• expired

2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in October/November/December (Relish Membership Required)


Just received an email to say that this deal is continuing till 25 November 30 December.

Note - free Relish membership required.

*Valid at Grill’d restaurants. Must be a Relish member. Dine in only; not available for takeaway, via online ordering or third party delivery platforms. Offer limited to one per customer. Offer includes one (1) Free Beyond Burger with the purchase of a Beyond Burger. Free burger must be of equal or lesser value. Beyond Burger range includes; Beyond Simply Grill’d, Beyond Garden Goodness, Beyond Chipotle, Beyond Crispy Bacon & Cheese, Beyond Garden Goodness Vegan, Beyond Simply Grill’d Vegan. Additional toppings at extra cost. Not valid with any other offer. Offer valid on Mondays only until 30 December 2019.

Update: 2/12: Extended until 30/12

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Beyond crispy bacon cheeseburger for the win.
    Kind of feels like double standards eating a non meat Patty with beacon… But is delicious.

    • +1

      you reckon they taste just as good? how's the texture compared to their meat patties?

      • +6

        I quite like the taste. Sure it's not meat, but both texture and taste are fine.

        • +5

          Yeah I've only had the crispy bacon and cheese with the beyond burger but it was great. I didnt notice a difference unless I picked off a bit of the patty and ate it on it's own.

          • +6

            @theguyrules: just had one, pretty damn close to their normal burgers to be honest.

      • Texture definitely isn't as good in my opinion, taste is still quite nice though (although I could definitely pick a beyond patty from a regular beef one). Definitely worth a try!

    • +5

      Never understood the point of having bacon in this burger. You're having Beyond patty because you want to be a vegetarian due to animal cruelty and/or you want to do more for the environment, then you have a slice of bacon here which makes the whole burger not vegetarian friendly.

      • +30

        I never understood the false dichotomy of people who argue choosing to not east some meat means they are trying to be vegetarian / vegan instead of a regular omnivore. Stop gatekeeping and let people eat what they want for their own reasons.

        • +3

          I get your point. And that wasn’t my intention, maybe my thoughts were phrased properly.

          I was just pointing out from a marketing / appeal to consumers perspective.

          • +7

            @firestint: Pork has a significantly softer impact on the environment that beef. A back-of-the-napkin estimate I just did put that slice of bacon as having 1/35th the environmental impact of two beef patties.

          • +2

            @firestint: Beyond burger patties are found in the meat section of supermarkets. They are trying to appeal to meat eaters for the purposes of reducing meat consumption.

            Overpriced, poorly packaged (plastic container for just two patties) and come all the way from across the world. They are not good for the environment at the moment. Anyone concerned about the environment should not be buying two patties in a hard plastic container, imported from USA.

            • +2

              @cerealJay: Perhaps, but they're still orders of magnitude better than beef burgers.

            • +3

              @cerealJay: They don't want to reduce meat consumption, they want to make money.

          • @firestint: Probably because a lot of so called vegeterians/vegans actually eat bacon because it's delicious.

        • -4

          I never understood the false dichotomy of people who argue choosing to give their opinion and not allow those of others. Stop gatekeeping and let people give their opinion for their own reasons.

        • -1

          Airing your opinion is not gatekeeping whatever the (profanity) that means.

      • +15

        I agree it is a bit silly but from a carbon emissions standpoint pork is a much better option than beef, because:

        • They eat food scraps people otherwise wouldn't eat
        • They don't need as much farmland which could be used for growing vegetables/other food
        • One mamma pig produces a lot of baby pigs, rather than just one calf a year
        • Baby pigs reach maturity faster
        • They don't fart and burp methane nearly as much as cows.

        The calories in/land required/carbon emissions associated with producing 1kg pork is way, way less than 1kg beef. Being vegetarian/vegan isn't for everyone, but if you're looking to help simply eating more chicken and pork and less beef makes a big difference to your carbon footprint ☺

        • +3


          I still take meat but I have stopped taking beef for the reasons you have outlined above.

          • +3

            @firestint: I know plenty of vegans who still "take meat"… ;)

        • +4

          Some may not know that large quantities of pigs are sent to gas chambers to asphyxiate to death. I appreciate that some consider only the carbon footprint, but others may wish to consider the ways in which these animals are killed and then decide if it's something they feel they can morally pay for.

          On a side note, pigs have the intelligence of a 3 year old human, while dogs have roughly that of a 2 year old human.

