Crank up your tunes with this Yamaha 108B Soundbar with its 120W total output. Enjoy deep bass with the inbuilt dual subwoofer unit that delivers exceptional bass whilst watching your favourite movie or gaming on your gaming console. This all in one Soundbar allows you to enjoy sound like never before with DTS Virtual:X compatibility, that allows you to immerse yourself in 3D surround sound. This Soundbar features Bluetooth connectivity where you can connect devices via Bluetooth and enjoy listening to your favourite music, plus pair your Yamaha 108B Soundbar with your Amazon Echo device.
Yamaha YAS-108B 120W Soundbar $159.20 + Delivery (Free C&C) @ The Good Guys eBay

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I'm chasing one as well so looking forward to any recommendations.
To answer my own query, I got one of these: for $299. $100 more on eBay and as it is also a Yamaha, it should be fine for our needs.
Interesting. Cheers! Let me know how you go with that one. I'm THISclose to pulling the trigger on it as well.
OK bought this from the good guys last time and it worked for 3 hours then broke. When I returned it they were out of stock so they couldn't replace it. Guess I'm going to give it another shot!
Broke how? Just stopped working?
Yeah just stopped working. When I felt the unit it was quite hot on one side, not sure if that's normal though? And any time I tried to turn it on after that some of the LEDs would come on and it would start making this sort of "popping" noise before shutting off. Left it unplugged for a day and tried again but had the same issues. Must have just been a dud unit. Looking forward to getting a working one!
Can we get this price matched anywhere?
I doubt it, since it requires a coupon code.
Did anyone else have no other contact details other than the order number in their ebay purchase summary/invoice? Just trying to figure out if I should contact them if I can't pick it up or just anyone with the order number as it didn't ask me for those details.
You'll receive an email from The Good Guys when your order is ready to pickup with further instructions.
You are required to bring a copy of the email (phone is fine) + identification (driver's license, passport, etc) + a copy of the PayPal confirmation email (if you used PayPal).
Maybe I'm jumping ahead a little but I guess my question is do/can I nominated someone else to pick it up for me in advance or is the ID requirement you mentioned just to prove who's actually picked it up in case of dispute? Thanks!
I'm not 100% sure, my comment was based on my past order from TGG eBay.
@RichardL: All good I'll wait to hear from them and figure it out then. It's just literally my current order information doesn't reflect any personal details at this stage. Just the general descriptions and an order number. Maybe TGG ebay updates that once it's ready for pickup I'm just worried of any issues if they've done it and then say I can't nominate someone else to pick it up if need be.
@H E B: Just an update to this. TGG ebay don't even bother responding to messages so make sure if theres no address/contact nomination you update your primary postal address with whoever you want to pick it up before purchase.
Ebay automatically just provided the defaul primary postage information in my case and gave that to TGG. Thankfully I was able to pick it up anyway can imagine how much a pain it'd be if I had incorrect postage details.
I collected mine today. They provided a 108 (not 108B). When I queried it, they said the only difference was the colour. They did not have 108B in stock.
I could be wrong but I wasn't sure what if there was a difference. The box on mine says 108 as well but the sticker says 108B like on their website. Tried googling but couldn't seem to find any difference. I might be stock from different regions maybe like the ats1080 I'm not sure. Either way it sounds awesome for a $200 bar.
Being a busy mum I haven't bothered to read the manual but it seems like there might be more than one surround mode as when I press the button on the remote the unit blinks but i can't notice the difference (was expecting the light to come off).
Anyone find it annoying when you switch off the power on the remote seems like some of the settings are reset? I've only noticed the volume? I think for now and the 3d surround (because the blue light isn't on anymore when I turn it on).
This is apparently what's the difference between 108 and 108B:…
I had a google into it a bit more later on that day and realised overseas at least you can get RED 108s and I think the standard 108 is a slightly lighter cover than the black mesh on the 108Bs so depends on personal preference / colour matching perhaps. I our case, that's all that TGG is selling so black it has been!
Thanks OP, was just investigating a soundbar to replace an aged 5.1 system as wife unhappy with the wiring everywhere, this looks to be right on the money, awesome deal.
Let us know how it compares? I sold a really nice 5.2 system in a relocation and was wondering if this can fill the gap or if it's just too far off to bother with.
For a simple setup we also decluttered a 7 speaker system with a big doof box 5.1ch. The Mister wasn't happy about it as he loved the system… but he's gotten used to the new one. It hasn't got as much bass but for $160 and the amount of space it takes up with the clarity - it's fairly impressive how technology has progressed, especially with the inbuilt amp!
Nowhere near as good as true 5.1 with correctly-placed speakers. You just can't simulate that. But - for 90% of my TV viewing the soundbar is great. Its 10 times better than the TV built-in sound and is small and sleek. It also means no long bundles of wires, and speakers up in the room corners, etc which is good.
If you love your surround movies and 5.1 music albums an actual 5.1 system is the only way to go. For everything else, this soundbar is very good - though it's the only one I've tried. Sounds decent enough for streaming mp3s via BT as well for casual listening. Again, it's not as good as a proper stereo/5.1 system listening to CDs/FLAC files but then it's not meant to be. So I can handle that to gain the convenience.
Can anyone suggest me a decently priced sub to pair for this? Thanks!