Price just dropped on these DS4 controllers :)
As always, enjoy!
Credit to Shads for the title layout.
Edit: Price dropped on the black now.
That's cheap. Are they V2 ?
Yes, they're the V2 model.
How do you tell?
Easy way to tell is the light strip on the face of the touch pad which V1 doesn't have.
There wouldn't be any V1 stock about now
very rare to find new V1 now.
There's a lot of reviews on this indicating it is not genuine.
They're from the multitude of fake listings which get muddled with genuine Amazon AU stock, this is genuine.
Ah I see, it lists everything that claims it's a genuine Sony controller. Interesting.
Yeah, there has been a massive influx of fake listings recently from 3rd party sellers, Amazon seems to have cleaned them up now. That's where the bad reviews are coming from.
Great timing now that iOS/ATV supports DS4, and Steam Link is available!
Now to wait for a Xbox one controller sale. Prefer this over the ps4 controller.
Ps4 7.00 update also allow remote play for iOS and android as well. Works well for this.
Lol I decided to do just that as I am short on Xbox controllers after I repurposed my good one to PC already and left a drifting OG one on my actual Xbox one x (not a new model one).
7.00 update only added Android remote play.
iOS remote play was already active for several years now.
Great price for the V2, time to give my current one a break after somehow enduring >1k hours of rocket league, thanks Doweyy
Curious what rank you are :P
Hey that's quite good for 1k hours!
anyone elses amazon acc get locked like always
These work on iPhones/iPads/Apple TV’s running iOS 13 btw. These and the Xbox one s controller too. You can finally play the iOS versions of GTA with a PlayStation controller without jail breaking or sideloading.
Holy molly! This is cheap!
Is anyone here running these wirelessly on their windows 10 pcs? Most guides point to an adapter but I cant find much about them.
Sure, you can use any cheapo Bluetooth dongle. Mine was like $3.
I think the official one may let you run audio through the controller but generic ones are fine. It's a bit of faffing to get it working with some non-steam games.
ahh okay. Thank you
It's a bit of faffing to get it working with some non-steam games.
So how'd you get the controller to work or did you? I'm having same problem with my DS4.
You can use the ds4 app, it's really easy to set up. Steam big picture mode also naively supports the ds4.
The app is called DS4Windows
I think it pretends to be an Xbox 360 controller or something for old games.
What brand/model is it? Link? I'm looking for a dongle to work on multiple devices but need help.
If you can wait, these will likely be cheaper next month during black Friday sales. Got two last year for about $30 each
$15 each really? From where? I can’t find the post here on ozbargain.
He meant $60 total, $30each
Whoops okay, misread. But still, wondering who'd sell it so cheap, was it posted here?
@expatOz: Just checked all previous deals around Black Friday and none of them were $30. :/
I bought one last year for $50 and I doubt we'll see much lower than this.
Here's the closest one I could find:
That deal was for prime day, not Black Friday.
Awesome, I got the red controller
The red ones are definitely faster…
Can I use it with the Wii U?
Only if you buy 5, and try to connect them all at the same time.
There might be a homebrew app that allows this.
You can with an 8bitdo dongle
Can this be used for Shield TV?
Yes it can. I have both Shield TV and DS4 v2.
Thanks. Is the original Shield controller or this DS4 v2 better?
(I'm not a gamer. Just play some fun games occasionally)
I think it's down to personal preference.
Since I need a 2nd DS4 for my PS4 occasionally I decided to sell my Shield controller.
The one advantage of the original shield controller (not v2 as I never have one to know) though is the battery life, it's definitely longer than DS4.
don't really need an extra controller, but bought one - Thanks OP
anyone have any recommendations for couch co-op now?
FIFA? etc?
Could try Dynasty Warriors and/or it's many spin-offs
Diablo 3 is quite old now, and it shows. There are better ARPGs out there. Also, might not be a concern for you, but Blizzard is doing some shady shit at the moment in regards to silencing players who support Hong Kong.
Just bought Diablo 3 Ultimate cause its on special.
Played only initial story on PC, so would be nice to finish off the DLC.
Yes! Just got NHL20, first NHL game since PS2 days and rating it highly. Shame the matchmaking odds are low on most online modes though.
Keen to hear your thoughts on best modes to play offline?
I read that Franchise mode has been improved. I've only got NHL 17 so I can't speak from experience. I might buy NHL 20 though if it seems worth it.
