This was posted 5 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20-40% off Barbeques (40% off Kamado Joe Series 1, 20% off Ziggy Series, BeefEater and Broil King) @ Barbeques Galore


Don't miss out on our huge 20-40% off sale on Big Brand Barbeques and Outdoor Living.
5 Days Only. Ends Monday. While stocks last.

40% Off Kamado Joe Series 1

20% Off Ziggy Series BBQs

20% Off Broil King BBQs

20% Off BeefEater BBQs

50% Off Strand 3 Piece Modular

25% Off Shelta Umbrellas

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Barbeques Galore
Barbeques Galore

closed Comments

  • Is a Ziggy grill dishwasher safe? I'm looking for a gas BBQ that is easy to clean. Would one of these fit the brief?

    • +4

      I put the hotplate/grill plates in the dishwasher all the time.
      Usually coat the whole lot in oven cleaner, sit for half an hour then Gerni it off and throw the plates in the dishwasher. Do that once or twice a year, comes up like new. Other than that I just clean them down with the BBQ wipes after each use and it comes up well.

    • The Grills and hotplates are dishwasher safe.

  • Why did Bbq galore swap from Weber to Ziggy?

    • Hi Don, we made the decision to move to Ziegler & Brown (Ziggy) because they offer an all round experience where you can cook with the lid up and down on the BBQ and offer a huge range of accessories.

      • Fair enough, thanks for the reply

        • +2

          I got told the same thing when Ziggy's first came out. They make it sound like there's hardly any accessories for Webers. Do your research yourself and not rely on someone trying to profit off you.

          • +5

            @nafe: Yeah I get it’s a business decision that probably has more to do with larger margins on the Ziggy or the fact that there is less competition.

  • +6

    oh man, Kamado Joe is tempting

    • Limited stock, get in quick!

  • I know this has been asked before, but I suppose I'll ask it here, since I'm now considering one of these types of BBQs: Is this better than a Weber Q?

    I've used Weber Q's before, and they heat nicely, but I've never used the Z&B Ziggy. Anyone have thoughts on both?

    • +1

      I just finished researching after the Baby Q deal that came up. Ziggy apparent gives you better heat.
      Weber has the legendary customer service but Ziggy gets slightly better user reviews for usability and quality.
      I am very tempted by the Ziggy, want it closer to $300 with a folding stand.

    • +1

      We've got a Ziggy triple burner, inlaws have the equivalent Q. From my research ages ago, the Q had more burner output but the Ziggy definitely gets hotter and quicker too. I guess this is so you can cook with lid up where Webers are designed to cook with the lid down constantly. That kind of takes away the "BBQ experience" if you're standing around it with some mates.

      • +1

        Cooking lid up wastes heat and uses more gas in the long run.

        • +1

          I get that and when cooking solo or thicker things, I'll put the lid down but if I'm standing around with mates, having a bevy, turning snags I prefer the lid up.

          • @whitelie: Hard to turn snags with a lid down! :D

            • @nafe: Exactly! I don't like the "Open lid, turn snags, close lid. Wait 2 minutes and repeat"

    • You can view a full comparison at this link

  • +1

    For anyone looking at something cheaper but still premium quality, this one looks awesome, will be buying soon.…

    • That looks awesome ! Very tempted.
      Please report back user experience after you used it.

    • The akorn junior is much much smaller than the kamado Joe though, the regular akorn for 549 is closer in size (still smaller and metal not ceramic)

      • +1

        Akorn is steel shells with an air gap, kamado is ceramic .

        Kamado is tempting but also need to check what accessories you get or if extras …..costco also has ceramic egg type BBQs.

        • Yeah there is the ceramic bbq (Louisiana grills) at Costco Docklands for $950.

    • +1

      That's akorn jnr is like comparing a Weber baby q against a Weber family.
      Pretty huge size difference.

      Get a Kamado won't find many KJ owners that regret owning a KJ

    • We choose to stock the Kamado Joe over other brands as this is the premium in the market.

  • +1

    I have the Big Joe Kamado Series 2 and i can honestly say i would buy it again. Anyone that says anything remotely negative about this product either doesn't like smoked food, chargrilled food or has no idea what they're doing..! 12 months in and still cooking on it every week.

    • +1

      Hot dog, need to convince the wife to get the KJ.

      • +1

        No joke, i gave away my gas barbecue 4 months ago..!

    • How 'efficient' are they? If i get home late and want to cook a steak or some sausages, do I need to wait 1hr? Or can it cook in 10min like a gas bbq?

  • May I ask why Barbeques Galore have two good expensive brands (Ziggy, Beefeater), but the rest of the brands are shite?

    • We love all of our brands, the Ziggy and BeefEater are among our top end.

  • Any KJ accessories on sale?

    • The Barbeques in series 1 are 40% off but accessories are not included in the sale.

      • +1


  • Hey op
    been looking at the KJ for a while now (at this price very very tempting), we have been a weber house for a long time but have heard really good things about the KJ. However I did see a lot of people experiencing cracked ceramic- is this common? What is actually covered by the "limited lifetime warranty"

    • Ceramic frame components (head, body and inner) are all covered by a lifetime warranty (limited to the original owner) and the other parts (heat deflectors/thermometer and metal parts) fall under warranties ranging 1-5 years.

  • Hey OP,
    Do the higher end Traeger's ever go on special? I'm keen on an Ironwood 885 but won't get it approved at RRP so have been waiting and watching… Thanks

    • +1

      Keep an eye out, you never know what may come up.

      • Im hanging out for a deal on the Traegers too. Has OP ever seen the Timberline 850 on sale? My local store seemed to suggest I should just pull the trigger as they're unlikely to ever go on sale… seemed like a strong-armed sales tactic at the time.

        • +1

          Hey Starkers,

          Looking back through deals it looks like they had 20% off BBQs incl Traeger in Oct last year and another 20% store wide in Nov last year. Fingers crossed something similar comes up soon…

          I noticed Appliances Online have some discount on the Timberline 850 with free delivery. Not much but better then RRP.

  • Would be good if you guys could put the Kamado Joe Junior on sale too.. its the right size for a lot of people who dont have the space for the big ones.

  • The 3 major changes from series one KJ to series two KJ are an upgraded top vent, newly designed seal, and an airlift hinge to reduce the weight of opening the lid.

    What are the major changes from KJ series two to KJ series three?

    I believe this KJ is only the series one and I'm keen to see the whether getting the series one at 40% is worth it over a series three???

    • The Kjoe series 3 has similar features to the series 2 but the divide and conquer has had another layer added along with the hyperbolic chamber insert and the style of cart and wings has also changed to a solid aluminium fit out rather than the resin previously used on series 1 and 2.

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