          • +2

            @WeePaulie: It's true. their Arithmetic is atrocious

          • -1

            @WeePaulie: Gas chamber death is excellent, the pigs just fall asleep and have no idea. As I understand it they typically use C02 which induces a warm, pleasant sensation as you fall asleep and die a painless death.

        • -1

          Oh, you think factory farming is a bit like a traditional family farm.

          It isn't. The conditions are bad enough to warrant farmers and corporations preventing people inside the sheds to see what is happening. There isn't a farmer from the 1800s feeding the pigs scraps that his family didn't eat inside the shed.

      • Like the new "Rebel Burger" at HJs.
        Vegan* but cooked on the meat griddle. "If you want to go vegan get the Vegan Cheeseburger". Just… weird.
        (*I think - not sure about the mayo etc)

        • +10

          Some vegans don't care though. Some of them still like beef, but can't morally reconcile eating it. "No additional animals died so I am cool with eating this faux-meat which was cooked on the same hot plate" is a perfectly valid opinon.

          • -3

            @get-innocuous: Says the "expert"…
            rolls eyes

            • +3

              @swalloweda: I am one of those people, so what was your point, please? Something I can tell you is very tiring is meat eaters who want to act like they somehow "got me" because of stupid arguments like "well uh this plate touched meat so what do you think about that??".

        • +7

          There are a lot of people nowadays who aren't full vegan, but are just trying to reduce their meat consumption rather than cut it out completely.

        • +1

          * yes, the Rebel burger isn't completely vegan. Mayo is the standard egg mayo used with beef Whoppers. If you choose to have cheese, it is also the standard animal-rennet cheese.
          Note that you can swap these out for vegan mayo / vegan cheese of course, but this is usually 30c-50c extra.

        • -1

          Buying fast food is so rebellious.

          Jesus Christ our society is cancer.

      • You're having Beyond patty because you want to be a vegetarian

        No, not necessarily. You are having a Beyond burger because you want to cut down your intake of meat. Any BTW, Beyond burgers taste horrible and the patty looks pink giving it an off putting raw look.

        • The dumb thing is meat is the healthiest thing on the burger. The vegetables aren't bad for you but are typically mixed with sugar in some cases and only contain a small profile of nutrients. The bread and dairy if there's cheese is just unhealthy.

          No idea what the nutrient profile of these fake meats are but red meat alone contains an almost complete nutrition profile.

          • @Diji1: Nothing wrong with red meat apart from the high iron content, which has been associated with increase risk of mortality.

    • +1

      I'm a bit worried eating meat (or probably even other food) from Grill'd


  • +1

    Might just give up on my diet…

    • You don't have to, it's vegan burgers

        • What's that?

          • -2

            @cheapCheepCheap: Calories that contain no protein so that you get a satiety signal and stop eating instead of getting it 20 minutes later which is what happens with grain based products and the reason that Australian's chronically over eat and become overtweight and obese.

            Bread and other grain based products are just fillers with no nutritional benefit to encourage further over eating which means higher profits.

            Grain costs almost nothing and a highly profitable model is adding sugar to processed grain and selling at a very high price eg. breakfast cereal. It's garbage food made to cause over consumption.

      • +3

        Actually health wise these are about as good as normal meat from what I've read. So there's no real health benefit to eating them, it's more of an environmental/ethics thing.

        • +5

          Nothing wrong with eating a burger either. It's the fries, soda, dessert and the rest of what you eat that day that might put you out.

          • +1

            @MarceI: True, but it's probably not healthy to eat a Grill'd burger every day considering the sugary bread, sauce and large quantity of meat. Definitely better than maccas tho.

            • -1

              @not a bot: Meat is not unhealthy. Everything else in the burger is.

        • What about in terms of cancer risk? I know that red meat can increase risk of bowel cancer?

          • @skidexa: based on what? there's no evidence of this! avoid processed foods, including meats as they contain nitrates and nitrites as a preservative. Don has a range called "naturals" if you want ham and bacon free of these additives, doesnt last as long in the fridge though.

        • health wise definitely worse with indistinguishable ingredients to that listed in dog food. If you want to be vegan have a mushroom burger, though fungi are technically not plants!

        • -1

          Actually health wise these are about as good as normal meat from what I've read

          So it contains an almost complete nutritional profile? That seems unlikely but OK.

      • The meat is the healthiest thing on the burger. Bread is unhealthy.

  • dine in only!

    • +2

      Not entirely. Have you tried?
      Users on the previous thread said they were able to get take away.
      The one time I ordered they asked if I wanted take away.

      • +1

        T&C say dine in only, and you assume it is so.

