Extra Sausage in a Bunnings Sausage Sandwich

A few months ago I was feeling very hungry and asked for an extra sausage with my sausage sandwich at Bunnings. After some initial confusion, the lady said $1 extra seemed fair and I got a $3.50 double sausage sandwich. It was a struggle to eat but it hit the spot. I was also very happy with the price and value obtained.

Since then, I have ordered 4 more double sausage sandwiches on different weekends. Here lies the issue, on all 4 subsequent occasions I have been charged $5.

Cost breakdown

Sausage: 40c
Bread: 5c (assuming 24 slices per loaf and cheapest loaf is used)
Onion: 5c (assuming 10 servings per onion)
Sauce: Free (I will boycott Bunnings if they ever charge for this)

That is a ratio of 8:1:1 if you scale up to $2.50, which means the sausage represents $2 of the overall product’s value. Does this mean the fair value is $4.50 for a double sausage sandwich or should a discount be applied since only one transaction is taking place and you are buying in volume?
Should I say something next time $5 is requested? I cannot go back to single sausages and don’t want to be “that guy” who I complains to a charity or community group about wanting to support them less through a sausage sizzle.

Tl:dr how much should be charged for a double sausage sandwich at Bunnings?

Note: This is not a discussion about sausage sandwich vs sausage in bread.

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  • +98

    Each week would be a different charity, different person serving.

    don’t want to be “that guy” who I complains to a charity or community group about wanting to support them less through a sausage sizzle.

    But…you would be that guy arguing over $0.50

    Double sausage - giggidy

      • +56

        Save $4.50 and make it at home…

        • +3

          Then he'd have to pay $26.95 for a swapngo to cook it

          • +38

            @hawkeye: I'm sure he can work out how many portions are in the bottle.

            Or just use the public bbq ;)

            • +3

              @spackbace: hahaha I remember this guy

              • +3

                @Archi: Little cart and all lol

                • +3

                  @spackbace: the nerve also to use the others neighbours water to clean

            • -1

              @spackbace: Dam I read
              "Or just use the public bbq ;)"
              "or just use the public bbq sauce"

              was hoping there was someone like that guy that also tried to steal sauce lol

          • @hawkeye: You're assuming they are using gas to cook and that they have a cylinder.

            And please hand in your OzBargain badge - 8.5kg refills are still $15 at Anaconda AFAIK (was last time I refilled mine).

            If they need a cylinder, it will set them back $59.45 at Bunnings to buy (including gas). Or they could pay $43 dollars at Anaconda ($28.00 for the cylinder + $15 for a fill)

        • +1

          I reckon that such a complaint deserves a $250 gift card

      • +19

        Remember guys today you save 50c and tomorrow you save 50c you will have 1 Dorrar.

        • +18


      • +11

        It's for (profanity) charity.

      • Looks like you have recorded 50 negative votes in your complaint about 50 measly cents.

        Let the charity have it and stop being so greedy and entitled.

        • -1

          See my reply to @seraphim2017 on page 2.

      • "50 cent a lot of money… you save 50 cent here and save 50 cent there…you have one dollar. you take your dollar you go to the dollar store and you buy something nice… be a man"

      • Just buy the pack individually and stop complaining you tighta*$3. Then donate however much you feel like to the RSPCA. Problem Solved.

    • +9

      Upvoted for the giggidy.

    • +9

      +1 to not being that guy.

      It's a charity
      Its 50c
      If 50c is that important to you then buy the stuff and make one yourself (although make sure to buy in bulk and freeze, so that you can have one a weekend for the next 10 weeks and save a little more)

  • +37

    Just buy two. All the proceeds go to the charity / club running the BBQ that day / time.

      • +38

        Just buy 2 and ask for one slice of bread…

      • -1

        Never buy on the way in; always on the way out.
        Otherwise how can you carry all your purchases.

