"On November 9, 2018, the hackers sent an email to a senior staff member at the ANU.
Another staff member, who had access to their colleague's account, previewed the email but never clicked on it.
Inside a massive cyber attack on the Australian National University that risks compromising high-ranking officials across the globe.
Even though the email was deleted, it was too late to stop the hackers, who had already accessed the senior staff member's username, password and calendar."
I don't get it. How does that work? I know very little about IT security but I will have a wild guess - brain-numbing stupidity?
The simplest ones basically just mimic the portal of their intranet.
So, they'd go to ANU's webmail, then create a website that looks identical. They'd register a domain called anu.udsadfs.com, and set up the trap.
They'd then find the senior staff members names / emails by visiting their public profiles. They then email out to one of them with something basic and wait for a reply.
When they reply, they'll recreate their signature and then send out another email to someone else masking themselves as [email protected] with the correct signature, and ask them to view a particular intranet document. When they click on the link that's imbedded into the email, it'll take them to their intranet log in page which they've done countless times. Once they enter their details, they use those details to get in.
It's harder now with two form authentication, as they'd have to accept it on their phone etc.
Edit: FYI, I've never been to UNA's portal or researched them previously. It took a minute to get the above links from google.