        I was lucky to have a takeaway once, next time I asked at the same shop I heard nope.

      • +1

        Ordered again.
        They offered takeaway, and I even got 1 dine in then the next afterwards as take away.
        "Dine in" refers to how you order, because the offer can't be redeemed with Uber Eats or anything other than when you're there in person to have the offer scanned.

        • +3

          Previous B1G1F deals at grill'd they wouldn't let me get take away. probably just depends which store you go to and who is on that day…

    • Whoops, I just bought it takeaway too..

    • Dine in just means you can't order it on uber eats I've had no trouble getting them takeaway

  • +5

    Sweet. These are actually decent.

    They are also $12 for two patties alone at Coles for these Beyond Burgers so to get two full burgers cooked fresh for not much more than that…worth it.

  • -5

    Why just 2for1 on vegan burgers?
    What happend to normal meat?

    • -6

      They only will extend promos on crap they have trouble selling unfortunately .

      Obviously didn't hit there numbers hence triple the promo time .

    • +19

      Grill'd want to get people to try the Beyond Burgers. not sure what's hard to understand about that.

      • -3

        Sure a company WANTS SALES . Is that the new strategy ?

      • +1

        Is it funded by Beyond? If it was Grill'd we could have their regular vegie burgers too

    • +6

      Since these meat-free burgers have introduced there have been offers like this. It's presumably to promote and move stock because it's an expensive new investment.

      • They must not be doing too well with the vege burgers to continue to run this 2for1 promos.

        • +1

          $ are in the drinks and chips. They wouldn't continue doing something unprofitable… I'd say they've seen surges in orders to want to continue it.

    • +2

      Normal meat is dead. Literally.

  • +10

    It never ceases to amaze me how many neckbeards flood to these threads to have their say about a burger shop selling vege-paddy burgers.

    • "WHaT eVeR HaPpENed To ReAL MeAT!?!?!?!"

      Like their dietary staples of KFC and Hungry Jacks are under threat.

      • I mean, to be fair, Hungry Jacks is strongly pushing meat-free options now, so could argue their beef "staples" are somewhat under threat :)

        (disclaimer: vegan here)

        • They're pushing a new product - just like they did for their Stunner menu, Storm ice cream, frozen fanta flavours etc.

          Disclaimer: I'm a carnivore trying to reduce my meat intake :)

  • -2

    How. Much

    • Beyond Simply Grill'd
      Plant based pattie with salad, relish & herbed mayo.


      Others are up to $16.

  • +3

    Tried it. Nothing special. They must have struggled to sell it all during September and extended it.

    • +11

      Which is great for people loving them.

      • -5


        "One man's trash…"

    • I have reduced my visits to grill'd after looking at a long list of ingredients in each pattie. But then again, at least they are better than others I think.

      • Try looking at the long list of ingredients in any kind of processed, readily-available food :)

        • +1

          That makes no sense.

          He's talking about the pattie, so compare it to a beef pattie…

    • +2

      The people who keep saying that because they do a promotion it must not be working must really have no idea how these businesses actually make money

      • -1

        Enlighten me? You are obviously the repository of all business money making knowledge.

        • +2

          drop the snarkiness and I'd be pleased to

          • @Scantu: My guess is you don't have any. Why would you sell a burger two for the price of one? That price is not significantly higher than their normal vegetarian option. In addition the burger isn't any smaller.

            Even if they get the patty for free, do they get the bread, rest of the filling and labour for free to?

            Assume you are going to tell me that they make money on sides and drinks. You'd have to either be loose with your money (in which case you won't be worried about 2 for 1) or you'll have to consume significantly more (spend the saving on drinks / sides and then some to make the same bill as not giving you the free burger).

            • @netjock: Guess all you like :)

              • @Scantu: As I believed, you really have nothing. Like most of the people in this country. Nothing but hot air.

                • +2

                  @netjock: Don't feel like having a discussion with someone who's just being rude. Mind the projection as well.

                  • @Scantu: So you remember the projection "The people who keep saying that because they do a promotion it must not be working must really have no idea how these businesses actually make money"

                    If you are so knowledgeable please (I beg you) destroy my assumptions above and tell me that Grill'd is growing some magic money tree giving away half price burgers.

                    • +1

                      @netjock: I don't think you fundamentally know what projection is. Their margins are not in burgers, that is how. I feel like you're going to have an aneurysm from the way you're writing it's like you've got something riding on it.

                      • @Scantu: "Mind the projection" of how you are sounding. The "projection" of sound across the concert hall.

                        In business it is "forecast revenue and profits"

                        You got your English the wrong way around.