        • +22

          how do you carry all the stuff and the sandwich

          • +6

            @Archi: I just go for the sausage sizzle… not to buy anything from the bunnings :/

            • +2

              @TerryJustTerry: don't get me wrong I like a sausage sizzle, especially the ones at Bunnings or when the elections roll around but for value, you cant beat the Costco hot dog with sauce and relish and a re-fillable drink for $1.99

              • +1

                @Archi: Oh true value for money that wins, but for me bunnings is around a 12 min walk from my place so its a nice way to get a bit of extra sun for this office dweller :)

        • I never do this, sometimes they're closed when I come out of the rabbit warren that is Bunnings

  • -6


  • +42

    You're obviously buying them because you're not paying for the value of the ingredients combined, but for your convenience of not having to do it yourself.

    And that equals to your purchase price - cost of ingredients.

    Plus, the opportunity cost for them to provide you with a double sausage sandwich, is another single sausage sandwich to someone else.

    Hence, I think it is valid for them to charge $5.

    If you don't like it, go make it yourself.

  • +63

    Each sausage+bread+onion+sauce combo is a package. A package costs $2.50. By taking an extra sausage you are depriving the seller of being able to sell one more package. Ergo you should be paying $2.50 for it ($5 total).

    • +26


      As far as I'm concerned you're buying two sandwiches where one is sans everything but the sausage.

      Seriously mate, they're your neighbors taking time out of their weekend to raise money for a cause that's important to them and in every likelihood you, or someone you know. There's a good chance some of them have never done that sort of thing before - Now, after dealing with yourself, there's a good chance they're slightly less likely to do so again.

      When I find my desire for a bargain clashes with my adherence to Wheaton's Law, I generally go with the latter.

      • +4

        Wheaton's Law

        Well, TIL. Thanks. :)

      • +1

        My house had a "Choc Wheaten Law" when I was growing up… don't eat the Choc Wheatens in the fridge as they were dear old dads.

        TIL: Wheaton's Law - Thanks bobbieb

    • +1

      Unless of course someone else comes along and wants two slices of bread with their sausage.

      Or enough people want two sausages that they save on buying an entire loaf or onion.

  • +6

    There's always somebody who has to change the standard menu item. eyeroll

    $5 IMO

    • +2

      why is there no $6 poll option?

      if you are ordering off the menu, expect to pay a premium.

  • +13

    Dammit now I want a Bunnings sausage sizzle :(

    • +7

      Shame those $250 gift cards can't be put towards the sausage sizzle.

      • Didn't get one but thanks for the sucker-punch!

        • Same. I wanted to share the pain :)

  • +4

    Agree with the logic, but it's for charity so at the end of the day the extra 50c is going to a good cause.

    I personally hate carrying coins so in this situation I would also not mind paying the $5 and not be given back a heavy sharp 50c coin.

    • +8

      heavy sharp 50c coin.

      You seem weak and fragile.

      • +2

        He's lost most of his family to injuries from sharp and heavy 50c coins, yet he still believes in hope. Maybe don't be so judgemental?

  • +3

    If they are charging $5, you should be able to request a credit note of 50c for the unused bread and onions. once you have accrued sufficient credit notes cash them in for an additional sausage…..it's only fair.

    • +5

      On-sell the credit notes to Goldman Sachs for investing in subprime mortgages…

      • +8

        Instructions unclear, started civil war in Chile.

  • +5


    This is OzBargain, not OzTightArsesWhereTheBiggestProblemInTheirLifeIsWhatCharitiesChargeForDoubleSausageAtBunnings.

    • +7

      Would be a long url if it was

      And don't get me started on how hard it would be to make a logo!

      • A douche

        • +1

          This is 'Straya, mate. We use the word "CAHNT"

    • +7

      Buy that domain with the current ventraIP sale and 301 redirect it to ozbargain.

    • +1

      ..not OzWhinge would be easier.

    • I always get into trouble when I start typing oztightarses into the bar and hit enter

    • +2

      TBH OzB is at its best when overanalysing minutia like this.

    • A domain name cannot be longer than 63 characters.

  • +3

    Just want to say, thanks for posting that link at the end! I spent ten minutes browsing their maps; it's a fascinating site!

    • Wtf is a sausage sandwich?! It’s a sausage in bread!!

      • ignore the downvotes the op can say it's not about that all they want but we know, while the battle remains unwon, it'll always be about that

      • Wtf is a sausage in bread?! It's a sausage sandwich!!

