Help with Buying Ram for ALDI Desktop

I have an ALDI AKOYA P5130 D desktop that came with 8gb ram and I want to upgrade this to 16gb.
According to Speccy the mother board is MEDION B250H4-EM (U3E1) and the current ram is Samsung DDR4-2132 (1066 MHz).

When I search for Samsung DDR4-2132 I really don't find much. So my noob question is what ram can I buy ?
Will anything that is 288 Pin, UDIMM, DDR4 work ? or are there more limiting factors that I need to consider ?

I would be happy to replace existing ram with Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3000MHz C15, if that would work with my system. Otherwise Ill just look for an 8gb stick.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • +1

    Checkout the guys from
    They really have memories compatible with any PC that exists. They have chat as well and I'm sure will be able to find the right memory for you.

  • +2

    Download the Crucial Scanner Tool this will check your system and make recommendations of what is suitable.

    • cheers ! will do.

  • +1

    Getting the Corsair pair is probably a better & safer option as then you can be sure your RAM timings & clockspeed are exactly matched.

    If you do go for the Corsairs, I'm sure there's plenty of people here willing to buy your old stick, so that'll offset your purchase cost as well.

  • Looks like normal ram to me. Should work with your motherboard. Any reason for the upgrade? Doesn't seem like a particularly powerful PC to begin with.

  • +2

    The DDR4 RAM you’ve mentioned will work fine.
    If it runs at a quicker speed than supported, it’ll just run at the maximum speed the motherboard allows it to.

    I’d also suggest 2 sticks of matching RAM over a single stick so they can run in dual channel

    • Cheers. Thanks for your help

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