                        What I have riding on this is to stop people like you making smart comments and appearing like you know something but you don't because you want to put someone down.

                        IF (a big one) Grill'd did not have vegetarian / vegan options then it might be worth some money doing this (to alert they have now a vegetarian option) but they already have a vegetarian range which caters for vegetarians (who will bring in) their (non vegetarian) friends. Beyond burgers might bring in the meat eaters more often if they want a vegetarian option but unfortunately with how the burgers are priced (the same as the meat option) that is unlikely. Vegetarian food should be cheaper but it seems like all main street food outlets are selling it at the same price as non vegetarian which means there is no incentive to substitute.

                        • @netjock: Sure you can think that if you like but it's incorrect.

                          They have publically reported increases in the quantity of orders of non-meat burgers. The incentive is that you don't have to eat dead shit on a bun.

                          • @Scantu: Keep trying to run from the fact you don't know how business works…

                            If demand is up why are you selling a producing going like hot cakes on 2 for 1 basis? You know increase in volume doesn't mean total increase in profits if you are selling at a loss. If margins are lower you are diluting your margins. Why would you want to sell more of the products that lowers your % return? It isn't rocket science.

                            • @netjock: Once again, you can think that if you like, but I'm not beholden to give strangers on the internet who's holistic idea of business is MORE PLUS IS MORE GOOD insight into the fact that that is a very high level view of operations and detail to them what loss leaders are, promotional value etc.


                              • @Scantu: keep trying to sound like you know but you don't. You think a term like "loss leader" will be your winning ticket.

                                Having worked for Proctor and Gamble I can assure you nothing is done at a loss except companies that are exceptionally stupid and at risk of going out of business. At the supermarket what you think is 1/2 price special therefore Woolworths is losing money is actually subsidized by the manufacturer. These specials pull you in to buy more instead of going to a competitor. Why would you run a loss leader when the size of the stomach is fixed, customers are not allowed to take away?

                                Two people walk in for 2 for 1 beyond burger. Instead of paying $16 each ($32) they pay $16. Then you need them to spend another $16 + cost of second burger to get back to the same margin. These two people don't suddenly have a second stomach (order twice the fries and drinks) neither can they take away. Maybe you will argue they will come back later in the week and pay full price, unfortunately options are plenty. There is very little differentiation in food industry, loyalty is low and price sensitivity is high. Why do you think premium restaurants (differentiators) don't discount?

                                If they budgeted to sell 2 million burgers in September 2019, bought the stock and there is a use by date (or it is taking up expensive rented cold storage) and they haven't sold it either get rid of it quick by continue the discounting or taking forever to sell.

                                Just ask other people to Do Your Own Research (DYOR) when you haven't Done Your Own Research (DYOR) or can't show it.

                                • +1

                                  @netjock: Oh but I do know… you comparing literally groceries to this just exemplifies it all. I don't give a rats ass about either your fake credentials or where you worked as cleaning staff

                                  • +1

                                    @Scantu: Who is the fake with no real insight and facts? If you can buy beyond burgers in a super market then groceries comparison is relevant. You and your below average comprehension.

                                    Just like your comments on 2 for 1 burgers makes them money on drinks and chips.

                                    2x burgers $26. Buy 1 drink $4 + 1x fries $6 = $36

                                    2 for 1 burgers $13. $13 of drinks ($4 each) + side of fries say $6. Total $13 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 6 = $33. $3 less (not including cost of the burger given away).

                                    The only reason you would do this would be to bring people in so your skeleton staff wouldn't be doing absolutely nothing and the place doesn't look dead and creating representational damage.

                                    You probably failed at math and cleaning the floor in my office.

                                    • -1

                                      @netjock: Ad hominem isn't helping you or making you look clever. What issue do you have with my comprehension?

                                      As I've said I don't feel obligated to explain this stuff to you, but I will give you a hint, businesses don't exist in a vacuum. The simplistic approach you're taking is not sufficient to analyse the effect.

                                      • -1

                                        @Scantu: You do know I'm just parroting your insults back to you? and you are trying to pull ad hominem at me? You do have a comprehension problem, you exist in your own little bubble.

                                        Note ad hominem is genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character. All you say is there is more to it but you can't even string a simple piece of arithmetic together and make see it is a dumb idea.

                      • -1


                        Their margins are not in burgers

                        That probably changed with fake meat though assuming most of the cost is meat.

  • Do you order in store to get the discount? I tried adding two beyond meat burgers via the Grill'd relish app and it doesn't display the discount

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