        Seriously I've never heard this. I need to travel more.

        Do Victorians call hotdogs, "processed meat in bun"?

  • +1

    It's for charity so price is whatever the stallholders charge.

    Bread: 5c(shop.coles.com.au) (assuming 24 slices per loaf and cheapest loaf is used)

    I've not seen sliced bread served at any Bunnings sausage sizzle - it's always a long bread roll… does this vary across the states?

    • +23

      never have i ever seen a bread roll! sounds premuim!

      • lol - no premium pricing tho … it's still $2.50!

      • Bankstown bunnings ALWAYS have the best crispy bread rolls, i can't go back to the cheap sliced bread.

        • +1

          Coz it duh Vi-na-mee hot bred.

          Do they have nem nuong options at Bankstown Bunnings?

      • interesting … I'm in Syd so maybe it varies even across different stores or charities, for that matter

      • I dont like a sausage in my buns anyway. Eastside!

    • +1

      I’ve done Bunnings sausage sizzles at several stores, and they do not allow price above $2.50.
      At a busy Bunnings you will make $300-$400 over a full day.

      • Oh - do you mean you would have charged $2.50 for OP's amended order?

        • +3

          No, but you can’t charge $3 for the standard 1 sausage either.
          I would probably charge an extra dollar.
          The technical term is a double bunger ;-)

          • @mskeggs: Of course - to clarify, my initial comment was in response to OP's query and not in relation to standard sausage sizzle orders.

      • -1

        At the end of the day, did you have much left over or typically sell everything? Is there a strategy to buy bread and sausages to a 1:1 ratio?

  • +6

    Logic is flawed, failed to take into account the rent and labour cost of cooking that sausage and taking your money etc which would be the largest cost component. Sure, they may be volunteers getting a free spot from bunnings, but they're not doing it so you can save on a sausage.

    • +8

      And the waste needs to be accounted for. All of those extra pieces of bread that are not used.

  • +3

    Fair shake of the sauce bottle, mate, you forgot to account for slippery onion public indemnity insurance.

    • +2

      Safety is always our number one priority and we recently introduced a suggestion that onion be placed underneath sausages to help prevent the onion from falling out and creating a slipping hazard.

      -Bunnings chief operating officer, Debbie Poole

  • Go easy on the sausages - processed meats are very bad for your health.

    You'll thank me in your healthy old age. :)

    • Isn't the world going to heckfire fast enough that we should live for the present?

    • -1

      Valid point but I'm like Pavlov's dog, I see Bunnings and I start salivating.

  • +1

    Is it possible to learn this power?

    • +1

      I think it's genetic.

  • +1

    You know it’s an Auskick team, Scout Group or other non profit we’re talking about right?

  • +1

    Costco sausage is the best.
    $2 for a hotdog and refill drink.

  • +1

    I wonder how much to bribe them for top onions.

  • +1

    Report it as a price error, maybe they'll give you a $250 gift card for your 'inconvenience'.

  • +1

    Troll a lol a la

  • +4

    Cool story but sorry I'm one of those people that just donate money and skip the nasty sausages alltogether.

    $5 does seem a bit excessive but they can charge what they want. Have you ever offered $1 for an extra sausage? That seems a bit cheap you'd think $1.5 at least would be a 'fair' price otherwise they'd be charging you $1.50 for bread, sauce and onion which would actually be an outrage.

    Do you also get charged for extra onions on top with no extra sausage?

  • +6

    Thanks OP I thought I was the only one!

    Everytime I visit Bunnings on a weekend I get a double dog (in a proper bun, no bread), usually the charge is $3.50, there has been the occasional charge of $5.00 and while I pay with no fuss (it does support a community group after all) it does hurt the cheapskate in me ever so slightly.

    It's become a bit of a game with myself and the wife to see what the double will be charged at, good to know there are others out there who share my (small) pain!

  • +2

    Have you factored in their costs of simply being there, eg paying for the Gas, fuel etc etc, assuming they even factor that in if its a charity thing

  • +2

    Don't be a (profanity) your whole life ok? I usually tell them to keep the change.

  • +2

    Who gives a sh?t it’s a fund raiser.

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