Was in a Car Crash Last Tuesday, Car Has Been Totaled and Don't Know Where to Go from Here

So last Tuesday, my mother was driving down a highway while I was in the backseat of the car. A vehicle had then come from the left of us and bumped into us, causing our vehicle to swerve and tumble 2-3 times, needless to say it's hellishly totaled. So I got out, completely unscathed and my mother had glass cuts across her arm. We were carried away by an Ambulance and checked for injuries while the police arrived at the scene. The hospital checked us out with no major injuries and everything was fine.

So here's the issue, we can't claim anything, cos the crash didn't meet the criteria (Nobody was DUI, had major injuries, or failed to exchange details), the police don't have a report on it, and we sorta need a report number for a CTP claim… So yeah, we're sorta outa luck. Any suggestions on what to do from here on out would be extremely appreciated.

BTW, crash happened in Rockdale, NSW


  • +2

    Speak to your insurance company asap.

    If you have comprehensive insurance then you should be covered for the car damages (less your excess).

  • +4

    So here's the issue, we can't claim anything, cos the crash didn't meet the criteria (Nobody was DUI, had major injuries, or failed to exchange details), the police don't have a report on it, and we sorta need a report number for a CTP claim… So yeah, we're sorta outa luck. Any suggestions on what to do from here on out would be extremely appreciated.

    What do you mean didn't meet criteria? Your car was totalled, what other criteria needs meeting?

    Call you insurance now.

    Waiting to be told no insurance, didn't take down other party's details.

    • Don't forget to add "no dash cam", no proof, etc.

      So the TLDR thus far is:

      Wrecked car. How do I get something?

  • +2

    Don't Know Where to Go from Here

    What do you want to achieve?

    The hospital checked us out with no major injuries and everything was fine.

    Glad that you guys are okay - easy to get caught up in the details of these things and forget that not everyone is as lucky.

    cos the crash didn't meet the criteria (Nobody was DUI, had major injuries, or failed to exchange details)

    I'm not sure what you mean, criteria for what?

    the police don't have a report on it

    The police arrived, so they have to. If you've been told this I suspect that you've encountered an officer who isn't doing his best to help you. Try again.

    we sorta need a report number for a CTP claim

    Why do you need a CTP claim? You haven't caused injury to anyone?

    So yeah, we're sorta outa luck.

    Out of luck for what? What are you trying to achieve? Just go to your insurance, let them deal with it. If you have comprehensive, easy. If you have third party, you should have the details of the other driver (or at least police report), they'll follow it up.

    If you're uninsured, you can go see a lawyer and sue the other party. Or you can accept the expensive lesson and take out insurance next time. You take the risk, you reap the rewards, you suffer the consequences - that's my take when it comes to not insuring.

  • There is an event number somewhere for this incident. Find it and report back to us.

  • +1

    Op hasn't got any insurance, only 3rd party. If your claiming injury to mums cuts you will need to go to a lawyer if that's what you want to claim under CPT. Assume you are saying it wasn't your mums fault, but the other party. OP to respond?

    Comprehensible insurance next time I suspect. Consider yourself very lucky it didn't cause serious harm. Oh Dash can required as well.

  • +5

    I get it - the police don't have a report because there's no MS Paint drawing on ozbargain to work off. They're just waiting for that.

  • +1

    Don't Know Where to Go from Here

    GenericAnswer… Car Shopping

  • +1

    You mention 'CTP Claim', so what you are wanting is advice about a personal injury claim, rather than the damage to the vehicle.

    To be quite honest I would be grateful that , apart from some glass cuts, neither of you was seriously hurt, and leave it at that.

    Once you start involving Lawyers it could become quite expensive, and you may not achieve the result that you want.

  • Ned more info. If you only have CTP then your injury costs should be covered by the other car, which appears to be unknown. Fortunately this sounds like it might be quite low, except maybe the ambo ride.
    If you only have CTP and want to claim for he damage to the car you are out of luck and the car cost is coming out of your pocket. You will need to personally claim against the driver of the other car for that.

    What happened to the other car, did it just bugger off?

  • This isn’t very clear. What kind of insurance do you have? What do you want to claim for? It sounds like the other driver is at fault, did you get their details?

  • +4

    OP thinks CTP is car insurance i would say, so no insurance.

    1. Are you insured?
    2. Do you have a dashcam?
  • +1

    Did the other car stop op?

    I think the op is looking to make a civil claim for pain and suffering? (Not going to happen op, this isn't murca.)

    More info needed

  • You may have trouble proving the other vehicle "come from the left of us and bumped into us", as opposed to your car moving to the right and bumping the other vehicle.

  • +3

    Prepare for scoot to school week.

  • +1

    Not enough info. OP is a new ghost.

  • +3

    OP had a few beers last night and thought he'd get create a new ozbargain account and get creative.

  • +5

    Why does the same question get posted over and over again asking what to do after an accident.

    Do people just think they can get their licence and not need to know anything else? I find
    it unbelievable there's so many drivers who know absolute sh!t about the road rules etc and anything other than themselves.

    • +2

      Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder smartass, nobody wanna lift take no heavy ass weights responsibility. - Connie Roleman.

  • +1

    Alright, guess I'll have to be the one to ask.

    OP, why were you in the back seat?

    • Maybe someone else was sitting on the front passenger seat which OP has neglected to mention.

  • AGenericUsername
    Member Since 23 hours 7 min ago

    I wonder if we will hear back from the OP again.

    • +2

      Yep should just close this thread now, guessing we won’t hear again from the OP.
      Don’t waste your time people.

  • the police arrived at the scene.

    And what did they do? There has to be a report if the car rolled over and you were taken to hospital.

    • +4

      They are still working on their MS Paint diagram.

  • OP Last Seen 06/10/2019

    Stop replying, pls! This thread is RIP.

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