• long running

No Transfer Fee When You Send Money Directly to a Bank Account @ Skrill


I recently used https://transfers.skrill.com/en/ for money transfer to India and found the rates are very good and they don't charge any fee while sending to bank account.

Not sure on the fees for other countries but looks like others should also be free.

Mod: The referral codes look like a first and last name truncated with a number. You must do an eligible transfer to get the appropriate referral code. Referral codes that are all numbers are invalid.

Referral Links

Referral: random (22)

Referred member receives $40 off their first transfer over $100. Referee also receives $40 off their next transfer.

BTC Crypto: random (1)

5€ in BTC for referrer and referee.

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  • +5

    Man.. your username reminds me of my younger days! ;)

    • Same .com

  • What does $40 off next transfer mean for the referer/e bonus?

  • Guess the referral codes available in OZB are used to maximum limit? I get the error "Code cannot be applied. Maximum number of invited customers with this code has been reached." Anyone else with the code, can you please add it to OZB referral link?

    • tried again and worked with another code.

    • Do you know if the $40 off is on just fees or $40 off on the amount you are transferring?

      • +3

        $40 was taken off from the transfer amount (in the first transaction, not the next one which I think it pretty amazing and rare deal). Screenshot of my transfer -> https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/99873/73250/skrill_mon…

        • Mate, did they charge you any extra fee for non-USD payment?
          I'm getting below message when trying to pay A$60.
          They are charging USD 67.72 for A$60.

          Please note, your bank might charge you a currency conversion fee, as we do not currently process payments in AUD and will be charging your card USD 67.72

          • @[Deactivated]: No, it didnt charge me any fees and my payment screen showed only AUD. Are you sure you chose country of residence as Australia during registration?

            • @thriver: @thriver: Yes, I did gave my Australia address during registraion.

          • @[Deactivated]: Are you sending AUD to convert to USD?

        • That’s amazing! Thanks heaps.

  • i've used skrill for 15 years - in a certain sector, it was all anyone used so you had no choice.

    i haven't looked into the details of the deal, but i can't recommend the site. i would just use transferwise.

    • +2

      Can you please shed some light ? I still don't understand what you mean.
      I use transferwise currently.

      • Gambling. Skrill used to be one of the main ways to transfer funds into offshore bookies, most notably Pinnacle Sports. It's always been known as a gateway to gambling. Recently Skrill has branched out to fx transfers

    • Sent mine to my transfer account gbp . Arrived in less then 5mins.
      Converted to AUD and sent to my bank.

  • any referral codes.

    • use the random referral link generator just beneath the post

  • -5

    Don't risk your dollars, Indian banks are now exhausted by the Ruling governments. They holding the money of the account holders. Recent issue with PMCBank. People can't withdraw more than 10000Rs(~AUD $200) in six months.
    So your money will be safe here rather then risking.

    • +1

      But this is an English company?

      • Skrill have no control over what the receiving bank charge or do with the funds.

        Curious how long these transfers are taking to hit the recipient…they have to making money somewhere..

        • AUD to GBP is near instant. Euro is same day or next working day. Thailand was pretty quick too, not as fast as transferwise but still fast.

    • That limit applies to overseas/Indian debit cards withdrawing money from ATM in India. U can withdraw 10000RS / $200 as many times you want but an ATM withdrawal fee of 200 Rupees/ 4AUD applies each time.

  • Thanks OP. This works like a treat. Free money, too easy!

  • Thanks OP, This is great. Ticks all the boxes for me.

    • Referral bonus of $40 was applied straightaway on the first transfer (signing up using ozbargain random referral code generator)
    • Exchange rate is pretty much what I see on google
    • No transfer fees
    • In my case, I got money credited to beneficiary within an hour (but understandably this may differ depending on receiving country and banks)
    • Did you happen to get a email from skrill with referal information. The codes starting with numbers do not work.
      It seems the refer needs to do an eligible transaction.

      I got it to work but I want to use my link for a friend and so far have had no luck.

  • @OP, consider highlighting the referral benefit in the description. Currently the referral link generator incorrectly says "Referrer and referee get $40 off next transfer after referee's 1st transfer over $100."

    The $40 off is on the first transaction not the next transfer.

  • I tried to register using the referral link.
    after putting the details on register page, and tried to login, it shows that my account is deactivated and gave me email saying my account is temporary restricted.
    anyone got the same issue?

    • I am on same boat

      • got reply from skrill support, saying that i register under masked ip/vpn. I register it at office.
        Tried to register at home and it works. fyi

  • If anyone does this please note, the referal codes with numbers at the start do not work. Those accounts have not done an eligible transfer and you will not get the bonus.

    The codes that do work look like names that have been triangulated (first and last with a number)

    • Do you know what the transaction minimum is for the initial eligible transfer?