I'm finding a lot of junk is finding its way to Amazon lately, similar to eBay, e.g. the Oral B deal, I got fakes… not happy Amazon… lift your game
Likely you bought from a third party seller.
You gotta make sure it's sold by Amazon and fulfilled by Amazon. Anything else, you're taking your chances. And when stock runs out, it can automatically switch to stuff sold by 3rd parties, so be careful of that and pay attention to the messages.
i bought a ps4 controller from amazon last week (i.e fulfilled by amazon au and not a third party). it was listed as brand new. wasn't the case when it arrived. the controller had scratch marks and signs of wear and tear on it. obviously had been used for awhile. returned for a refund.
I got one from them as well with scratches on the touchpad.
When to JB to check if it’s a common issue for new DS4 controllers and found quite a number of them with same issues.
Perhaps a quality control issue in the factory?
Yeah looks like a QC issue.
Was the box factory sealed?
Was it sold by Amazon or was it sold by a third party and fulfilled by Amazon? There are many items sold by a third party seller but are fulfilled by Amazon. That means the seller sends the items they are selling to Amazon and when someone buys the third party's item, Amazon packs and ships it for the seller and also provide the customer service for that item as well.
Information about that for sellers:…
And for buyers:…
it was sold by amazon. i never buy from a 3rd party on amazon. went to jb and bought a controller for $56 (not a scratch on it). compared it with the amazon controller and it's obvious the amazon controller had been used.
Thanks! Just bought it for my boyfriend. He wanted red even though that looks tacky as hell…
Don't complain - same guy, same taste…
As "jv" mentioned, Red ones are faster.
Damn. I bought a red one last week for $62. Does Amazon Au do price match? or should I refund?
Refund unless you can't be bothered with the $12.50 saving
Contacted Amazon support. I've bought like $500 worth off stuff this last week so they were probably a bit more lenient on me and gave me a $10 promotion voucher. Used voucher on controller. Will refund other controller.
Tried to do a price match difference with the Oculus Quest when they put it on sale. They wouldn't give the difference. Had to go through the refund process.
Personally I think this is the best controller for PC use, the touch pad allows for control of the cursor, would recommend!
Might want to note that there is no native support for it on PC, and will require you to install drivers (e.g., DS4Windows) to enable use of touchpad, and the installation may be finicky. Steam does have native support for the controller, but I can't comment on how good that is (and you won't be able to use controller for non-steam games unless you install said drivers).
However, the controller works beautifully once you've got everything set up, and no regrets from me.
the only problems I've had was when DS4Windows and steam native support clash but disabling steams support is simple and havent had problems with DS4Windows, The multiple profiles for different games is great.
Wireless working without any issues either?
No issues with wireless for me
can't wait for samsung to update my s8 to android 10 so I can connect this controller to remote play!
S8 isn't getting android 10. Unless I missed the joke
yeah, I literally just saw a 'leaked' list today about that.
Now I'm really annoyed.
Bought the tacky red one to match my tacky white PS4 pro :D
In the right angle, they’ll become pink!
Had postage cost $5.99?
that's for expedited shipping which is automatically selected. Change to the first option which is free
Would buy if I had friends to play PS4 with.
You don't need friends to justify a second controller. I need to buy one as a back up when my wife hides my DS4 when she is angry with me.
You should definitely buy the red one.
Wow. What are you gonna do if she hide your PS4?
I play using a usb cord and the DS4 works natively in windows10 PLUS the buttons show up as PS4 buttons and not Xbox buttons like they do using DS4windows
Best thing about buying this from Amazon is the customer service. I have replaced the red DS4 3 times in one year no questions asked, they ship the new one and send you a return envelope to send the faulty one back.
Thanks op
received mine today. no scratches.. looks brand new.
Received already!
Looks fine to me. What kind of scratch/mark am I specifically looking for?
How would I charge it if I don't own a ps4? Would I need a ps4 charging dock that is currently $35 on Amazon AU. I know you can charge it using an phone charger with the mico usb but I am worried I might end up damaging it. I was thinking of just using a micro usb and charge it with laptop. Any ideas?
Just charge it like you mentioned, it’ll be fine.
Micro USB charge via Laptop. I would probably not use a phone charger (even though it would probably be fine) just in case
Got mine yesterday. Sealed and brand new. No cable tho, but I think that is normal? Anyway, there are always extra cables hiding somewhere.
Surprised no cable, but that’s what the box said.