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NU-TEC 32" Full HD LCD TV for $289 at Coles Berwick - Eden Rise


Please go easy on me it is my first time posting on OzB…..and I being the weak-willed person will surely perish at the though of anyone thinking ill of me. I shudder to think of what will happen if I receive a neg…so I shan't read the comments….woe is me……

Now that I've gotten the obligatory "first time post" bit over with.

Be the envy of all your friends! and even those pesky work colleagues.

Yes you too can be the proud owner of a Nu-tec LCD TV! No more buying those nasty Sony & Viera TV's and then painstakingly rebadging them to Nu-tec…. get the orginal now!

I've noticed for the past 2 or 3 weeks at my local Coles (Berwick (Vic)- Eden Rise)the price of Nu-Tec 32" inch LCD TV. It's full HD, 1920x1080 & has the standard stuff… 3xHDMI, USB Recording,AV..etc.. all for $289.

I was asked not to take pictures at the store dunno why…. so I ended up buying it and taking pictures, so here you are. I have the receipt as well and I'll try to upload it shortly (once I figure it out).

The picture is actually decent… it does have a 1 & 1/2 star rating - which should be fine in the bedroom/mancave (mine does not exist but I have dreams).

Why I bought it……… I needed a cheap TV tonight as my 50" Samsung PS50C7000 (of less than 1 yr - thank you warranty) has a burn in already and is getting repaired. Plus the wife was going to hurt me if Masterchef was missed tonight.

Good TV for the price……… BTW I had bought the Soniq for $299 previously and I'd say they're comparable. The Soniq I like more due to it's curves … but this suffices.

All the best in your decision.

Update: I'm so proud I figured out how to upload.
RECEIPT HERE: http://upload.ozbargain.com/2011/07/18/6323_nutec_tv_receipt…

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closed Comments

  • thanks for the heads up. I'm going to redirect my friend to this as her tv is giving her hassles! shame about the energy rating.

  • +3

    yes..saved me just in time mate, thanks a million
    I was going to order some Nu-tec stickers kit from fleabay for my NX710 but thank god with such a good price, I finally might be able to afford these little buggers

  • +8

    what a real sweetheart, I wish my husband was like you

  • +16

    cool story bro

    • You bought a TV because you didnt want to miss masterchef?

      Whats the picture quality like?

      • No…. I bought it to appease household management!

        Picture quality is good…Same as the soniq. It is HD so pleasing to the eye.

        It's not a Sony/Sammy/Pana but it's not too far off. For the price it's excellent.

  • +2

    Congrats on your first post!
    What connections does it have? HDMI? USB 3.0? DVI?
    USB Record?

    • +3

      It's got 3x HDMI, 1x USB (dunno which flavour), VGA, 2xAV (Composite), Audio in jack, Antenae…
      Yes it can apparently do USB recording & timeshift etc…
      (I haven't used the USB stuff nor will I be likely too as masterchef is being watched and I value my life + I use Foxtel for that stuff)

  • +1

    wats nutec like
    i walked into JB looking for sonique (they look amazing btw for a cheap brand) but they had no stock

  • +1

    nice deal, $5 off for spending over $100, and $100 coles cards @ $95each makes this TV come out about $270 !

  • +1

    i live in berwick too & noticed this cheap tv, but didnt post it up here coz its only for eden rise store. they had other specials like $10 SANYO ipod/radio/clock stereos.

    • was there many of the ipod dock stereos remaining?

      • more than 50 remaining on the tray as at sunday 17 july 2011.

  • As OP says good value for a bedroom telly which won't be used much but for more regular consumption you would be better off paying the extra for a tv with a better energy rating.

    • +1

      Of course if it only lasts 12 months and one day the energy rating will not matter…

      • At least I won't have to worry about keeping the cardbox for the day I move.

    • +1

      $1000 TV for 10hrs/day for 10 years = $400-$500
      $300 TV for 10hr/day for 10 years = $900

      It would end up roughly the same, and it's not like you're going to go broke over a couple of hundred dollars in a 10 year time frame.

      I doubt this TV would last a 'long run' anyway.

      • +2

        10/hr day??? if you watch that much tv, then you probably don't have $1000 for a TV…and besides, Joolia will give you carbon refund anyway to pay for your 1 star TV.
        The energy rating website is crap for most appliances…Fridge,, yes they runs 24/7, but washing machine, tv, microwave, etc, they're not on that long, certainly not 10hr/day.