      • $100 AUD but you pay $60 AUD. Its charged in USD. So use a card with no conversion fees.

        • You misunderstand. I am asking about the first transfer to make your account eligible to refer others. My referral code is a number as I haven't completed a transfer yet.

          • +2

            @Reveen: Just send the minimum. I sent 2£ but it needs to be an account not in your name.

            If you don't send $100 aud in the first transaction you dont qualify for this promotion.

            Also, when you send an eligible promotion you need to verify your account with ID it will also try check your location (GPS).

            • +1

              @shadowangel: Thanks. Your duplicate deal which I viewed earlier was deleted but it contained the information required unlike the OP of this version who did a shocking job of explaining anything at all.

              • +1

                @Reveen: Yes. Please contact the mods. It took me a great deal of time trying to work out why some codes worked and some don't and how to get a working link.

  • Note. This can clear in less then 10mins if sending to your self. Message me if you have problems.

    I have sent 3 payments now.

  • Registered with Oz address - Please note, your bank might charge you a currency conversion fee, as we do not currently process payments in AUD and will be charging your card USD

    • Yes but everyone on ozbargin should have a no fee card by now.

  • I did a payment last night to my parents account in India. It says the payment failed but my card has been charged.

    • You sure its charged and not pending ?
      If a payment does not go through it will be reversed.

  • Thanks OP for posting the deal.

    Transfer was super fast to my GBP Transferwise account (took just minutes). Really impressed with Skrill's service.

    • yeah they release funds right away, the only issue i have had is once transfer-wise rejected a payment. they refunded my account with in 3 working days or so.

  • Signed up yesterday using a referral from this post - hopefully made someone happy.
    Transferred AUD to my TransferWise UK account - paid $60 AUD and got back $98.38 AUD (small transferwise fee)
    Whole process took a few minutes - super easy
    Thanks op

    • Nice, you can also link this up and do Worldremit another 30AUD profit. and Xendpay (19aud-20aud). Instarem sometimes have promotions too.

      • Cheers - maybe a silly question but…
        I referred a mate to Skrill who did a transfer yesterday which all went fine - saved $40
        Today I received an email saying "Great news you have earned $40 for referring your friend"
        I just can't figure out how to use the $40 I received for referring someone.
        When I follow the email link it shows me I have $40 referral credit - but when I go to my account dashboard my balance is $0 and when I try to do another transactions it doesn't show any way to use the credit.

        Any ideas or am I missing a step to use the $40 I earned for referring someone?

        • +1

          I have the answer to my own question - wait.
          I checked my account again a few hours later and my referral credit was there.
          I did another GBP transfer and it simply discounted my transaction by $40AUD
          All good.

          • +2

            @gimjam: yeah, you can save up to two on a single transfer. so it can give you 80AUD off 100, Pay $20.

            Instarem (they have bonus codes plus $10 referal), xendpay(20aud), worldremit(30aud voucher) still have bonuses too.

  • Make sure you send to bank account not Skrill, I didn't read properly so I lost $70 in fees doing this.

    • $70 in fees? Easy exchange in transferwise and send back to your bank or withdraw with the atm card.

      Alternatively use xendpay, send another 50£ or so to transferwise to make 100£ and claim the 10£ there too. Send to your AUD account.

      • I made the mistake of sending Skrill to Skrill to my girlfriend. She had to send the money back which cost more than what I received. Unfortunately she didn't realise the fee was so high.

        I got transferwise in the end, so I'm only down about $30 total.

  • Worked fine for me. No fees charged when transferred to bank account

  • I tried this and worked like a charm. But looks like my bank charged me some transaction/conversion fee of approx $12.
    May I ask what bank cards you all are using to avoid fee? I have a credit card which doesn't have any transaction charges but not sure if I can use cc for these type of transfers.

    Edit: I used option pay with debit card.

    • Transferwise is the best to recieve. No fees. Citi bank too but its card is hopeless.
      Use the transferwise card to withdraw from atm.


      Is the best account to spend the money plus cashback, intrabank exchange rates you can also convert to AUD with little to no fees.
      You can topup your foreign accounts with your transferwise card.

  • Can I use Skrill the other way around? To receive money and transfer to my AUD bank account? Thinking of better way to withdraw money from eToro and saw Skrill is 1 of the option

    • I think that will use its digital wallet, i don't recomend using that. The fees are fairly high from memory.

      If etoro is sending a foreign currency use Citibank global USD account, i would not recommend using transferwise for etoro.

      You can then send from citi to your transferwise account to convert and then use the transferwise card to withdraw.

  • Not able to add referral code during sign up? How do u all add referral code which creating account??
    Someone please clarify me.

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