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Cheap soundbar with sub-woofer delivered for under $30 ( was 149.95 )
From the Laser website -
The model is SPK-SB140SUB.
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Cheap soundbar with sub-woofer delivered for under $30 ( was 149.95 )
From the Laser website -
The model is SPK-SB140SUB.
Probably a reason this is $30. Willing to bet the sync sucks and buyers will throw it in the thrash pretty quickly.
That's what I'm wondering too … although having a built in radio is kind of winning me over LOL.
In that it can't be that bad can it? … can it?
Or at the very least still an improvement to the built in Sony TV speakers?
Reviews are pretty shit.
It’s obviously going to be trash and when it does work, it’s going to sound pretty average. They’re $30 for a reason.
People just love bying cheap stuff thinking they get a deal. But $30 for garbage that doesn’t do what it’s meant to do properly is not a bargain.
30W RMS total (10W x3)…pumping!
@spackbace: Well…. if you have a $299 Viano with 2x 8W speakers, the subwoofer will likely make it sound noticeably better. It probably isn't worth spending $150 on speakers for a $299 TV anyway. :)
Got to be better than standard sound surely. If its that bad, easy to flip on Gumtree for same price.
@nubzy: Gumtree is where it’s at.
I bought a Philips sound bar/woofer for $50 that retails for $150. No way it’s worth that much.
But for what I paid it’s immeasurably made my TV sound better.
I bought a version without the sub 18 months ago. It's been used every day since then and still works fine. The sound quality is a lot better than than from the speakers of the Chinese TV it's connected to.
The model without the sub has mostly good reviews a Big W.
Keep downvoting me you coconuts and supporting trash products that do nothing but screw the environment.
I understand that. Have a +1 :P
I’ve had the same phone for 5 years and plan to keep using it. It’s a necessary evil in society, but I make the most of this one.
Guessing you’re not on a phone because “your” wasn’t autocorrected?
Your argument makes no sense at all. How could a POS soundbar for $30 that will be trashed be compared to a phone that is not only essential, but will likely be used for years (and then likely recycled)?
How could a POS soundbar for $30 that will be trashed
How do you know it's a POS? How do you know it will be trashed?
It's probably safe to say that people typically keep speakers for much longer than a mobile phone.
How do you know it's a POS?
You mean, other than the numerous reviews calling it out as trash?
@eug: Jeez, what is this, some kind of interrogation? What exactly do you want? It's got a 10w rms sub for crying out loud. Just Google for the reviews yourself - about half the reviews on bigw are 1 star, and the other half is just going to be a matter of time before they realise it's junk.
If you like the item go ahead and buy it. I won't buy it because it's crap.
What exactly do you want?
You said it was a POS that will be trashed even though you've never used it, seen it, or even heard it. If you want to talk shit about a product, you really need to provide at least some reasons why.
It's got a 10w rms sub for crying out loud.
That's 10W more sub than a $280 Viano TV has. You'll be surprised what a difference a little 10W sub can make.
I'm pretty sure most of us here aren't dumb enough to expect this $30 speaker to sound like a $300 Sony sound bar. It would improve the puny little speakers in a $280 Viano TV, but it isn't going to be a booming home theatre.
Just Google for the reviews yourself -
Not sure if you're aware of how reviews often work for low-cost items like this. A 5% failure rate seems to be the accepted figure for consumer electronics, so if a manufacturer sells 10,000 speakers, there will likely be ~500 duds. There will also no doubt be people with unrealistic expectations ("this doesn't sound like my friend's $300 Sony!") - lets say that's another 300.
So now you have 800 unhappy people who will definitely make their voices heard on forums and reviews because they're dissatisfied. That's just human nature.
Meanwhile the other 9,200 people may be 100% satisfied with their cheap speaker. But it's such a cheap little thing that they aren't going to bother going around posting positive reviews or seeking out forums to tell people "This cheap speaker works fine, makes my $250 TV sound better!". When was the last time you posted a positive review on your kettle?
about half the reviews on bigw are 1 star,
Did you actually read those reviews? You were saying the 10W sub is weak. But here is a summary of the 7 reviews:
Disregarding the DOA/faulty units which happen to any brand, what exactly is crap?
and the other half is just going to be a matter of time before they realise it's junk.
Based on what? You've never seen it, heard it, or used it.
This speaker may very well be trash. Or it may be absolutely fine for the price. I wouldn't trash a product just because it's cheap, with zero evidence to back it up apart from flawed research.
You're suddenly making me question if eco friendly tech exists
Anything at Big W should set off warning signals.LOL.
Seriously though for $30, it'd be a steal. Just to hook up the Sub woofer to my Yamaha Soundbar?
Anything at Big W should set off warning signals.
