OMG Get Wines Direct are champions!! I've just taken my coupons down to Dan's & got a bargain on Jim Beam for $20!!
There were heaps of people down there cause it's only on today in Melbourne…VB aswell & some wines…download your coupns if you don't have the paper, but get in quick I say!!
Get Wines Direct do it again!!! VB case $25 Jim Beam White label 700ml $20 with coupon

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Won't work in SYD. In MEL Dan's and 1st Choice will only match if they are within a 10km radius of Get Wines Direct. The guy @ 1st Choice I spoke to the other day said they match it at Richmond and Chadstone.
i want this in sydney :(
I love bourbon. not a big fan of jim beam at all, but for $20 cant pass it up…
Is $20 even legal? I thought there was a floor on 700ml spirit bottles due to tax …
If it is, I'm moving to Melbourne
yeah I think so, its still expensive, it really should be at that price all the time..
Overseas I once got a bottle for $8!
The excise per standard drink of spirits is $0.87, so over $18 of that $20 bottle is tax. Then add GST. They're giving it away.
why do they charge more for spirits??
its a real PITA, i should start making my own whiskey
maybe coz Australia's economy woz built by the Rum Corp ;-) are seen as being more harmful than other forms of alcohol, therefore are taxed at the highest per standard drink rate.
Alcohol is incredibly cheap to make. CSR makes 100% ethanol at under $1 per litre to blend into E10 and E85 fuel. The cheapest vodka is about $25 per 0.75L and only contains 40% alcohol. That's equivalent to $83 per litre for 100% ethanol. 83 times more expensive.
Wow you guys living near getwinesdirect are so lucky.
I'm surprised dan murphy’s hasn't tried to buy you guys out so they can get rid of these deals :)
They have; it didn't work. Lots of "history" between the management of Dans and the owners of GWD
Good deal and the folks at GWD have some good wine deals - but they'd have to pay me $25 to drink the VB……
BALI HAI CARTON $19.99 a carton!!!!!!!
I used to live 500meters from where getwinesdirect is.
now I live 1800kms from them.Get Tony Sells to personally deliver them … by advising them that Wine Market does! he he he
the "Bogan mix"
lol !
Purchase both in one transaction to receive a complimentary copy of Barnestorming on CD
I tried to pricematch a GWD deal at Dan Murphys Camberwell (within 10kms) with a printout. I was denied despite the voucher having nothing about the newspaper copy being required. I don't know if I just got bad customer service but I wouldn't advise travelling too far for one of these offers.
So much for no one beats Dan Murphy.
Its always been like this. Not saying I agree but Dan Murphys will only accept newspaper copy.
I live 300kms away from GWD and DM still price match with the original newspaper voucher. I have never had a problem with them price matching at DM!
Sorry, was it in todays Sun? If so, I couldn't find it.
Just checked, it's in the Age
which dan murphy beat these prices. do you reckon this will work in sydney