• expired

Free 'Do Not Knock' Sticker Courtesy of Origin Energy


I got one with my electricity account, but you can order them online for free.

They look neat.

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (36)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (576)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • +4

    can I get one which says "please do not knock : no relatives thank you" ?

  • +1

    I prefer the ones from this deal http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/48135 as they also state that knocking is unlawful. However anything to stop pesky sales people is a +

    • Is there a photo of what these other stickers look like?

      • +7

        I'd assume it's just big letters stating "If it's a rockin', don't come a knockin'"

      • Click on the link and it shows you what they look like :)

        • I meant from the other deal

  • +15

    Interesting that it's from an energy company - most of the salespeople we get are trying to sign us up to one of the energy resellers. I guess Origin realised it's in their interest to give these out to their customers.

    • +1

      most energy companies know which company a consumer is using and can target customers and offer better deals so its in their best intrest to provide them. but im sure they will shortly change it to Origin Customers only after they get ozbargain'd in 5…4…3..lol

    • +2

      exactly spot on!

      you probably became an Origin Energy customer by people door knocking, and now they are trying to prevent you leaving to a better deal by the very same means.

      transparent attempt at offering "customer service" when its really "customer retention".

  • Thanks Op :) Just ordered one

  • lol @ the "fixme" on the Thank You page after you've ordered it

  • +3

    I'd prefer a 2m x 2m billboard!!

  • +1

    I've requested some for the oldies we know who are baffled by salespeople.

  • +1

    Origin sales people knocked on our door a couple of weeks ago… lol

    • their call centre people are good though, especially for businesses.

    • startup opportunity?

  • +11

    Answer the door in just your jocks (or socks, or wife's bra). Ends most conversations, before they've even started.

    Having said that, some salespeople are hardcores. I once had a guy trying to sell a phone/net/mobile bundle, saying he'll beat anything. I told him 10x I wasn't interested. Eventually, I explained that I had 500GB limit with 8Mbit, unlimited calls home & mobile, line rental, and total cost is $30/mth. A lie like that should end the convo, right? Nope. He said he'd ring his supervisor?! Ah, FFS!

    • +2

      anything for a sale….

  • How does it work ?

  • +1

    the above sign wont work…. it needs more info like this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/199/donotknock.jpg/

  • What if they ignore the sign?

    • +2

      go to defcon 3…. big stick in hand when answering door

  • They offered me one of these when I rang up to ask ORIGIN to stop knocking on my door. After lodging a formal complaint they took me off their direct marketing list. I have also done the same with Telstra. By far the worst 2 offenders in my area.

    I added this sign just to be sure


    • +1

      Nice sign
      "(Not offensive enough? Available with the FINGER in our shop)"

  • Thanks

    Was easy to fill out (autoform)

  • so if I put up the sign, does that mean the sales rep can just walk into my abode, rather than knocking on the door first? Also what happens if I live in a tent - gaddafi style.

  • Funny. Origin have the highest rates for small business and residential customers in Victoria and NSW. No wonder they don't want anyone knocking on the doors of idiots who are still with Origin.

  • These Do Not Knock stickers have their origin in the "Do Not Knock Campaign", a movement of the Community Legal Centres in Victoria to stamp out unfair sales tactics after recognising that a lot of disadvantage Victorians were being pressured into signing up to unfair contracts.

    There is another version here with a template letter to make a complaint and where you can pick up a free sticker: http://www.consumeraction.org.au/get-involved-in-our-campaig…

  • Be better if it was a big padlock for the electricity meter

  • +2

    Is there a way to discourage salesmen, but encourage couriers/mailmen to knock? I've been home all morning, but when I checked the mail, AAE left a delivery note, now I have to drive down to the post office to pick up a parcel…bit annoyed.

  • My free DO NOT KNOCK sticker arrived today in the mail.

    Now if only I could train all other welcome visitors to ring the door bell instead of knocking.

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