20% off at TGG eBay is back on again!
Sony WH1000XM3B Premium Noise Cancelling Wireless Headphones - Black $319.20 C&C (Or + Delivery)
Google Nest Hub Max $279.20
As always, enjoy!
20% off at TGG eBay is back on again!
Sony WH1000XM3B Premium Noise Cancelling Wireless Headphones - Black $319.20 C&C (Or + Delivery)
Google Nest Hub Max $279.20
As always, enjoy!
Can you use gift cards in combination with a discount code?
Hey, the nest hub is actually the nest hub max.
Seems like a good price however!
Thanks lol, have updated!
About $50 less than the best price at release for nest hub max, awesome device, music is good and live photo albums great on the big screen.
Can you use the live-viewing feature without a subscription?
Yes, no subscription needed for photos
$2876 for Samsung Q80R 65"
Pretty good price!!!!
Great price, pity no stores have stock
Prefer to pick up myself
anyone recommend el-cheapo oven to get?
The sound, battery/charging and noise cancelling of the Sony WH-1000XM3 is SO much better than the Bose QuietComfort 35 ii… I just wish it was as comfortable and could be worn for longer than 1 hr before being uncomfortable around the ears and making them sweaty!!
Just buy aftermarket ear cups :)
How are they different?
I use the sony 3-4 hours a day..no issues,,
I use the XM2's. Very happy with it, these I hear are even better.
Price Jack!!!
This TV was $3495 now back up to $3995
Waiting for it to drop lower than the $3K Mark!!!!
VideoPro had the best price at around $2800+ but no shipping to Melbourne. Sucks!!!
How do you get $2800? Cheers
A couple week's back. It was $2876 or something with Free Pickup. That was when the TV was priced at around the $3495 mark at the Bigger Retailer's.
If GG did the TV at even $3500 with 20% it would be an absolute Steal!
Waiting/Hoping for the DROP :)
Same for Google Home Max. Sold for $299 for the last six weeks, now apparently a bargain at $30 more inc the 20% discount. They'll catch a few. Deceptive and misleading imo. The very least they should do if they were being honest with their customers is make the new price plus discount = the previous lower price.
They cover their very large arses now by saying "off listed Ebay prices. Items may have been at lower prices before this sale", or words to that effect.
The Google Home Max hasn't been $299 since 6 September so you're incorrect in saying it's been that price for the last 6 weeks.
One of us is, and it isn't me according to this: https://offer.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&ite…
@[Deactivated]: That was last sold on 29 August 2019 at $299, refer the price change on 6/9 as per Price Hipster.
@doweyy: Last 89 ebay sales, since 20 Aug, were for $299. That's 49 days or 7 weeks by my reckoning.
@[Deactivated]: Lol what? As per the link, the item was last sold for $299 on 29/8, Price Hipster says the price went back up to $399 on 6/9.
That means, the price has been $399 for the last 5 weeks which is well before this promotion.
Items don't just sell without being on that page you linked, that page refers to the last sale being made on 29/8 for $299.
@doweyy: Instead of the lol whats, try using the ebay SOLD link from the GG Ebay store I posted. 208 sold, the last ~89 at $299. Last $399 sale was on the date I wrote, 7 weeks ago.
@[Deactivated]: The last 89 were sold before 29/8, you're the one that's confused here. The price has been $399 since 6/9.
Don't know what's hard to understand about that.
@doweyy: Yep, my apologies. Last GG sale at $399 was 7 weeks ago. That would explain why they haven't sold any since August.
@gimmeabreak: You taken on the role of my personal stalker/negger? Time heals all, hopefully you'll get over your gas problem soon enough. Meantime you could break your duck, make yourself useful and try finding a deal between now and the end of the year.
@[Deactivated]: You did end up looking just a little bit silly on this one though didn't you. Maybe just a bit? A wafer thin bit?
@gimmeabreak: Yep undoubtedly, hence the apology. How did your Y4 arithmetic error go in the Craft Cartel deal?
@[Deactivated]: Yeh the apology makes it all good doesn't it.
On to the next obnoxious declaration and confrontation.
@gimmeabreak: Better than no apology, like yours eh? I could be wrong but it seems to me you were the one poking the bears in the WA energy thread. Nonsense is nonsense and deserves to be exposed. Yours was, grow up and deal with it.
@[Deactivated]: Yes you are wrong.
But I'm right, so no apology needed from me. All my friends in the office agree and I expect a promotion from my executive role in a multi-national organisation.
Go on give S2 a plus - that's pretty funny.
I was going to ask if you are having a bad day, but it seems to be a few days in a row now.
@[Deactivated]: "Nonsense is nonsense and deserves to be exposed." You sound like one of those Choice Magazine Marxists.
@[Deactivated]: and I love the arrogance that your opinion is considered fact, but noticeably only by you.
@gimmeabreak: 3 chimerical posts over a two and a half hour period. You've really been stung eh? A laxative and a good lie down might help.
@gimmeabreak: The irony is palpable. Quite a gap between your thought processes, such as they are. You might want to consult your GP or perhaps your "friends at the office"?
That ebay listing hasn’t change price since oct 3rd.
Great post. 20% off on fantastic Google Nest Max Hub is terrific. Well done.
+1 for the Google Nest Max. Get it if you can.
cheapest this has been after the recent appliance central deal ($3160)
Panasonic GZ1000U 65" $3196
Dammit, no Hue extension strips.
Nutribullet 1000W was $119 now $149. It was a better deal before with 3 or 5 percent off. Careful when buying compare the prices before and now.
Any wise heads know if, based on historical activity, other retailers will follow with a 20% code soon?
The Good Guys are always jackin' it. I wish they'd stop, it's indecent.
Got myself a fitbit and a kindle 👏
ooooh good price on the nest hub max! now, to check out or not to check out…
Sorry if it's been asked before. Do the good guys stores ever match the good guy ebay price? I have vouchers.
Thanks in advance
They said they can’t afford to do that, the last time I asked.
Always worth asking but be prepared for a no. Then ask them what their best in-store price could be. My experience has been that the more confident/experienced salespeople will try to get your sale, others will let you walk away. Ymmv.
When I go for click and collect, the stock is not available for the whole of Sydney. When I go to the Good Guys website, it is available at all the stores. Is this a system error or do they allocate a separate stock for the eBay store?
Happens all the time
Quite a few times eBay says none but the local store site says stock
same for me. i was going to buy a dishwasher that is in stock at the store but ebay says no stock. annoying.
I can't see any DJI drones. Am I missing something?
Yes, the DJI drone :P
Is the Nest Protect Smoke Alarm a good price at $135.20 after discount?
TP Link Smart Plug HS110 becomes $31.20. Not the cheapest indeed ($27 at Amazon a while ago) but respectable.
So it's max 2 transactions. Seems to be a max discount of $1000 per transaction.
Huh, the code doesn't seem to be working anymore. At least not for the Sony headphones. Anyone else having a problem?
Having the same problem… Trying to buy with gift cards, stock seems to be showing, but it says the item isn't available in the requested quantities.
EDIT: it's probably just the store you're trying to click and collect from that has run out of stock, and the system hasn't updated yet. I had this issue with the Chadstone store in Victoria, was able to buy through another store.
A couple of days ago bought an item from TGG ebay and paid with ebay GC via paypal, now the item listing is showing $30 lesser than what I had paid, any way I can claim the difference ie $30
Nice.. Time to unleash ebay gift cards.. 🤓
Thanks Doweyy