choosing the healthiest option, it's about choosing a healthier one. Skateboard vs Car impact on the environment travelling over the same distance is not even close to comparable. Even if I was to walk, that would be a burden as I need energy to function and the energy sources come at cost.

        • Skateboard vs Car impact on the environment travelling over the same distance is not even close to comparable.

          This isn't a skateboard though, it uses fuel.

  • just wonder if its legal to ride it in NSW? have been waiting for those elec scooters becomes legal to ride in sydney for ages!

  • +1

    100kg weight limit.

    For women and manlets only ;).

    (I'm in the braced position for the negs… K go :)).

  • no white, and ive seen these things choke on very modest hills

  • I wonder if we will ever find a way to import cheaper Xiaomi himo bicycles in Australia. it's just a shame how much cheaper these bikes are in China compared to AU.

    • +1

      it's just a shame how much cheaper these bikes are in China compared to AU.

      What is it as a proportion of the average salary of an Australian vs Chinese ?

      • Lol. That's a silly question as its the same bike sold there for cheaper. I don't think iPhone are that much more expensive in au compared to China why should electric bike be.

        • +1

          Lol. That's a silly question as its the same bike sold there for cheaper.


          How much is a kg of rice in Australia vs China?
          How much is a can of baby formula in Australia vs China?

          I bet they are not the same…

          The price is determined by how much people are willing to pay…

  • -2

    …ironically these come with pedals but youll hardly need them

    • youll hardly need them

      I guess you've never used one…

      • -1

        …an ebike? no. im nowhere near as old or infirm as you jv! :D

    • +2

      This model requires you to pedal, the motor only boosts. It isn't like other models where you push lightly and off like a rocket you go.

      • …shhh. your ruining the joke with your useful facts ;)

    • Pedals are required, otherwise it'll be classed as a motor vehicle.

  • Looks pretty usable but will my manliness be questioned if I ride this around Sydney streets?

    • This might be one of those cases where “if you have to ask, then yes” applies.

  • I was looking at buying one of these when I spotted it for around the $850 mark on eBay (its no longer listed now by that seller).
    If was around the sub $500-$600 mark I'd totally get one.. i just can't justify this price tag :-/

    • I was looking at the Fortis too, however when you look at the weight. 27kg vs 14.5kg. You want to be lugging that around?

    • This is a lot tidier, with the battery being inside the tube. That said, the Fortis has disc brakes which the Xiaomi EF1 does not. :( It also has a pannier rack and kickstand already built in.

      • This is a lot tidier, with the battery being inside the tube

        The Fortis battery is about twice the capacity of the Xiaomi one…

  • It's a bitch to take the rear wheel off to change out the inner tube… Ask me how I know. :(

    • how long did it take? :P
      …what about a 'ghetto' tubeless setup? you may never have to repair a flat ever again?

      • My friend helped me and it probably took us half an hour as we reviewed the video. You'd still need to replace the tyre, which means going through the same BS all over again. :(

        At the moment I run something like Slime to hopefully reduce deficiencies.

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