        • That's what the website says, so i just used those values.

          Which means you would end up paying a lot less than the quoted decade-ly cost of running the TV.

          But yes, i do agree with you on the whole energy rating being rubbish in some aspects. Instead of worrying about the energy rating of the appliance, why not just use it more efficiently for the appliances you can?

          I know some people who will turn on a TV, watch it for half and hour then spend the rest of the day with the bloody thing on not watching it. I know I've done similar things on occasion.

  • fyi: sanyo dmp-p7 clock radio with ipod dock $10 each,save around $20 at eden rise coles.

  • wow, you don't realise just how much of a difference those 1 1/2 star ratings mean, this one costs $911 to run 10hr/day over 10 years, in comparison the same size Soniq 32" costs $649, of course these figures don't take into account the rise in electricity rates, thank you JOOLIA!

    • +1

      Who watches 10 hours of tv per day?

      • +2

        They may not watch it but it's on ABC2 10hrs+ in the play/media room while our 2 under 4yr olds play all day. As I'm looking for a replacement for last months 32" soniq as it already has a fault I'll live with the extra $25/yr running costs of this one. Next closest in price is around $499 so it would take approx 8 yrs to break even on a slightly more expensive TV.

      • uni students

        or a combination of the 2

  • +5

    If you think about it, the amount of heat produced will serve you as a TV and a heater! Applicable only in Winter.

    • ya, given you stick your body to the tv close enough XD

    • +3

      In fact, if you run a thermostat controlled resistive (i.e. radiator, fan heater, oil column) heater in a room, pretty much any inefficient appliance (incandescent lights, cheap TV/fridge/freezer) just moves a bit of your energy consumption from the heater to the appliance. If you rip out all the old-style bulbs in a room and install compact fluorescent bulbs, but then heat the room with a fan heater, you save no (energy/CO2 emissions) at all.

      If you use gas heating this is not the case though - because while only about 31% of the heat energy from burning coal gets to your fan heater as electricity, about 80% of the heat generated by a moden natural gas heating system gets into your room, and natural gas generates less CO2 for each unit of heat produced than coal. Back of the envelope maths based on Wikipedia-surfing suggests to me that each kWh of resistive heating you get from coal fired electricity causes 360g of CO2 emissions, and each kWh of heating you get from a natural gas heater causes 250g of CO2 emissions. So if you save a kWh of winter electricity consumption and use another kWh of natural gas heating, you prevent 140g of CO2 emissions. If you can heat with sustainably harvested wood in a modern low-particulate stove, then the benefits of using efficient appliances are much greater, because you are exchanging fossil carbon emissions for carbon that is part of the carbon cycle - you can prevent 360g of fossil carbon emissions by moving a kWh of electrical heating to wood heating.

      Just for a JOOLIA MADE MY ELECTRICITY BILL EXPLODE reality check, I read in left-wing publications like the Financial Times that Australian electricity prices have been rising for quite a while before the carbon tax was announced, because:
      - there are more people now
      - who use more electricity per person
      - using power generation infrastructure largely built 40-60 years ago
      and the cost of new capital work to renew and expand the electricity generation and distribution system has been lifting the price of power. This will continue for years to come, carbon tax or no.

      But of course we couldn't do something really innovative and go for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integral_Fast_Reactor, because a 40 year old nuclear plant using a 50 year old design, that should already have been shut down, run by a company with a record of corner-cutting and criminal negligence, in a country with big government transparency problems, got hit by a tsunami and melted down. So all nuclear energy is bad, 'mmmkay…

      • +2

        Before i read this, is there a movie coming?

        • Yes, it's 40 seconds long, like the time it takes to read the comment. I guess I should have put up a spoiler alert.

      • Great post on considering surplus energy from inefficient appliances as valued heat. I beleive this may suit some houses more than others, for instance where it's well shaded and summers do not call for air conditioning.
        The use of an inefficient device and air conditioning would result in more energy use to cool the excess heat as air con has its own inefficiences.

  • Thats DAMN cheap.. anyone know if its available in SA? Wouldn't mind one for the bedroom.

    • i think its only at eden rise, for some reason they have there own specials there.

      • That's because it's a special supersize store with a larger range of electrical items, clothing etc.

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