This was posted 5 years 4 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Gold Edition AU $44.47 @ Humble Bundle


Gold Edition Contents:
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
Civilization VI – Vikings Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI: Rise and Fall expansion
Gold Edition Contents:
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
Civilization VI – Vikings Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI – Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI: Rise and Fall expansion

Try not to do 'just one more turn'

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Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • +1

    The only DLC missing is Gathering Storm, present cheapest price is $41.21.

    The platinum edition which does contain that DLC is $67.59 on Steam at the moment, so might be worth buying that instead if you want the complete game.

    • +2

      Any more content on the roadmap or schedule to be released.

      I told myself I will start considering it when they start reaching 80% off and all the dlc and expansions are released.

      No rush from me but would like to collect it some day will probably be a cheap fanatical deal or real proper humble bundle bargain.

      • Had a Google, nobody has any idea - it's all just speculation. I too will probably only jump on this when there is a definitive complete collection.

  • How are the scenario packs in terms of value?

    Played a bit of Civ and most of it revolves around trying to be first to get nukes and then basically start war mongering hard core. Wouldn't mind a bit of scenarios to mix it up a bit.

  • +1

    Civilization VI – Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack

    LOL. Having not played the game, does this include buying and selling properties?

    • lol no …

      • Do you have to change Prime Ministers every year?

        • PM is permanent puppet. Doesnt matter who is in power

    • You get extra housing from making cities on the coast in the game
      which is funny because no one can afford to buy a house in real life anymore

  • -7

    Good base game, but I stopped playing after they introduced the Climate Change Hoax into the game. Politicised devs ruined a good game.

    • +3

      Really takes away from the realism of the Giant Death Robots

      • +1

        No seriously though having climate change in the game really hurts my immersion when I drop a thermonuclear device on a power ranger megazord

    • Disagree, game is muuuuch better with Gathering Storm

  • just need the expansions…

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