Thats taking it a little far. They have some better soundbars as well (sony and toshiba)
i tried the version without the sub the other day. It was no louder than the average TV sound, it may well have been quieter.
Not $39, but $150.. "listed at the incorrect price".
Must be a far better product now😉
And received $10 credit for trying!
While I can import for close to the same price, damn that's a deal!
10w subwoofer…
That's at least a single doof
Had $10 credit, bought one..
Same here! Ended up being $19.90 delivered!
Legit bargain at that price!
All gone but doesn't show that until you try and check out.
Price is now $149.95
Managed to get one minutes ago at $29.90
No doubt a price error emailing shortly.
haha thought I missed out cos I watched a quick YT review of it. Yeah looks like wouldn't have mattered as a pricing error.
I’ve learnt after being on OzB for a while, buy first then think/do your research!
Prior planning :) Know what you want before it's posted then attack
Pretty cool with the $15 chromecast audio deal if you managed to get one
Thanks OP just snuck in before price reverted.
Edit, just checked deal is back on.
I have one of these. Its a significant improvement over TV speakers, especially if you have a lower end TV. Ive been running my one from a previous deal on the bedroom TV for around 18 months
Back at 29.90, just ordered, thanks op
318 currently viewing! But yeah unless you want a cheap system to stick in a garage or covered outdoor area I would pass, even at this price. Cheap systems tend to have terrible sync issues with tv's because they lack HDMI ARC.
NO! I refuse to believe it.! Cheap ones are just the best ones rebranded. Not paying for that pretty packaging.
I'm sure this is up there with the $1000 systems from brands that just want your money.
It's like headphones all over again. Why spend $400 on some Sony ones when they sound on par with the ones I got from my Singapore airlines flight.
Good review on youtube, seems well worth it for a bedroom TV at just $30
Says 149.95 for me
Shows $149.95 for me. :(
It was showing 29.90 for a couple of minutes but was out of stock. Then it was back in stock but at full price.
it's funny how we think about it for $30 maybe its crap but then we see the price back up and think damn i wish i bought it for $30
I didn't because I know what they are actually worth. Wouldn't buy it at any price though.
Missed out :(
Typical Promotion Trick
I must say I got lucky :/ I didn't buy for the sake of it though. Did need one, thanks OP
Hahaha, It's the girth and size… Pamper yourself
I have a use for it and had missed out. Trade?
just in time, thanks op!
Price reduced again, got one this time, thanks OP.
Back to $29.90. Harry up for those who missed the last deal!
Just placed an order, too cheap… Good for bedroom
This is not expired, got one as well.
Bargain hard to get set for $30 now days! And well trusted brand!
It's $30 again
Just ordered one even though it's probably crap and I'll regret it. Thanks OzBargain!
$150 now.
Down again…
And back to $29
29.90. Damn Sold Out.
available now,$29.90
Back up, just got one.
Got one. Thanks OP.
Got two and paid with latitude pay to get $15 off. Thanks OP.
Just got one. Has anyone had experience with a bluetooth receiver/adapter they could recommend that I could plug into my pc to get this to connect? I grabbed a cheap one off ebay, but can't get it to connect to anything yet.
If you just intend to play music it'll be fine, but if you need the audio to be in sync with the video, Bluetooth latency might make it unusable.
aptX LL support would take care of the delay, but this speaker doesn't support it.
Got one. Thanks Op
Playing hide and seek between 29.90 and 149.90…not sure what's the reason behind this?
It's 29.90 again. Got one!
Back up to $149 now, just changed a minute ago ffs
Anyone actually comfirmed receiving one yet or is this just a scam to hold some money or sign people up to Catch?
a confirmation email received, many people placed orders let see how does it go
Managed to get an order through during one of those short windows.
Maybe someone on night shift is just having fun with OzB and there'll be bulk cancellations tomorrow :P
Don't need it, bought one anyway, lol. Can gift it if I can't find a use for it. :D
Thankyou! I got one for my cheap tv with ridiculously quiet volume
Gone back to $149
I ended up getting for for 29 just after I posted that it was back to 149. Price keeps bouncing
Back again @ 29.00
and now back to $29.90. Got 1 in the spirit of being an ozbargainer.
19 left now
17 left
Just picked up Sony CT290 for $159 clearance at Big W pretty happy with sound but hope it beats this @ $30
15 left
Bought one.
Can I use it to play spotify?
Yes, through a device (mobile phone, PC…etc)
Cheers OP. Apparently I have $10 credit.
That's strange now 16 left, one more than last available
Back to $149
Just got one for $29. Had to refresh page about 15 times to get $29 price. :D
LOL followed your advice and that did the trick!
Back to $149 WTF ? And then back down to $29 again…..
Got 2 but it's looking like it's an error going from 29 to 149 frequently.
Still $139 at Big W.